EA Downloader and the release of BF2142


Oct 17, 2006
I am just curious as to how many of you are in the same boat I am and angry.

You use EA downloader to pre-load the game onto your computer and you have to wait until TOMORROW (Wednesday) to start playing while everyone that ordered from ebgames or wherever is playing right now with their legitimate hard copies they recieved in the mail. WTF is the purpose of preloading. On their web page to order the pre-load it says "be the first" to play....HA I am so pissed right now but they already have my money so I guess I will shut up now and wait the 16 hours or so until they allow me to install the game.

Sound off if this applies to you!!!!
Why are you still buying games like this from EA? I just supports them and shows them that pushing out crappy games will make them money.
Unfortunately I am hooked on the BF games like crack. I realize that EA sucks, the patches are half assed, and the in game adverts is another issue, BUT I still like playing the game and until something better comes along they have me by the b@llz like many others.
The games are still incredibly fun. I guess my cousin and I were lucky because we never had any problems other than the red tag bug. We would play all the time and we always had a blast.
I feel the same way since I am in the same boat... Be the first to play?! Bull!

Be the first to pay!

Lieing scoundrel bastards! While I'm at it I might as well donate all my money to Isra... *sgh* Guess I'll wait.
this sucks why the hell did they add an extra 24 hours to the damn clock thing. when i first gave them my money it was supposed to be released today. then about a week ago they added an extra 24 hours to the clock
This scares me the most....

So I've just finished the download of the game... I went to the cached folder where it saves the dl and tried to fiddle with it... AKA, open it with winrar, just as a start... Program craps out, I get an error message (OS level) and the file DELETES itself.

Just to double check, I tried downloading and installing the patch, no go, either.... lol...

Is this really happening?

EA... I used to love playing NHL '93 on Sega... I've lost faith in you.
dispute the charges and mke ea give it to you for free, breech of contact , failure to provide. installing spamware through cyberspace , illegal use of a pc across state lines
I was kinda pissed about this as well... Xbox Live is down today, I was expecting to be able to play some BF 2142... but then I saw they added an extra day to the countdown when they said we would be the first ones to play the game "as soon as it's made available"... boo EA, boo.

This is getting hilarious!

-crappy MOD
-ingame advertisments
-screwing the people who ordered through them
-patch on launch day
-must uninstall a windows security update to play

Its gets better and better!
The first mistake was deciding to buy the game in the first place, it's all downhill from there!

Don't tell us we didn't warn you when you're back here complaining the patches are all BS etc.
[FX]Roman said:
This scares me the most....

So I've just finished the download of the game... I went to the cached folder where it saves the dl and tried to fiddle with it... AKA, open it with winrar, just as a start... Program craps out, I get an error message (OS level) and the file DELETES itself.

Just to double check, I tried downloading and installing the patch, no go, either.... lol...

Is this really happening?

EA... I used to love playing NHL '93 on Sega... I've lost faith in you.
LOL! I needed a good morning laugh. how's the fiddling going?
I just re-downloaded it on my gaming rig... The lame "you-got-screwed" unlock countdown is showing that there's two hours left... and I have to go to work now!

It's funny... If you download it... You can't even play single player until they unlock it for you, no can you burn it and make your own copies. Basically you're paying full price to rely on their servers each time you go to a new pc or format or otherwise...

... Wish I was dead.