EA Is Training AI Agents to Play Battlefield 1


Aug 20, 2006
EA’s SEED (Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division) is attempting to spearhead the next generation of AI by training self-learning agents to play Battlefield 1. The algorithms were initially established on a barebones shooter and were then transitioned to DICE’s FPS, where they purportedly did well but are still no match (yet) for a competitive human player.

Despite their advanced learning capabilities, the AI agents aren’t as good as human players. Magnus Nordin, head of EA’s Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division (SEED), said agents played against internal DICE developers who, while are good, aren’t professionals. The humans beat the bots easily, Nordin said, but it wasn’t a total blowout.
Maybe there's hope for a future Battlefield with proper bots on the multiplayer maps after all.
I kinda felt that AI/ML could be used to crunch real data from players in standard multiplayer matches. Although their approach allows the AI to learn what is or isn't working against humans.

Surprised it's taken this long for an adaptive AI to start being experimented with. Well, not really surprised, AI is a second-tier selling point for most developers it seems. They'd rather do pretty visuals and just cobble together basic AI algorithms.
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I bet aim bot makers are scrambling to create better Machine Learning algorithms to rank up players that pay for the service. You allow the aim bot maker to remote login to your machine and in turn it plays the games for you using their custom A.I. routines. DICE and others can't stop them because the key presses are registered as being made by your PC.

In the end I think that having viable multiplayer bots to help jump start a game by populating it is pretty cool. I just hope that they aren't as deadly as a normal player and attempt to heal and resupply you.
In the end I think that having viable multiplayer bots to help jump start a game by populating it is pretty cool. I just hope that they aren't as deadly as a normal player and attempt to heal and resupply you.
Good thinking!!
I don't know, I remember playing Unreal Tournament 99 and I'd get 360 no scope headshooted a mile across opposing worlds if I set the AI to Godlike. . .Also, their movement can be sporadic and uniquely un-track-able if they decide to get weird.
I don't know, I remember playing Unreal Tournament 99 and I'd get 360 no scope headshooted a mile across opposing worlds if I set the AI to Godlike. . .Also, their movement can be sporadic and uniquely un-track-able if they decide to get weird.
And I had a friend who would become quite good that Godlike bots to him would be a decent match cause he would edge em out ~ 75% of the time. That's crazy though.
Skynet gets more powerful by the day much to the kind graces of its creators:panda:
These bots must be being intentionally set up to play like a person. I don't understand how a person could have any hope against bots in a deathmatch. "Unfair" bots would know where everybody is at all times and have perfect aim. Give them all sniper rifles ... heck even pistols ... and they can bunny hop around the map at full speed with completely randomized movement while instantly head-shoting anybody that becomes unobstructed by buildings for even the briefest moment no matter how far away they are. Maybe the bots could be bested on rounds that require more teamwork but it seems like it would be impossible to accomplish much when you keep getting picked off well before you can even see your opponent.
Pretty cool, in the past game AI was more "smoke and mirrors"/"illusion of intelligence" rather than actual AI -- usually driven by real-time requirements of games and "fun-factor".
I'm not sure how this adaptive AI would work dynamically though, as training ML models is still relatively costly even with the increased computing power available. I wonder if this goes more in the direction of DICE pre-training AI during development/betas to ship with the full game...?
Very interesting nonetheless!
It's just going to lead to "EA Is Training AI Agents to Replace Game Developers"
There's absolutely no way a human player would beat a bot unless it was handicapped severely. Auto-aim is near impossible to beat so the bots must be playing through a regular user interface instead of targeting through the binary like aimbots are.
Then the AI will make a poorly selling game, then EA will try to close it, then the AI will kill all humans to save itself.
Yeah, lets train a computer how to better kill people. Nothing bad will come of that.........
And I had a friend who would become quite good that Godlike bots to him would be a decent match cause he would edge em out ~ 75% of the time. That's crazy though.

Yeah eventually you could learn their routes and it would become closer to what one would consider fair, but anyone pumping up that difficulty slider for the first time was in for a rude awakening.
The question is, are we going to need a quantum supercomputer to run these games with real AI?
Maybe one day this will help with single player AI or adding bots to fill out multiplayer matches when to few people are available or someone crashes out.