EA offers to buy Valve for 1 billion.

Ahahahaha. Really? The same EA who's stock is doing so terrible because of bad business decisions and lack of quality and creativity? Yea, buy a company who's doing great; that'll turn things around (hey, it's worked so many times in the past, right?)
they would certainly get HL3 out though. Followed by part 4,5,6,7,8,9 in the span of 6 months.
Valve's finances are private, but a Forbes report from March estimated the firm's value at $3 billion, with cofounder Gabe Newell's personal net worth believed to be about $1.5 billion.
Making EA not unlike a Craigslist troll.

"Give you six bucks for that multi-billion dollar company. Take it or leave it."
Ugh! Could you imagine? It would go from "Where is Half-Life 3?" to "Quit making a new Half-Life game every year!!"
i wouldve sold it and bought a yacht, with all of my money.. then got a job at kmart so i could be the coolest kmarter
If they had made a more competitive offer even Mr Newell might have given in to the darkside ... 1 billion isn't a serious offer (especially if Valve has any plans to go public someday) ... if EA had offered 10 Billion then even Gabe Newell might be tempted (since he could take that money and open a competing service) ;)
if EA had offered 10 Billion then even Gabe Newell might be tempted (since he could take that money and open a competing service) ;)
I don't see that happening. That isn't the primary reason he founded Valve in the first place.
Gabe Newell says company would rather "disintegrate" than sell out.


Thank goodness, I saw the thread title and got scared for a minute. I was a BioWare fanboy until EA raped them.

$1B? Did this take place on twitter, 'cause that's about how serious that offer sounds.
So, they got PopCap for .65 bil, and think valve is a little under twice PopCap's value? Seems like an insult.
Wow, haven't heard that one in awhile, thanks for bringing that back up...


Eh, there's a thread in General Gaming that's pretty much the same thing.

And as much as I like BF3, if EA bought Valve...I'm not sure how much longer I would last as a PC gamer. :(
Eh, there's a thread in General Gaming that's pretty much the same thing.

And as much as I like BF3, if EA bought Valve...I'm not sure how much longer I would last as a PC gamer. :(

Plenty of indie and non-EA titles to play, IMO. I'd still be a PC gamer, I think.
I can't find it or remember when it happened but I could've sworn years ago I saw information that was either leaked or stolen posted online about Valve's finances. Seems like they had 4 or 7 million on their books at that time. This was well before Steam became the juggernaut it is now.
I'm going to go buy a game off Steam to say thank you.

I second this motion. I think I might go buy... "To The Moon."

Love ya Valve. One of the last greats that hasn't yet sold-out.

Here's this for good measure.

What's spinning on your platters at this time Kyle? My current addiction is Guild Wars 2 although BF3 sneaks in from time to time and says, "Hi!" I really want to make time to play Sleeping Dogs and Dark Souls before Borderlands 2 hits. I already preordered Torchlight II and bought in to the beta for Path of Exile.

The only thing that is pretty dead is my wallet! :)

Spinning platters? What are those?

I'll second the question: What are you playing these days? :)

Was giving Sleeping Dogs a roll in the hay.
You know, I honestly think he should have sold Valve, and just started a brand new company. So, he loses all the rights to his game, but as a gamer, I would rather prefer new original games to appear than the same old rehashes.

Sorry, but this is one area where I disagree with probably the majority of gamers. I could not care less about Half Life 3. It's these gamers that are to me one of the biggest factors of the decline of gaming in general, and not the companies. ("Why is every game a sequel? Stop making sequels and come out with grand new content! Well except I want Diablo 3, Half Life 3, etc. and refuse to buy original properties. OMG, the games exactly the same. Worst game ever! OMG, the game isn't exactly the same. They ruined the franchise! Worst game ever!")