EA released a new BF2 map - Zoiks!

I was thinking the map was called Zoiks with that thread title. With a map like jalalalalalabd, what will they think of next?
Is it going to be ranked?
Are you going to still be able to look/shoot through walls/rocks?
HMM vehicle based maps, but they still haven't made air combat even......
Only took 3 posts to start crappin'! Not bad for an EA thread.

Hey that woulda been cool a year or more ago.

Really? What about the other 22,000 players that are playing BF2 as I type this? Maybe I can get a list and you can PM them all about the uncoolness. :D
Here's the overview screenie:


Looks like a big map...

the map looks pretty big and fun....probably get owned by air anytime u try to drive across the desert though
Nope, lots of dust keeps air at bay. As long as you don't stick to the main roads your gold. Though they have some major lighting issues, sun flares from the ground, incomplete shadows and some other goodness.
Nope, lots of dust keeps air at bay. As long as you don't stick to the main roads your gold. Though they have some major lighting issues, sun flares from the ground, incomplete shadows and some other goodness.

Saw that too, maybe it is to stop you from raping the jets?
If your off the main roads, the jets had to be really close to you to see you and mostly missed with there bombs. However, it gets bad it there it one base left and the enemy just blindly drops everything they got on you.
Dust will obscure the tracking of ground troops / veh? Sounds like a good balance to me.

I'm assuming that it will get rid of that green box that shows up on ground veh when using the bombing mode.
The map seems made well enough but it's not my style. Too much dead time traveling between flags and not enough vehicles to support a full server. (32 or 64) It's still too bad that the transport choppers are just metal coffins now. :( I suppose the map will be a good change of pace now and then and I certainly can't complain about the price.
Thanks for the info.

Always nice to have more maps for this game.

I just recently bought the complete collection, which greatly facilitated installing all the BF2 series patches, booster packs etc.

In general must say that I find BF2 and BF2 SF, etc.. is overall far more stable then it was when it was first released. Back then it was really buggy, so much so that I just deleted it and I havent bothered re-installing it till recently with the new complete DVD.

Its still not perfect but way better then the first few weeks when it was released long time ago.
Only took 3 posts to start crappin'! Not bad for an EA thread.

Really? What about the other 22,000 players that are playing BF2 as I type this? Maybe I can get a list and you can PM them all about the uncoolness. :D

That doesn't mean squat. Many people play CSS but that doesn't mean they are right in the head. Real gamers move on, forward, progress with the times. BF2 was cool but it is just too buggy and unbalanced to be worth playing IMHO.
I just started playing this game about 2 months ago, if that. I think it's great, new stuff rules.

All you haters can go sit on a cactus! :D
so youre tellin me after all this time they had to work with it, its still in beta....thats absurd!
Not really, we're now at public BETA. Originally it was probably just to test the concept between Wake 2007 and this map and they decided to further work on Wake and dropped this concept.