Easily Overclocked, Should I Push C2D More???


Dec 4, 2006
So, I bought an E6600 and I've pushed her to 3.125. She runs very stable with the set up in my sig at 35-39 degrees. I know it's kind of pointless to overclock if everything is already stable and running in perfect order, but my memory isn't running at it's top performance (700Mhz out of a possible 800Mhz) because my FSB is at 350. Should I overclock more to run my memory at it's highest possible speed, or be content with what I have and not take more years off the hardware's life????
As long as your load temps are <60 degrees, I say OC. You'll replace your proc long before a properly-overclocked chip dies. Besides, you can always use the extra hertz, especially f you're folding@home.
there might be a fsb hole in the higher 300's somewhere. Not sure if recent bioses addressed that.

But if you're satisfied with around 3.2, you could drop the multiplier to 8x and run 400fsb 1:1 with ram. Your next bet would be 7x460 but 460 with higher strap might actually be worse than 400 and the lower strap. It'd run your ram a bit higher too and might require more volts / slacked timings.

I guess 9x400 or 8x400 would probably be optimal