Easy Bios Reset Switch Mod!


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Ever wish you could just reset your bios easily without having to open your case up, set it down, move wires and parts out of the way, and try to plug in a stupid jumper and then pull it back out with needlenose pliers while probably dropping it somewhere and having it get lost inside your case?

I dumpster dived for an old AT case and ripped out all it's power/reset switches and wired one up to the bios reset jumper pins. Then you just put this switch anywhere you want. Hold it down for 10 seconds and *poof* CMOS cleared!

Great idea! I think I'll do something similar but pretty it up with a clean mount and a mini toggle switch. :)
myself from a while ago said:
Problem: Every time you overclock too far or something else goes wrong and you need to reset your bios, you need to open up your case to reset the bios jumper. Well not anymore! This switch can be easily placed outside your case so that you can reset your bios without taking anything apart. Personally, I was forced to make this switch because my bios jumper gets hidden behind my dual slot gpu cooler, and they only way of accessing it is to take the gpu card out, which is an even bigger pain. So here we go:

The basic essentials are:
- A 3-pin cable
- Wire strippers
- A switch
- A soldering iron
- liquid electrical tape

Too make it look fancy, you will also need:
- heatshrink tubing
- wire sleeving

Time: about 20 mins, depending on how fast you can solder and wait time for the electrical tape to dry.

Cost: I had everything at home except for the switch. A quick stop at Radio Shack on the drive home for work did the trick. I paid $2.39 for a P/N 275-603 switch

And we begin:
My 3 pin cable came from a set of front panel connectors from an old case.

I cut the rest away and got my 3 pin connector from it.

Notice that the wires go ORANGE, BLUE, GREEN. REMEMBER!!!! the color that is in the middle!!! importante!!!

So now here is my 3 pin cable.

Thinking that is was going to be easier now before I solder on the switch, I sleeved the wire. I only used a scrap piece that I had lying around. It didnt quite fit the entire length, but it was good enough for me.

Now its time to solder on the switch. Remember how the pin pattern went ORANGE, BLUE, GREEN...well thats the exact pattern that gets soldered to the switch, most importantly with BLUE in the middle. Always keep the middle color in the middle! When your bios is in normal operation, pins 1 and 2 should be connected. Here, orange and blue are connected. During reset, pins 2 and 3 should touch, here...that would be green and blue. Notice that both have pin #2 in common.

Final Product!!!

I covered all 3 with liquid electrical tape so no wires are exposed.

Now you see her:

Now you don't!!!

Works great!!! For all you lazy people out there, Silverstone makes one too!

couldnt find my original tutorial post :'(