Easy way to go from Win7RC to Win7?


Jan 9, 2005
I am running Win7 RC build 7100. It it telling me I have 9 days left. I have a fresh copy of Win7 Home that I bought. Is there any quick, easy, painless way to transfer to the retail version? I seem to always forget something whenever I reformat, and it is never the same.
Nope. You have to do a clean install moving from the RC to the retail version. I had to do the same. Not that big of a pain - just break out a couple DVD's and transfer anything you need to.

Interesting, but it's only if you are "upgrading" to Ultimate edition.

"Important Notes

There are a few important things to keep in mind when you are upgrading to the final version:

•The Windows 7 beta or RC releases were Ultimate edition, so you’ll only be able to upgrade to the RTM (final) if you are installing Ultimate Edition.
•Whenever possible, you should really backup your files and do a clean install. There are less headaches this way, and you get the benefit of a nice clean profile.
Happy upgrading!"
I seem to always forget something whenever I reformat, and it is never the same.
Then take notes and image your system, so you can pull out any data you forgot. A clean install is the way to go here, and will leave your system in the best possible state.