eBay Launches 'Ethical' Online Marketplace

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
eBay has launched an “ethically sourced marketplace” that will sell products that have a positive impact on people and the planet. For those of you that still want all the usual unethical, planet killing stuff, don't worry…there’s still eBay.

The website, called WorldofGood.com, features items including clothing, jewelry, coffee, tea and pottery from sellers verified by various third parties called trust providers "to meet a core set of ethical and environmental standards," according to the California-based auction and retail group.
You have got to be kidding me. This whole green concept has gone a mile too far.
Sounds like a bunch of no-risk, feel-good BS.

How do these environmentalist nuts not feel like complete tools?
You have got to be kidding me. This whole green concept has gone a mile too far.

A mile too far? How about already out of the solar system. The entire notion of the green movement is a scam. It would have had more impact if it was called The Efficiency movement, but since the envirokook nuts got a hold of it, they included their moronic Gaiaistic nonsense and burrito wrapped it all into a unified religious movement. Now that companies have come on board it's only for one reason and one reason only, revenue. Not because they are actually doing anything good or useful, but it's to attract, capture, and sell to the useful idiots who fall for this bullshit.

Want a perfect example? Look at Subaru commercials. They actually make the claim that they are a zero landfill producer (bullshit) and that their cars are made with love... For you... My eyes are rolling in the back of my head everytime I see this crap. It's a lie.
Ebay has lost it damn mind. They Are changing their model so much that they will be completly out of business in the next few years. They had the perfect model, moved away from it and Craigslist took over.. Feeling the heat, they are going toward a place that is dominated by Amazon and Newegg, they are going to be a low-rent E-tailer that will fade away in to nothingness.
A mile too far? How about already out of the solar system. The entire notion of the green movement is a scam. It would have had more impact if it was called The Efficiency movement, but since the envirokook nuts got a hold of it, they included their moronic Gaiaistic nonsense and burrito wrapped it all into a unified religious movement. Now that companies have come on board it's only for one reason and one reason only, revenue. Not because they are actually doing anything good or useful, but it's to attract, capture, and sell to the useful idiots who fall for this bullshit.

Want a perfect example? Look at Subaru commercials. They actually make the claim that they are a zero landfill producer (bullshit) and that their cars are made with love... For you... My eyes are rolling in the back of my head everytime I see this crap. It's a lie.

Couldn't agree more.

Our business park decided to paint all the buildings green, it is their attempt at being "green". I shit you not. So not only did they paint perfectly good looking buildings green, but they believe that it will entice buyers thinking they are doing the enviroment good because it's a "green" color.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I had to.
what funny is they will use this site with NO thought about the resources it takes to run the website..LOL

like people who recyle think they are saving the world, mean while you have more gas guzzling trucks on the road to pick that crap up.. but hey, what ever helps you sleep better at night!
A mile too far? How about already out of the solar system. The entire notion of the green movement is a scam. It would have had more impact if it was called The Efficiency movement, but since the envirokook nuts got a hold of it, they included their moronic Gaiaistic nonsense and burrito wrapped it all into a unified religious movement. Now that companies have come on board it's only for one reason and one reason only, revenue. Not because they are actually doing anything good or useful, but it's to attract, capture, and sell to the useful idiots who fall for this bullshit.

Want a perfect example? Look at Subaru commercials. They actually make the claim that they are a zero landfill producer (bullshit) and that their cars are made with love... For you... My eyes are rolling in the back of my head everytime I see this crap. It's a lie.

Preach on, brotha!