Ebert Calls Kick-Ass Movie "Morally Reprehensible"

Humans enjoy violence. Gore-porn films are our modern form of gladiator fights. At least we aren't actually killing each other for sport anymore.
Humans enjoy violence. Gore-porn films are our modern form of gladiator fights. At least we aren't actually killing each other for sport anymore.

We call those "news clips"....that way we get to see people dying, but not feel bad that we made it happen.
This movie rocked.

Best reviewer imo is Dave White over at movies.com, dude is just hilarious.
The comic was way more violent than the film. This film was adapted pretty well and chris plasse is great for comic relief. As much as I hate most of nick cage's movies, sans adaptation, he was very good in this.
Looks good to me! Not and Emmie winner, but a good fun action flick!

I Love them!
Keep this man away from Gunslinger Girls >.>
which btw if you liked this move you love Gunslinger Girls

run pedobear run
Ebert gave 4/4 to both Kill Bills. And Antichrist (and that film sucked and certainly is more 'morally reprehensible'). And 1/4 to this.

Age is making him inconsistent.

Yeah, and all of [H] is going to hate him regardless of the review as he's famously quoted as saying video games aren't art and never will be.
Ebert gave 4/4 to both Kill Bills. And Antichrist (and that film sucked and certainly is more 'morally reprehensible'). And 1/4 to this.

Age is making him inconsistent.

Yeah, and all of [H] is going to hate him regardless of the review as he's famously quoted as saying video games aren't art and never will be.

hes just a moron.. hes suppose to be a critic yet hes biased toward specific genre's that he likes.. not the majority of people.. no ones given a shit what ebert has had to say except the movie industry anyways.. the movies funny and something to just enjoy seeing.. its not suppose to be an Emmy winning movie..
I didn't watch the movie to see the killings. I watched the movie because I wanted to LAUGH since it is a COMEDY. An over the top comedy. Pretty sad when a movie critic can't tell that over the top is supposed to be gratuitous in all aspects.
Ebert gave 4/4 to both Kill Bills. And Antichrist (and that film sucked and certainly is more 'morally reprehensible'). And 1/4 to this.

Age is making him inconsistent.

Yeah, and all of [H] is going to hate him regardless of the review as he's famously quoted as saying video games aren't art and never will be.

I disagree with Ebert, but I see no reason to dismiss anyone, simply because I disagree with that person on some things. I'm sure there's someone out there that bought art that I'd call a Toilet (literally) or a Basketball in Plastic (or whatever the material is)....but that doesn't mean that they should dismiss me for not considering it art or for me to dismiss them because they actually consider it art and spent a lot of money on said items.

With that said, I agree with you on the Kill Bill point. However, it's possible that he sees a difference, which he didn't discuss in the review. Either way, no person is consistent 100% of the time. If they were, we could just write a program to emulate any critic.

hes just a moron.. hes suppose to be a critic yet hes biased toward specific genre's that he likes.. not the majority of people.. no ones given a shit what ebert has had to say except the movie industry anyways.. the movies funny and something to just enjoy seeing.. its not suppose to be an Emmy winning movie..

That statement is completely unsupportable.

He loved Kill Bill. So much for he hates violent movies.

He Loved the Batman flicks, Iron Man, Spiderman and Sin City, etc, so he doesn't hate adaptations of comics.

The movie industry only cares what Ebert says, because he's influential. Seriously, do you think an industry that continues to let Michael Bay make movies gives a shit about critical praise? All they care about is your money.

All he's guilty of is not liking a movie.

BTW, how the hell is this topic tech related?
Watching a little girl get beat nearly do death doesn't sound very good to me either.
For those of you who saw the movie, how bad was that part?

She gets a little bloodied up but it's really not that bad. I was actually thinking "he didn't hurt you that bad now get up and kick his ass!"

The movie was more intense than the trailers had me prepared for going in but I still loved the it and definitely recommend seeing it.
From this quote it seems he is also very concerned about the violence against kids:

"A movie camera makes a record of whatever is placed in front of it, and in this case, it shows deadly carnage dished out by an 11-year-old girl, after which an adult man brutally hammers her to within an inch of her life. Blood everywhere. Now tell me all about the context."

Watching a little girl get beat nearly do death doesn't sound very good to me either.
For those of you who saw the movie, how bad was that part?

That's a very inaccurate description... blood was NOT everywhere when she got beat up. She had a bloody nose and that's about it. That part was very tame compared to the shit she did to the henchmen.
Just saw it. Started off slow, but the middle and end were great. Overall a highly entertaining movie.

As for the moral side of it, I'd like to believe that people aren't complete morons and understand the difference between entertainment and real-life (and there is plenty of evidence to support this).

As for Ebert, I disagree with his reasoning but respect his views as he is entitled to his opinion.
Keep this man away from Gunslinger Girls >.>
which btw if you liked this move you love Gunslinger Girls

run pedobear run

I love Gunslinger Girls |can't wait for the Blu-ray releases| and numerous animes and Asian movies that are violent and over the top such as Sex is Zero which is from Korea, and Battle Royale from Japan that said I still find the movie stupid and not entertaining which is of course I'm fully entitled too.

If Ebert watched series, I'm sure he would enjoy countless animes as he enjoyed several movies but he watches whatever the hell he wants to and in the end people whine and bitch about reviews he's made over the years on a plethora of movies.
Ebert has written screenplays for Russ Meyer films, so he's not above gratuitous sex and violence. He appears to be drawing the line with gratuitous violence involving children. *shrug*

I will remain a fan of his for his stance toward MPAA ratings. From wikipedia:
Ebert is an outspoken opponent of the Motion Picture Association of America film rating system. He has repeatedly criticized their decisions regarding which movies are "suitable for children." For example, Whale Rider and School of Rock were both rated PG-13 (not recommended for children under the age of 13), while he thought both were inoffensive enough for schoolchildren and contained positive messages for that age group. In his review of The Exorcist, Ebert said it was "stupefying" that the film received a rating of "R" from the MPAA instead of an "X" (suitable only for adults). He has frequently argued that the MPAA is more likely to give an "R" rating for mild sexual content than for highly violent content. In his review of The Passion of the Christ (to which he awarded a perfect four stars), he was quoted as saying: "I said the film is the most violent I have ever seen. The MPAA's R rating is definitive proof that the organization either will never give the NC-17 rating for violence alone, or was intimidated by the subject matter. If it had been anyone other than Jesus up on that cross, I have a feeling that NC-17 would have been automatic."
i saw this movie yesterday and it was great. The little girl killing dudes was awesome and who cares its just a movie.

I loved it. My wife loved it. What I didn't love was seeing a mother buy 3 tickets for her 3 young sons (none older than 11) to see this movie. This is the only thing about the movie I detest. It isn't geared for kids, but it's marketed to them.
hes just a moron.. hes suppose to be a critic yet hes biased toward specific genre's that he likes.. not the majority of people.. no ones given a shit what ebert has had to say except the movie industry anyways.. the movies funny and something to just enjoy seeing.. its not suppose to be an Emmy winning movie..
Morons don't win Pullitzer Prizes.

I disagree with Ebert, but I see no reason to dismiss anyone, simply because I disagree with that person on some things. I'm sure there's someone out there that bought art that I'd call a Toilet (literally) or a Basketball in Plastic (or whatever the material is)....but that doesn't mean that they should dismiss me for not considering it art or for me to dismiss them because they actually consider it art and spent a lot of money on said items.

With that said, I agree with you on the Kill Bill point. However, it's possible that he sees a difference, which he didn't discuss in the review. Either way, no person is consistent 100% of the time. If they were, we could just write a program to emulate any critic.


BTW, how the hell is this topic tech related?
If he saw a difference he'd mention it in the review itself. His review was mostly targeted at criticism towards the Hit-Girl character. So, what about Jodie Foster from Taxi Driver? It's a sure thing IMO to dismiss Ebert's review for Kick-Ass just like any of Armond White's nonsense. Consistency wise he's been rather bad for the past 12 months or so, I just hope that he gets to his senses and actually trash the right movies that need trashing (such as one star reviews for 2012/Clash like what he gave Bayformers 2).

And this topic ain't tech related, but in any tech site there are bound to be a 90%++ geeks and nerds, and this topic caters to them.
I went and saw the movie last night and I liked it from start to finish and as much as people want to say that video games and movies raise violent people, I've been playing violent games and watching violent movies since I was a kid and I have no intentions go dress up in a costume and go looking to get shot, because thats what would happen.
Ebert gave 4/4 to both Kill Bills. And Antichrist (and that film sucked and certainly is more 'morally reprehensible'). And 1/4 to this.

Age is making him inconsistent.

Yeah, and all of [H] is going to hate him regardless of the review as he's famously quoted as saying video games aren't art and never will be.

This x10000. Plus there is the matter that most video games, and anime, are far more morally reprehensible (whatever he means by that) then any movie has ever been.

Besides, didn't this dude like Titanic, a movie that qualifies as a crime against humanity.
The girl at the ticket counter laughed when I spelled out the naughty swear in the film's title. She said I was the only one to do this and I acted offended that others would have cursed like this in public, to a young lady who was obviously not even out of high school.

I liked this movie a lot. I would have enjoyed it a lot more, however, if I would have known there would be no moralizing. I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. I kept waiting for the big lesson about how violence is not the answer.

I just backspaced because I don't want to spoil anything. It was refreshing to see a movie that just puts a beating down without the 'You know Billy, this is wrong..." I just wish I would have known I had nothing to worry about.

So! If you haven't seen this, just watch and enjoy!
The girl at the ticket counter laughed when I spelled out the naughty swear in the film's title. She said I was the only one to do this and I acted offended that others would have cursed like this in public, to a young lady who was obviously not even out of high school.QUOTE]

God forbid, kids start cussing in elementary school.
geez they should have done a better job on the trailers, it looked like a stupid kid-teen movie
I dunno, the thought of a pre-teen girl brutally killing people in a live-action movie makes me a little squeamish. I think Ebert might be right here.
For the record, I think Ebert is an impeccable film reviewer and is almost never wrong. I'm glad other people have posted that he has thoroughly enjoyed and praised films with significant and even over-the-top violence or sex.
I dunno, the thought of a pre-teen girl brutally killing people in a live-action movie makes me a little squeamish. I think Ebert might be right here.

And yet I and my coworkers were dying laughing as she slaughtered gang members. It was hilariously awesome.
For the record, I think Ebert is an impeccable film reviewer and is almost never wrong. I'm glad other people have posted that he has thoroughly enjoyed and praised films with significant and even over-the-top violence or sex.

I rarely agree with him. That's not to say that I never have, but it is a rare occurrence at best.
I thought it was pretty good myself, it was darker than I expected on the previews, and damn funny when they played the banana splits song while she carved people up. yeah it was a little surprising to hear the vocabulary the girl was using but damn it was a good movie.

Yeah heaven forbid kids of the same age learn some swear words in real life, inner city schools back in the UK throw those kind of words around all the time:rolleyes:
I went to see this yesterday with my father (56) and daughter (13) and we all enjoyed watching it. On the way out of the theater they were trying to decide it if was the most violent funny movie they have seen or the funniest violent movie. There was certainly enough mature content to wring your hands and worry over if that's your style...
I saw kick ass over the weekend and quite enjoyed every second of it.

you dont mess with hit girl....
And yet I and my coworkers were dying laughing as she slaughtered gang members. It was hilariously awesome.


big daddy was pretty sweet too. clearly ripped from bioshock but it works.
This x10000. Plus there is the matter that most video games, and anime, are far more morally reprehensible (whatever he means by that) then any movie has ever been.

Besides, didn't this dude like Titanic, a movie that qualifies as a crime against humanity.

You do realize that despite your opinion of the movie, it garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews, right?

James Berardinelli gave it ****. To put that in perspective, in a typical year he rates less than 5 movies that high.

Conclusion: most critics liked the movie I've heard the movie going public liked it too.