Echo (Kyocera) on Sprint


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
Just got an email from Sprint saying that I can get an Echo on the 17th. I've never even heard of the thing, but apparently its a dual screen android phone..

Is this the only new phone Sprint is getting until summer?
EVO 3D will be hitting Sprint as well I believe.

Echo is horrid on battery life. It actually comes with TWO batteries. :eek:
I can see where battery life would be suspect.. but very interesting concept though!
The Echo is packed with so much fail, I hope somehow, someway, there's some kind of redeeming factor that's not noticeable until you actually use it.
Spoke to a few people re: the Echo and got to play with it briefly (about 5 minutes worth). It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I wouldn't put it near the top tier of Android phones. I can see people who are new to Android buying it for the wow factor, and maybe a few power users who are trying desperately to justify that the device was a wise investment.
Yeah, the spare battery included is suspect of what I imagine is power whoring. I'm curious what kind of usage you could get on this thing.. worse than the EVO? :p
Yeah, the spare battery included is suspect of what I imagine is power whoring. I'm curious what kind of usage you could get on this thing.. worse than the EVO? :p

I think thats highly overplayed. i just plugged my evo up and the battery is at 51%. Its not gonna be green like a bb phone. But I do understand it has to power a 4.3" screen and multiple apps.
I've used it; battery life isn't really the issue, and the build quality is good. The main issue:


The Echo largely defines what Android fragmentation is. What apps use the dual screen well are nice, but it's not something you'll get support for from Google or third-party developers, and even Kyocera's promises of more support In other phones don't cheer me up much. This screams "one-off phone" and probably won't last much past one model.

If you're going to drop a lot of cash on one phone for Sprint, get the Evo 3D. Never mind the 3D (that's a whole other gimmick unto itself), it's a very fast phone with 4G and a nice display. Even if it costs $250 on contract, it'll have much more of a future.
I think thats highly overplayed. i just plugged my evo up and the battery is at 51%. Its not gonna be green like a bb phone. But I do understand it has to power a 4.3" screen and multiple apps.

I've got an EVO. The battery sucks :p If I don't use my phone for anything but calls and keep the 4g off, the battery will be around that by the end of the day (6pm). But if I use my phone for browsing or playing a game during my commute, the battery is red when I get home. Thats pretty bad.
Well, if you use it for a phone, then it will last all day. But if you use it a gaming device, then of course the battery will drain faster, you seriously think running that 4.3" screen doesnt tax the batteyr? I dont have 4g in my area, and i know about how much the 4g radio drains the battery. The battery is decent imo.
its been getting decent revues though. got an 8/10 from engadget. Im not getting it, holding out for the evo 3d.

Engadget scores are a joke.

I think thats highly overplayed. i just plugged my evo up and the battery is at 51%. Its not gonna be green like a bb phone. But I do understand it has to power a 4.3" screen and multiple apps.

No its not. Whats overplayed is that every time someone mentions the notoriously bad EVO battery life theres an EVO user claiming it gets magical battery life that we all know is bullshit. Notice you didnt even bother to say how long its been unplugged.

Evo battery life is not overplayed its reality.
Well, if you use it for a phone, then it will last all day. But if you use it a gaming device, then of course the battery will drain faster, you seriously think running that 4.3" screen doesnt tax the batteyr? I dont have 4g in my area, and i know about how much the 4g radio drains the battery. The battery is decent imo.

My commute is about an hour one way and an hour back. You telling me that two hours of actual usage, and a few calls during the day should be acceptable for a phone? Come on, this is even with the 4G turned off. :rolleyes:
Well, if you use it for a phone, then it will last all day. But if you use it a gaming device, then of course the battery will drain faster, you seriously think running that 4.3" screen doesnt tax the batteyr? I dont have 4g in my area, and i know about how much the 4g radio drains the battery. The battery is decent imo.

That is such a piss poor argument it isn't even funny.

The Echo's battery life is totally unacceptable. I have the Thunderbolt and 4G is in my area. It's battery life was liveable until I got it rooted, ROM installed and SetCPU going. Now battery life is good. However, "liveable" and "good" are two totally different things.