Eek I bought a Dell.


Sep 30, 2003
Since I am a tech everyone expects me to do stuff for them for free and always act as a Helpdesk. So when my parents asked me to build them a system I told them to buy a Dell.

So they approved, I bought them an Dell Optiplex GX 280 3.0 Ghz with 1 Gig of DDR 2 Ram and other standard stuff on it (No monitor). All in all the system was about as much as what I could build at cost for them. I also purchased them a 3 Year Gold Technical Support so they leave me the hell alone. Came out to be about 1998.03 CDN After PST and GST. I am happy so are they, its kind of a relief.
ahhh... you couldn't have just helped em out??? :p

Congrats, sounds like a nice system!
You're not the only one that does that :D . It gets old after a while. My youngest sister is going off to college, so I bought her a Dell 600M and I gladly bought the 3 year on-site warranty :D . And I also talk other family members into Dells for the Small Business's, etc..
When they get tired of 20 minute hold times on the phone to speak with someone who they can barely understand, they'll be looking for your help. :)
Actually I believe Optiplex Support is in Edmonton Alberta. Dell has a helpdesk here.
I did the same thing for my mother....not as nice of a comp, but the same thing. I just wanted something that would start up everytime, and guess what, I only let her into a user account not admin, so she couldnt screw it up too bad. my brother on the other hand wnats to learn to troubleshoot so i helped him assemble one, annd we have fun tooling with it.
yeah i just built a computer for someone going to college... and i relized that i should have just gotten a dell or something.... i have no way to help her, except on the phone, and should something go wrong... you get the idea. she only spent 400 bucks, and a dell would have been a better choice i think
most of us had to put up with enough of their shit, let dell get a taste of it :p

but really thats not such a bad idea. let dell deal with their problems, not you
Good job! I don't help my family build anything. I told my brother what to buy to build his system and it cost me more time than I can remember. Hell I've been using remote desktop on my dad's computer for hours just formatting his new hard drive that he can't figure out how to get running.

Dell is good for those who don't know crap long as they don't get cheap.