Eidos Montreal Founder Resigns

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It's never a good thing when the founder of your company resigns. It's even worse when they decide to dish a little dirt on the way out. :eek:

Stephane D'Astous, founder and general manager of Eidos Montreal, has resigned from Square Enix. The developer is best known for their work on Deus Ex: Human Revolution and the upcoming Thief reboot. D'Astous blames Square Enix for a "lack of leadership, lack of courage" following the company's "extraordinary loss."
Stephane D'Astous - "Let's make a new Deus Ex"

Some ass(es) above him - "That sounds like a fantastic idea"

Stephane D'Astous - "Awesome, lets get a team together and get to work. We'll use the PC as a basis since all the next gen consoles are basically PCs"

Some ass(es) above him - "No, lets do it on the iPad, there are millions of those already."

Stephane D'Astous - "...but that'll ruin the experience"
Some ass(es) above him - "Our studies show that gaming on mobile devices is increasing, and iPad in particular. So we must make a new Deus Ex on that....Also, if the user roots or jailbreaks the device we should make the game unplayable....just in case it's pirated...despite the fact a pirated version would likely get that "feature" removed"

Stephane D'Astous - "You guys are idiots...I quit!!!"

----At least that's how I'd like to imagine it went down....
From the little bit I read, he may have a point. I have heard nothing but good things about Tomb Raider yet, I have never read about it topping any charts.

I wonder if he's addressing marketing or possibly not letting them push the tech forward. Who knows? Either way, it's a shame for the bad blood on the way out. It seems like that studio has it's shit together.

looking in from the outside, you either enjoy what you do "OR" make money. You never get both in game development.:(
he got sick of his games being shit on, and I don't fucking blame him

Hitman did 6.6 million in sales in a month, Tomb Raider did 7.2 million sales in a month, Deus Ex HR did 8.9 million sales in a moth, but SE went and threw Eidos under the fucking bus when it came time to say why the company wasn't making money

Heaven forbid they laugh at their terrible FF13 sales, Terrible FF13 fanbase, Terrible F1F4 sales and Terrible FF14 fanbase and reception

Consumer trust behind FF13 is so god damn fucking low, that FF13 versus became FF15 and changed the characters because nobody wants nothing to do with FF13, meanwhile fucking Yosuke Matsuda -UP UNTIL LESS THEN TWO FUCKING MONTHS AGO- was repeatedly jerking off to the press "I PLAYED FF13 VERSUS AND ITS GREAT! JUST YOU WAIT!!!", and then like at the beginning of June he finally swallowed his hubris and appologized to all of squareenix's fans over all the shitty content Squareenix has made in the last 4 years

Eidos was the only part of the damn company making actual A+++ quality games, and every fucking investor quarter they again were thrown under the bus. I'd be mad too if the only successful part of a company keeps getting called "A failure" because the main company won't suck up and admit they're the fucking problem
I can't believe Square even exists. Their last good game was, what, FFVIII?
We really just need another release of Final Fantasy 1 - 6, maybe for those smart washing machines or something. And at $20+ each.
A tremendous blow to the industry, Eidos Montreal is/was one of my last bastions for good titles. I haven't turned on my rig in literally months. There is nothing compelling me to play anymore. So sad.
oh fucks sake. I hope this doesn't effect the new thief game. I've been anticipating this since i finished deus ex hr.
I can't believe Square even exists. Their last good game was, what, FFVIII?

9 and 10 were arguably good. Though I personally didn't like a lot of 10, I can't really say it was a horrible game.

And yea... I think it's Enix... which is now Square Enix. They don't seem to know how to really make a decent game.
Enix didn't suck., they're responsible for the Soulblazer, Terranigma and Illusion of Time trifecta.
A tremendous blow to the industry, Eidos Montreal is/was one of my last bastions for good titles. I haven't turned on my rig in literally months. There is nothing compelling me to play anymore. So sad.

I can't tell if I'm getting old or if the games these days suck.

I have a library full of games that I don't touch.

I did buy Hitman & Sleeping Dogs during the steam sale. I'm sure I'll play them.. next year.

Sleeping Dogs is an amazing game. I have yet to play Hitman Absolution, but I look forward to it.
"The American made games are selling like nuts, while our japanese made games are sales failures....lets blame the American made games an continue to make japanese games, that should fix it."

That's what it sounds like to me....Square-Enix games have been some of my favorite this gen too...Tomb Raider, Hitman, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs and of course Deus Ex....but it sounds like Square wants to ignore those universally and critically acclaimed games, and continue making RPGs (for the record, I really liked FF13, but thought the prior listed titles where much better, specifically Deus Ex). Here's hoping Deep Silver or Bethesda saves Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex franchises from them, because it looks like Square wants to ignore it's successes and continue with failures (FF14 for example)
Tomb Raider 2013--I found it *amazingly, uncommonly* good! The game blew right past my expectations for it. That was because I read some pretty silly reviews that lambasted the game because it wasn't like its cartoon-acrobatic-bat-shooting predecessors. They were right--it wasn't like those games at all--which is one reason the game is so much better. IMO, of course...

It's difficult to understand how a company that can sell 7.2M copies of a game in 30 days isn't showing terrific profits--the money is obviously being squandered somewhere.
Tomb Raider 2013--I found it *amazingly, uncommonly* good! The game blew right past my expectations for it. That was because I read some pretty silly reviews that lambasted the game because it wasn't like its cartoon-acrobatic-bat-shooting predecessors. They were right--it wasn't like those games at all--which is one reason the game is so much better. IMO, of course...

It's difficult to understand how a company that can sell 7.2M copies of a game in 30 days isn't showing terrific profits--the money is obviously being squandered somewhere.

I think Square planned for Sleeping Dogs/Hitman/Just Cause/Deus Ex/Tomb Raider to float their company on while they focus litterally ALL THEIR MONEY on Final Fantasy titles. Think how Windows was always there in case the Xbox OG was a failure. But unlike(or like them if you consider the Microsoft of 2013) they seem to want to focus on failures at the cost of success...I don't blame this guy for quitting.
"The American made games are selling like nuts, while our japanese made games are sales failures....lets blame the American made games an continue to make japanese games, that should fix it."

That's what it sounds like to me....Square-Enix games have been some of my favorite this gen too...Tomb Raider, Hitman, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs and of course Deus Ex....but it sounds like Square wants to ignore those universally and critically acclaimed games, and continue making RPGs (for the record, I really liked FF13, but thought the prior listed titles where much better, specifically Deus Ex). Here's hoping Deep Silver or Bethesda saves Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex franchises from them, because it looks like Square wants to ignore it's successes and continue with failures (FF14 for example)

I've been playing the FF14 beta, and I am pretty sure that it'll be a success. How big of one, I don't know, but it's a much, MUCH better product than the original one. So in this case, at least, it seems they've managed to create a success from a dismal failure.