El Cheapo Retail S775 cpu

Oct 2, 2001
As a bridge to the Q9450. I have most parts sitting around save for cpu and video. I plan on stock cooling.

My A64 3200 is killing me right now. I don't even care if its a celeron- just to get running as inexpensively as possible. I don't even know if my mobo requires the bios update to run a Yorkfield- I'm assuming that it does (IP35 Pro v1.0) so I'll need another cpu to do that anyhow.


Might be better- it's a dual so I won't need to redo the HAL (or rebuild as all other components will be the same) with a quad. Admittedly I was looking for cheaper- I know, how do you get mcuh cheaper than a $60 CPU?

The Comptroller General is being tight with the funding- as she should be, so I need to tread lightly :)

I might just need to wait to get the 9450 (which has been authorized) and hope that it'll boot well enough to flash.
The Celeron 420 OC's at least 80-100% for $40. I'd say that's a great stop gap for a board that will support a Q9450 if you are looking for uber cheap.

*You don't need more than stock cooling for that either..
The Comptroller General is being tight with the funding- as she should be, so I need to tread lightly

For the Machine God?

I say the Celeron 420 (well, the 1200 isn't bad either). You can just take it out and save it for a Shuttle or SFF to put in the kitchen or connect to the home theatre system.