Elder Scrolls MMO


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2006
(links found from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/ )

Should be an official announcement in May. We already knew Zenimax was hiring MMO developers.

Unless they allow modding, I can't imagine this competing with other subscriptions. I just hope this won't detract from single player. That's all I care about.
This is being developed by Zenimax and not Bethesda themselves so we will see what happens to it but it won't be like the main franchise.
Most MMOs now are single player games just the ability to group with others really. You will not be missing out on that. I doubt there is going to any kind of modding besides UI. I don't think there was ever a MMO where you could mod the graphics legally anyway. Doing so could easily be seen as a hack.
Unless they allow modding, I can't imagine this competing with other subscriptions.

Modding meaning what? UI mods I could see, akin to the kind of thing WoW allows, but full-on "I made this monster and put it in the game" modding? Yeah that's not going to happen with an MMO. How could it possibly work?
Modding meaning what? UI mods I could see, akin to the kind of thing WoW allows, but full-on "I made this monster and put it in the game" modding? Yeah that's not going to happen with an MMO. How could it possibly work?

I don't know, what does Second Life do?
I don't know, what does Second Life do?

Nothing that a typical RPG-based MMO does, that's for sure.

Edit: I'll say that they could, maybe, do something like STO's Foundry. That still requires players to use only assets provided to them by STO itself. But the way modding works for single-player, I just don't see how that could make sense for an MMO. Multiplayer co-op like a hack-n-slash game? Absolutely; As long as both players are running the same mods(excluding graphical mods, of course), then who cares if they cheat? But for an MMO like this I don't see how you could allow "real" modding without running a huge risk of people exploiting the game in any number of different ways.
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Well, bug fix mods (which probably would matter most, lol) are out of the question. But character models might attract an audience. But it's going to be a "normal MMO" I can't see how they could compete. There's nothing unique in this world, except for the lore for people who are fans. And most of those being fans of single player. Seems like most MMOs have a hard time keeping up with subscriptions and all. Maybe free to play?
I'd so much rather they put coop (real coop - quests and stuff together) into Skyrim or the next TES rather than jump on the MMO bandwagon.

I'm getting too old to waste hours and hours on the treadmill of an MMO. :(
Seriously, I fear that instea dof the game playing like how TES games do, with the FREEDOM to explore, build your character any way you want, the combat, etc.

we will en dup getting yet another generic mmo formula game (IE EQ formula, like WoW, Sw:tor, etc) where it's a theme park world hand holding you with boring auto-attack combat/spam specials and where you will b epunished for exploring (IE extremely lv locked zones/area's).
I'm keeping my eye on this. I've never played an MMO, but if anything can pop my cherry, it's a TES game.
TES has a massive amount of content that would be great in a MMO. I just don't think that Bethesda would do it right. They'll do something stupid like make it a mission based game like D&D Online or SWTOR, or make it WOW clone # 124,342
I hope this is a fake rumour. Eldar Scrolls already has issues with lack of a developing world, random fetch quests and uninspiring combat system without turning it into an grinding snooze-fest of an MMO.
I hope this is a fake rumour. Eldar Scrolls already has issues with lack of a developing world, random fetch quests and uninspiring combat system without turning it into an grinding snooze-fest of an MMO.

What are you talking about......unispiring combat system, fetch quests, its already shares everything in common with an MMO.

You know what they say, misery loves company.
What are you talking about......unispiring combat system, fetch quests, its already shares everything in common with an MMO.

You know what they say, misery loves company.

Yeah, they don't even need to do anything with the game, just port Skyrim to an MMO, they just need to add in the obligatory kill X of Y endlessly respawning enemies and its done :p
Real beginning to end co-op would trump the SHIT out of an MMO.

I'm not sure why they didn't add it in.

Imagine if they sold a "co-op" DLC? It'd be one of the few DLC I'll ever purchase.
More likely this is leveraging the IP, lore and branding to launch a MMO. I don't think it will likely follow Bethesda TES game in terms of mechanics. More likely Bethesda's (as the developer not publisher) next game is Fallout 4 I'd think as well.

If this takes off though, fans of the lore can experience the different provinces much sooner than is likely with the current TES release rate. Also the scale could possible be larger as well, maybe not quite the thousands as in lore but maybe hundreds instead of dozens populating say the largest cities.

Also if it does somewhat follow Bethesda TES gameplay then it would be another move towards active combat in a MMO (insert TERA pitch here). Something I want to see more of versus the still currently dominant tab/click targeting and skill facerolling combat (okay a little negative on that).
This is being developed by Zenimax and not Bethesda themselves so we will see what happens to it but it won't be like the main franchise.

Well, that's a point in its favor. Can you imagine an MMO maintained by the player community with unofficial patches?
Hopefully they can make use of some of the more entertaining first person RPG combat from the Dark Messiah crew.
Seriously, I fear that instea dof the game playing like how TES games do, with the FREEDOM to explore, build your character any way you want, the combat, etc.

we will en dup getting yet another generic mmo formula game (IE EQ formula, like WoW, Sw:tor, etc) where it's a theme park world hand holding you with boring auto-attack combat/spam specials and where you will b epunished for exploring (IE extremely lv locked zones/area's).

THIS is what I worry about with a TES MMO. I fucking HHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE themepark MMO's, it's garbage. I can't think of one themepark MMO I played after 2 months. All of the ones that kept me going were ones that had a huge sandbox or PVP or combo like EVE Online, SWG, Planetside, etc. SWTOR: shitty themepark for little kids who want a cookie every time a jawa farts.

What I want in a TES MMO:

1. Same game engine, or even better looking. In 2012, I expect more than WOWTOR/WOW graphics, sorry. Anything less than what we get in TES is a non starter.

2. Same kind of questing where things are DYNAMIC. Surprises where I just run into quests or kills, TES has this is spades and it's one of the best things about the game. I always said if they had this in a MMO I would probably play them more often.

3. Crafting like TES but with more complexity. Complete and utter customizable colors and assorted looks. Imagine if you wanted an entire armor suit to be blood red: the only way to do that would be to hunt down certain dragons or whatever and to have certain things rare, to give you a REASON to go out and kill them and hunt search for them. None of this going to the NPC vendor to get your items, that's for pussies who need their dicks held.

4. Customizable GUI. In this day and age, there is NO reason to have a static GUI. This isn't a console. SWTOR is the exact example of what NOT to do in a MMO GUI. It's like they took the development team of Windows 3.1 and let them code the GUI for that game, it's horrendous.

5. Huge Open World/Sandbox: if I wanted a limp dick linear world I would play SWTOR. This is VERY important for the devs to take into account when doing the TES MMO, it's a must have and one of the reasons why everyone loves TES series.

What I don't want to see in a TES MMO:

1. Quest "hubs" with everyone with a giant yellow "?" above their fucking heads. I fucking hate that. Nothing is more immersion killing than that. I don't want my fucking hand held like some fucktard who suffers from limp dickitus.

2. Cookie cutter missions where I need to kill 20 Baby Dragons to get a piece of shit emo armor piece. And I don't want "bonus" missions where I have to kill 20 minions just to kill the giant fire breathing dragon. I fucking HATE these kinds of missions with a passion. It ruined SWTOR and every other game that had it. I felt like I was on a treadmill getting a little cookie like some retarded subhuman with a keyboard. I don't need to be rewarded every minute to be reminded I am "spechul" ok devs?

3. Linear world: This is a HUGE no-no. There is a reason WHY people are spending 200 hours playing TES. It's called a giant open world/sandbox. If your TES MMO doesn't have this, it will FAIL. There is no 2 ways about it.

4. Chat system of fail like SWTOR. A good example for a chat system to use would be something like EVE's chat system. You know, user friendly where we can create our own channels, kick people from channel, add people to channel, have a MOTD for a channel, hold more than one fucking private convo at a time, because, you know, it's a MMO not a FPS. You know, the underlying things that can help CREATE a community. A bad example is of course SWTOR. I don't think I have seen such a horrible chat system in a modern MMO. Try having more than one convo with someone in SWTOR. 'nuff said.

5. "Accessible" game engine like SWTOR. You know, corp speak for "We want the game to be able to play on your average computer that a WoW player has, like 1 gig of memory and single core CPU". Yeah, fuck you. I don't want "stylized realism" which is what SWTOR devs like to call their anal raped Clone Wars ripoff SWTOR. This is 2012, stop with the old school graphics to make it "appealling" to the WoW crowd. No one wants that.

6. Stay AWAY from the Hero game engine that powers SWTOR. What a horrid piece of shit. I don't care if it's easier for the devs to put in new content, blah blah blah. Stick with the Skrim engine if possible, no one complains about it, even though it's slightly aged, it looks and plays great, especially compared to WOWTOR.

Sorry for sounding grumpy, but I never hold back anymore when it comes to what I want to see in a MMO from now on. SWTOR left a horrible taste in my mouth and I will never forget it.