Elder Scrolls V is coming !

if its on gamebyro i say fail

however if its on rage tech then the phrase "jizz in my pants" has just been redefined
Wow, was it really 2006 when Oblivion came out? I've been waiting for this for a loooooonnnnnngggggg time! :D
I hope the get some coop action this time around...

I doubt it. Elder Scrolls has been a single player only game since ever. I don't see that changing with this one, but who knows...

All I want are some more kick-ass adventures in the Elder Scrolls Universe. Would love to go back to Morrowind, which was my favorite thus far :)
Wow, was it really 2006 when Oblivion came out? I've been waiting for this for a loooooonnnnnngggggg time! :D

Yeah it was! It's always a long wait from one Elder Scrolls game to another unfortunately.
if its on gamebyro i say fail

however if its on rage tech then the phrase "jizz in my pants" has just been redefined

Not happening. Tech 5 isn't really suited for what Bethesda is trying to do with "Oblivion 2". Besides, development was well underway when Zenimax purchased id, so...

So get ready to say fail because it's an enhanced Fallout 3 engine. *puke*
Not happening. Tech 5 isn't really suited for what Bethesda is trying to do with "Oblivion 2". Besides, development was well underway when Zenimax purchased id, so...

So get ready to say fail because it's an enhanced Fallout 3 engine. *puke*

i will still play it... i just dont have to like it :D

but seriously can that engine just fucking die already, its just some glorified terrain editor and tonnes of models with bad clipping
if its on gamebyro i say fail
This is the very first thing that popped into my head. After the horrible technical mess that was Oblivion/Fallout3, while I'm looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls I am definitely NOT looking forward to having to tinker with that buggy piece of shit engine.

Bethesda should make licensing and modifying a new engine their highest priority, even if it delays their next big title by a year.
I want the option for co-op goddamnit. I don't give a shit if the franchise has always been single player only, this is the 21st century where online gameplay with friends/family is becoming the norm.
i will still play it... i just dont have to like it :D

but seriously can that engine just fucking die already, its just some glorified terrain editor and tonnes of models with bad clipping

And bad/jerky/lifeless animation.
Meh, I just hope it's better than Oblivion. Morrowind was a far superior game:

- No "EVERYONE IS A WINN0R" auto leveling. It takes too much of the danger (fun!) out of exploration, which is a major part of an open world game.

- More interesting and varied locations and characters.

Right now I'll file it under "Fallout 3 with swords" until they (hopefully) prove me wrong.
I found the "enhanced" version of the Gamebryo engine uses in fallout3 buggy as hell. Oblivion was much more stable for me.
But visually what gamebryo lacks is accurate and realistic lighting models.
In a recent interview Todd Howard also said it was a greatly enhanced version of the engine used in Fallout 3. It's not all new.

Can you show me the link? I could have swore they were working on an engine. (If I ever find that link I'll post it).

I found the "enhanced" version of the Gamebryo engine uses in fallout3 buggy as hell. Oblivion was much more stable for me.
But visually what gamebryo lacks is accurate and realistic lighting models.

I guess it's the luck of the draw. The fallout games have been much better to me as far as stability goes.
I want the option for co-op goddamnit. I don't give a shit if the franchise has always been single player only, this is the 21st century where online gameplay with friends/family is becoming the norm.

Then there are a zillion other games to buy for that. Multiplayer destroys the single player experience.
Complaining about the game engine is so extremely overrated. :rolleyes: You guys are making it such a bigger deal than it really is.

I don't think everyone really understands the complexity of creating a game engine...The Fallout 3 engine with enhancements could mean far more than you are giving it credit for.
I'm looking forward to this. Enjoyed ES III & IV and it has been a good long while since I've had a good RPG to play.
Man, letting that Gamebryo engine go..reminds me of how Codemasters/BHInteractive wont let the original OFP engine go. They just keep "enhancing" it. I can tolerate the engine, b/c in all honesty, it looks decent. What people are really thinking (imo) is that the animations kill the experience, I'm inclined to agree.

I hope the developers bring over some of the things they implemented in Fallout 3+ to it, like decapitation, companions, and what not. If not, oh well.. I'll still enjoy it like I did Oblivion.
Then there are a zillion other games to buy for that. Multiplayer destroys the single player experience.

Yeah. It is known that the Elder Scrolls games are adventures entirely story driven and that simply cannot be done in multiplayer, so if multiplayer is the only thing someone cares for, then he/she should be looking elsewhere.

I for one am not expecting anything multiplayer from an Elder Scrolls game. The only thing that could make sense would be a sort of Arena, where we could bring our single player characters to fight off with other people's single player characters...but I don't consider that very interesting anyway...
Reworking Gamebryo yet again doesn't count as an entirely new engine to me.

I agree and frankly, I find it troubling that the engine could continue on when it really is long overdue to be abandoned.

That being said, this will still be a day one buy for me.
I would hate to see ES go coop, I just could not see it fit into the game and it's "single hero" setup.

I do see where there could be a market for a Coop optioned RPG however. Dragon Age for instance would be pretty sweet as Coop.

I guess IGN must have misunderstood then.


Near the bottom:

"title would not be using id Software's Rage engine, id Tech 5. Instead, Bethesda has created an entirely new game engine."

Reworking Gamebryo yet again doesn't count as an entirely new engine to me.

Thanks for the link. Maybe wishful thinking, but hopefully it can be construed to mean they use similar technology to gamebryo, but are going their own route. Gamebryo isn't all bad, as long as they can find roads that lead away from instability and commonly seen glitches and performance issues.

I'm sure some of the troubles we see with gamebryo games is Bethseda's programming. For example, animation complaints aren't really a complain against the engine. And since Civ IV uses gamebryo, have we seen problems with that game?
Thanks for the link. Maybe wishful thinking, but hopefully it can be construed to mean they use similar technology to gamebryo, but are going their own route.

I hope so.

Gamebryo isn't all bad, as long as they can find roads that lead away from instability and commonly seen glitches and performance issues.

True, but it really is overdue to just be put out to pasture.
As long as they de-Oblivion it and use what worked in Morrowind, I'll be OK. Vanilla Oblivion was about as boring as it gets, you have to mod it for it to be truly good.
I didn't care for oblivion for the lack of unique weapons. Anyone else?
if its on gamebyro i say fail

It won't be. It will surely be using the Tech 5 engine. Thats the main reason Bethesda aquired id.

It probably wont even come close the Morrowind standards either. My guess is it will be developed on a console and then ported to the PC. Such is the way of things now.
Man, letting that Gamebryo engine go..reminds me of how Codemasters/BHInteractive wont let the original OFP engine go. They just keep "enhancing" it. I can tolerate the engine, b/c in all honesty, it looks decent. What people are really thinking (imo) is that the animations kill the experience, I'm inclined to agree.

I hope the developers bring over some of the things they implemented in Fallout 3+ to it, like decapitation, companions, and what not. If not, oh well.. I'll still enjoy it like I did Oblivion.

It's mainly the animation, lighting, and pop-in that need the most work. Then there's all the gameplay/AI bugs that are traditional with every Bethesda release...
It's mainly the animation, lighting, and pop-in that are the most annoying agraphical aspects of Gamebryo. Then there's all the gameplay/AI bugs.

Are you sure those issues are Gamebryo issues? Sounds more like Bethseda dev issues.
It won't be. It will surely be using the Tech 5 engine. Thats the main reason Bethesda aquired id.

It probably wont even come close the Morrowind standards either. My guess is it will be developed on a console and then ported to the PC. Such is the way of things now.

It will be. Perhaps the next Bethesda game will use id tech 5, but in the Eurogamer interview I linked to earlier in the thread, Todd Howard basically confirmed it was using an enhanced version of the engine used in Fallout 3. He did say though that it was "[like] you almost feel like you have a new console when you see the game."

Put up or shut up. You said the same thing about FO3.