Elon Musk Calls British Diver from the Thai Cave Rescue a “Pedo Guy”

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Aug 20, 2006
Having been told to “stick his submarine where it hurts,” Elon Musk took to twitter this morning to defend himself against British diver Vernon Unsworth, calling him a “pedo” in the process. Musk claims he never even saw Unsworth and was escorted in by Thai navy seals to help, challenging the notion he was asked to leave quickly. He also promised he would send his sub again to prove it would have worked.

"I challenge this dude to show final rescue video." In his next tweet six minutes later, Musk replied, "don't bother showing the video" and promised to send his sub to the spot where the soccer team was trapped. "I was *asked* to help repeatedly," Musk continued in another tweet. "Declined several times, as I thought they had it in hand & only agreed to help when Thai SEAL died (deep cave pumps not operating at time). We designed the mini-sub to Stanton's specifications *and* brought a flexible rescue pod just in case."
So now he wants to send people back into the flooded cave that had people trapped and killed a rescue diver? :rolleyes:
Well he is an admitted socialist, this reaction is par for the course. Surprised he didn't find a way to call the guy racist too.
why is this a fucking thing? really? why?

news broke of kids stuck in cave, They didn't have a way out, considered leaving them there for up to 4 months and ferry them food and water.

More rains where on the way, they asked if ANYONE could help.

Elon said, hey heres an idea, idk if it will work but here you go.

People attacked him.

fuck all of you, seriously, fuck you people, go fucking die in a cave. go down into a fucking cave, and fucking die. dont come back, your of no use to society.
why is this a fucking thing? really? why?

news broke of kids stuck in cave, They didn't have a way out, considered leaving them there for up to 4 months and ferry them food and water.

More rains where on the way, they asked if ANYONE could help.

Elon said, hey heres an idea, idk if it will work but here you go.

People attacked him.

fuck all of you, seriously, fuck you people, go fucking die in a cave. go down into a fucking cave, and fucking die. dont come back, your of no use to society.

Where is the evidence people involved in the rescue asked him to help? Or were they all too busy being pedos?
why is this a fucking thing? really? why?

news broke of kids stuck in cave, They didn't have a way out, considered leaving them there for up to 4 months and ferry them food and water.

More rains where on the way, they asked if ANYONE could help.

Elon said, hey heres an idea, idk if it will work but here you go.

People attacked him.

fuck all of you, seriously, fuck you people, go fucking die in a cave. go down into a fucking cave, and fucking die. dont come back, your of no use to society.

based off of this post, you might be the other side of the same coin.
So nothing to show he was working with authorities, got it. If I just showed up with a teleport device should they have let me try it?

fine we should have just let the kids die, got it.

When tsunamis happen, fuck em, let everyone die.

Ebola outbreak? fuck em, let everyone die.

I got it, you hate everyone, fuck off.
If I'd be an investor I'd start sweating heavily by now, all things of late regarding Tesla/Elon Musk shows big signs of desperation / the guy is losing it, maybe they guy is simply not sleeping well but he used to be the "cool guy" but is now acting more like a stuckup kid these days.
So the rescue was bullshit and the water levels had dropped so low the boys could have walked out at any time. Got it
If I'd be an investor I'd start sweating heavily by now, all things of late regarding Tesla/Elon Musk shows big signs of desperation / the guy is losing it, maybe they guy is simply not sleeping well but he used to be the "cool guy" but is now acting more like a stuckup kid these days.
I think, if I got shit for trying to help people who were asking for my help, as emails revealed, I'd be pretty pissed off as well.
This coming in a week where he's about to be excommunicated by the progressives for donating to the GOP (when he actually donates to BOTH parties) and a spate of speculative articles this past week that Tesla cars will stop selling without subsidies, because they've hit the tax credit production number limit.

And lets face it, once the word gets out in the SJWverse that he's persona non grata, Tesla sales WILL tank, because progressives are the bulk of his sales demographic.

Not to mention the ongoing production hell of the Model 3 that's gotta be fraying nerves.

This on top of all the other enemies he has (Big Auto, UAW, etc) constantly sniping at him on Twitter and elsewhere.

So yeah, when he tries to do something decent and gets pilloried for it, it's understandable when he pushes back a little hard. Sure, he had to like the PR value of helping, but to claim that was the only motive is a bit of a stretch.
why is this a fucking thing? really? why?

news broke of kids stuck in cave, They didn't have a way out, considered leaving them there for up to 4 months and ferry them food and water.

More rains where on the way, they asked if ANYONE could help.

Elon said, hey heres an idea, idk if it will work but here you go.

People attacked him.

fuck all of you, seriously, fuck you people, go fucking die in a cave. go down into a fucking cave, and fucking die. dont come back, your of no use to society.

Looks like the Musk Defense Force showed up exactly on cue.
Looks like the Musk Defense Force showed up exactly on cue.

At the end of the day, what excuse is there for calling some one a "pedo guy" who was on scene and helping people out? THERE IS NO EXCUSE for implying a rescue worker a pedophile and their motive is sexual in nature because they are rescuing young teen boys simply because one's feelings are hurt about the submarine comments. They actually risked their lives to save these kids...more than can be said of Musk.
At the end of the day, what excuse is there for calling some one a "pedo guy" who was on scene and helping people out? THERE IS NO EXCUSE for implying a rescue worker a pedophile and their motive is sexual in nature because they are rescuing young teen boys simply because one's feelings are hurt about the submarine comments. They actually risked their lives to save these kids...more than can be said of Musk.

None, but the loyal crew of MDFers here will likely engage in incredible feats of mental gymnastics to justify it. I mean, the diver hurt Elon’s little feelings - that travesty must not go unpunished!
Well he is an admitted socialist, this reaction is par for the course. Surprised he didn't find a way to call the guy racist too.

For a "socialist" he sure does believe in private ownership. I think he started as one. But, as he continues to interact with the world and it's issues...he's starting to become more and more Free Market. Granted, he makes bank off of cronyism.
I've had to deal with shit like in my job, so I know how annoying it can be. No doubt Musk is a smart guy and he's got teams of smart people, but sometimes you just have to let people do their job.

I've had outages or server down situations at work, maybe just an application down, and while we're in hour three of restoring a DB, or failing over to another server, in walks big shot VP or senior manager who "could have figured this out in 15 minutes" or asks did we use some program or method that we've never even tested, but it'll solve all our problems. "But I use it all the time at home, and it always gets the job done right away! Here, let me pull some of my guys in here to help set up a server to deploy this real quick, and we just need like one or two of your guys to assist in getting things set up, and giving us access, etc etc."

I've had to deal with shit like in my job, so I know how annoying it can be. No doubt Musk is a smart guy and he's got teams of smart people, but sometimes you just have to let people do their job.

I've had outages or server down situations at work, maybe just an application down, and while we're in hour three of restoring a DB, or failing over to another server, in walks big shot VP or senior manager who "could have figured this out in 15 minutes" or asks did we use some program or method that we've never even tested, but it'll solve all our problems. "But I use it all the time at home, and it always gets the job done right away! Here, let me pull some of my guys in here to help set up a server to deploy this real quick, and we just need like one or two of your guys to assist in getting things set up, and giving us access, etc etc."


Many years ago, I was working on a project when my manager came over to me and asked me why it was taking so long and we needed to move faster. I looked him in the eye and said: “I can step aside and let you do the work if you’d like.” I never had that problem again.

Anyway, your point is EXACTLY the point I made in the thread a couple of weeks ago - Thailand had the world’s foremost experts in cave diving and rescue and those folks needed to be allowed to do their jobs without distractions and interference. The MDF wouldn’t hear of it, though.
You have to be a special kind of fucked up individual to hate on someone for just trying to help.

The hate towards Musk is completely unfounded and is typical of nut jobs. I can't imagine what it would be like if he was in charge of Star Citizen as well LOL!

Looks like the Musk Defense Force showed up exactly on cue.

So what's that make you? Part of the Blindly Hating Musk Coalition?
You have to be a special kind of fucked up individual to hate on someone for just trying to help.

The hate towards Musk is completely unfounded and is typical of nut jobs. I can't imagine what it would be like if he was in charge of Star Citizen as well LOL!

So what's that make you? Part of the Blindly Hating Musk Coalition?
Just the fact that a guy’s character is being attacked for helping speaks volumes for part of this community.
It makes me someone grounded in reality. Musk just called one of the rescuers a “pedo” and you’re trying to defend him? Am I understanding that correctly? That IS what this thread is about in case you missed it.

Grounded in reality? What reality? Who cares he probably is a pedo. He deserves it for being such a dick hole in the first place. Quit projecting.
Grounded in reality? What reality? Who cares he probably is a pedo. He deserves it for being such a dick hole in the first place. Quit projecting.

The reality that you’re an unhinged fanboy. Thank you for showing your true colors and proving my point with your bolded comment.

Do you have proof that the guy is a pedo? No? Then STFU and quit slandering an actual hero.
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