Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Will Be Built In Las Vegas


Aug 20, 2006
The startup’s bigger goal is to build a route between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, first transporting cargo before attempting human beings later on.

Hyperloop Technologies announced Tuesday that it will build a test track in Las Vegas for the new technology, which would transport passengers through vacuum tubes at speeds up to 750 miles per hour using solar power. The idea was first presented in a white paper by Musk in 2013 and has since been adopted by multiple independent companies that are racing to build a proof of concept.
Sounds great but they'd better scan the cargo before sending it on its way. Someone is going to have the great idea to stow away on one of the "shipments" "just for fun".
Just another ride for the tourists I suppose. ;)
Sounds great but they'd better scan the cargo before sending it on its way. Someone is going to have the great idea to stow away on one of the "shipments" "just for fun".

With the lack of any atmosphere. :)
this will be great for cargo. wonder if Amazon will use this, since they have a distribution hub in Vegas.
Not sure why Las Vegas, building costs can't be cheap there as it keeps expanding, you'd think some tiny deserted town outside of Vegas maybe, unless they want to turn the test track into the first hub.

I'm all on board this, but hey build a fucking full sized working model to show this technology can work, then see if the costs scale when every farmer and land owner worth their own decides that right of way access over their property is going to cost a pretty penny.
Not sure why Las Vegas, building costs can't be cheap there as it keeps expanding, you'd think some tiny deserted town outside of Vegas maybe, unless they want to turn the test track into the first hub..

Not sure why Las Vegas, building costs can't be cheap there as it keeps expanding, you'd think some tiny deserted town outside of Vegas maybe, unless they want to turn the test track into the first hub.

I'm all on board this, but hey build a fucking full sized working model to show this technology can work, then see if the costs scale when every farmer and land owner worth their own decides that right of way access over their property is going to cost a pretty penny.

We do not have tiny deserted towns, but this will be build way outside the city about 20 miles outside of the city. Also where they are building there are no buildings so they gotta build everything. Also Vegas outside of the strip is pretty cheap actually. We have plenty of land and no one really wants it.
same way buildings are surviving.

And existing rail infrastructure, presumably you try to build in such a fashion that you don't cross any fault lines except when necessary, then you have sensors up the wazoo to detect any faults. Trains both traditional and subways stop service whenever there's an earthquake of any reasonable size and they inspect all the track.
We do not have tiny deserted towns, but this will be build way outside the city about 20 miles outside of the city. Also where they are building there are no buildings so they gotta build everything.
Sounds like you just described my view of what a "tiny deserted town" is :D
i wonder what small creature no one has heard about will be "discovered" and put the whole thing on hold because the tracks will threaten it...
I'd be much more interested if they built a line between the las vegas airport and downtown las vegas and passed by all the casinos on the way there.
I'd be much more interested if they built a line between the las vegas airport and downtown las vegas and passed by all the casinos on the way there.

Yeah fat chance the city is going to let that happen and given up all the taxi revenue. There's a reason why it cost more when taking a taxi from the airport, that's a fee that every cab pays that they directly pass onto the customer.
Yeah fat chance the city is going to let that happen and given up all the taxi revenue. There's a reason why it cost more when taking a taxi from the airport, that's a fee that every cab pays that they directly pass onto the customer.

trust me I know but it doesn't make it less ridiculous that its technically easier to build railway from Vegas to LA than making the small ~6 mile trip from the airport to downtown which I think would have a greater impact upon the city of Las Vegas.