Emachines 17" laptop soon?


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2003
I've heard rumors that emachines will release a 17" laptop soon, is this true?
Yeah, I've heard about the BB laptop too. It's supposed to retail for around $2200 though.
Just want to let you all know that I work at Best Buy in computer sales and have not heard one bit of information regarding any exclusive eMachine power-house notebook. However, I would not see it as an impossibility as Best Buy is eMachines #1 retailer and we just have a very good relationship overall, especially due to the fact that eMachine's CEO was once a Best Buy CEO (might not have been ceo, but something close). eMachine's notebooks are flying out the doors and at the prices and specs they are at, they should be. I wouldn't put it out of eMachine's mind to go higher end than what the m6805 and m6807 already brought to the table.
I hope they bring something out soon! I have been considering the 6807 but the screen seems a bit under par for me. The build quality is not that great but their prices are!! I want an AMD 64 based machine with a great screen (for extensive photo/video editing)

I have been looking at the "Armani" models but they overprice their stuff. They may have better builds and cooool paint jobs but all i need is a machine that does what i need without me getting a second mortgage. That said if i had a lot of cash in my vault I would consider the Voodoo Envy.

I would love notebook makers to adopt some of the newer tech screens like Fujitsu Crystal View or Sony Xbrite!!
even if it is thin, wouldn's say 18" diag. (with frame) be kinda akward? It would be cool to see.
Originally posted by digital_hex
Just want to let you all know that I work at Best Buy in computer sales and have not heard one bit of information regarding any exclusive eMachine power-house notebook. However, I would not see it as an impossibility as Best Buy is eMachines #1 retailer and we just have a very good relationship overall, especially due to the fact that eMachine's CEO was once a Best Buy CEO (might not have been ceo, but something close). eMachine's notebooks are flying out the doors and at the prices and specs they are at, they should be. I wouldn't put it out of eMachine's mind to go higher end than what the m6805 and m6807 already brought to the table.

Question for you, if BB is so into Emachines why don't they sell the M6807? Seriously $100 more for a DVD +-RW burner is not excessive.

Why give up all the business for the M6807 to Circuit City?