'emerge' problem


Limp Gawd
May 30, 2005
hi all there i'm trying my first installation of linux, i'm trying gentoo since they told me it's one of the best for beginners so here i am

whenever i type the command emerge ... it tells me that its trying to download ... from ... prob is that i don't have an interent connection and that is the reason why i downloaded the complete cd~

what shall i do?
|Leviathan| said:
hi all there i'm trying my first installation of linux, i'm trying gentoo since they told me it's one of the best for beginners so here i am

whenever i type the command emerge ... it tells me that its trying to download ... from ... prob is that i don't have an interent connection and that is the reason why i downloaded the complete cd~

what shall i do?

Err I you sure they said Gentoo is one of the best for beginners?

More like one of the best, not for beginners

Not saying not to use it, sounds like you got quite far into the setup (good for you - its just a case of following the very well documented instructions)

Anyway the problem is Gentoo is an internet-distro. You can use the GRP pre-packaged programs but your really will not experience the power and flexablity without net updates

HOwever, if you just wnat to do a stage3 install (sounds like you are ) and just want to get it installed (stage3 great for this) what you need to do is read the final section of the guide


11.b. Optional: Install GRP Packages

Important: This part is for GRP users only. Other users should skip this part and continue with Where to go from here?.

Now that your system is booted, log on as the user you created (for instance, john) and use su - to gain root privileges:

Code Listing 2: Gaining root privileges

$ su -
Password: (Enter your root password)

Now we need to change the Portage configuration to look for the prebuilt binaries from the second CD (Gentoo Packages CD). First mount this CD:

Code Listing 3: Mount the Packages CD

(Put the Gentoo Packages CD in the CD tray)
# mount /mnt/cdrom

Now configure Portage to use /mnt/cdrom for its prebuilt packages:

Code Listing 4: Configuring Portage to use /mnt/cdrom

# ls /mnt/cdrom

(If there is a /mnt/cdrom/packages directory:)
# export PKGDIR="/mnt/cdrom/packages"

# export PKGDIR="/mnt/cdrom"

Now install the packages you want. The Packages CD contains several prebuilt binaries, for instance KDE and GNOME.

Code Listing 5: Installing GNOME

# emerge --usepkg gnome

To find out what prebuilt packages are available, do a quick listing of all the files in /mnt/cdrom/All. For instance, to find out if KDE is emergeable:

Code Listing 6: Finding out if KDE is installable

# ls /mnt/cdrom/All/kde*

Be sure to install the binaries now. When you do an emerge --sync to update Portage (as you will learn later), the prebuilt binaries might not match against the ebuilds in your updated Portage. You can try to circumvent this by using emerge --usepkgonly instead of emerge --usepkg.

Congratulations, your system is now fully equipped! Continue with Where to go from here? to learn more about Gentoo.

so its just a matter of changing a line for where "emerge" wants to look
Of course this is the subject of much debate, but I think gentoo is one of the best distros if you are serious about learning linux. The documentation is pretty good and if you don't know what you are doing, you will eventually break stuff really badly, which forces you to fix it. One of the best ways to learn stuff about linux IMO. Of course, that is largely dependent on it being the internet based version, when you can screw yourself good with careless emerge's =). If you don't have an internet connection, you may want to go with a distro like ubuntu or suse.
10x a lot for your concern, yes i understood the point that gentoo isa very much web based, the problem is that i was carrying out that installtion in my office @ work and after i consulted my manager he told me to not connect it on the network in any case it clashes with our mailserver which is also linu powered, i know maybe it's lame or anything, but somehow i'd rather be safe aye? + gentoo offered the capability to install it completey from cd and i tried it

anyways in 15mins i'll restart my instaltio on one of my home computers and it will be connected to the net so wish me gud luck~

10x alot again for your help and next monday i wil do as eeyrjmr told me~
Since you're online now you can fetch the packages in one go:

emerge --fetch-only --update mozilla gnome hardened-sources


emerge world -uDpv
emerge world -uDf

followed by

emerge world -uD

or to download first and then immediately start updating packages

emerge world -uDf ; emerge world -uD