Enemy Territory Quake Wars Beta

It runs smooth for me. I don't know what FPS i'm getting but I don't notice any lag at all.
any word on the sound? I uninstalled the game b/c I kept getting headaches from it.

I know what you mean. :confused: The loudest sound seems to be the ricochet of the bullets from a GDF assault rifle while the quietest sound is the report from a tank shell being fired. Riiiiight... lol It's weird because I can hear ricochets from quite a distance but I'm sitting inside the tank and I can't hear the shell being fired at all. Most have already stated the lack of "punch" for most of the weapons, too.
sorry but I need to hang on to my key in case they do fix the sound. serious about not playing it until the sound is fixed though. gameplay is ok and it runs ok but aiming is wonky and the sound is nasty.
I'd hold on to it aswell, you never know when it will come in handy.

I should be outside enjoying summer anyway.

It runs smooth for me. I don't know what FPS i'm getting but I don't notice any lag at all.

Then you just aren't paying close enough attention. Just watch the Strogg Cyclops walking animation and tell me that it's not very choppy. Animations are rendered only 30 times per second and there is no interpolation used to smooth them out.
A buddy of mine linked me this site he found. It's got a lot of information on class unlocks and what the various classes do and how they should operate. It's a pretty good primer for any of you that haven't played Wolf:ET before and are a little less familiar with the style of gameplay.
What would be the ETQW version of this bind from ET?

set giveammo "weaponbank 6;set switch vstr switchback"
set switchback "weaponbank 3;set switch vstr giveammo"
set switch "vstr giveammo"
bind \ "vstr switch"
I did the improving detail and unlocking FPS business, and even though it now shows a constant 29 instead of 30, it's a lot smoother. As a consequence, i'm actually able to play properly, and find it growing on me, sort of. By "sort of" I mean that the unlimited sprint is fucking stupid and that the person that decided to include it must have been blessed with an extra fucking chromosome. Letting ADHD-suffering pre-pubescents fly about hopping and sprinting without limits basically ruins the FPS portion of the gameplay.

Besides this, the only issues tend to be beta-related ones, rather than design flaws.
unlimited sprint was included because a developer said that a soldier should be able to run at least a mile without stopping. its equalized by the fact you can't fire your weapon while sprinting and the speed also depends on which weapon you're holding at the time.

lead your target. if you need practice, go play quake 3 on 56k like i used to do. but then again, it may end up getting taken out of the final game.
What would be the ETQW version of this bind from ET?

set giveammo "weaponbank 6;set switch vstr switchback"
set switchback "weaponbank 3;set switch vstr giveammo"
set switch "vstr giveammo"
bind \ "vstr switch"

What does that do?
I've noticed the vehicle textures are top notch. The hoods look realistic. Character models are excellent too. The environment is decent but it needs a qarl's texture pack. :)
playing as a Strogg is growing on me. i love using the repair drone. but it would be nice if GDF had something similar since being able to repair something and going off to defend what you're repairing at the same time is a big advantage.
unlimited sprint was included because a developer said that a soldier should be able to run at least a mile without stopping. its equalized by the fact you can't fire your weapon while sprinting and the speed also depends on which weapon you're holding at the time.

lead your target. if you need practice, go play quake 3 on 56k like i used to do. but then again, it may end up getting taken out of the final game.

Run a mile, sure. Sprint a mile... good luck.
playing as a Strogg is growing on me. i love using the repair drone. but it would be nice if GDF had something similar since being able to repair something and going off to defend what you're repairing at the same time is a big advantage.

yer it is nice, but the fact that both side's are soo different (ie not just re-skin) is soo good. If GDF had it then well it would be boring. GDF have instant-revive

Strogg is growing on me as well, esp with juggling Stroydent for heath or ammo depending on What I have just survived
My one and only gripe about this game is the graphics are years old. In fact, in the current games market, I would even say they suck.
I'm having a hard time getting into this game because of the choppy movements. It makes aiming extremely frustrating.

I've done all the framerate tweaks and I got a solid 50-60 fps, yet the enemies twitch around the screen in these sort of half-animations. It's annoying. In fact, it reminds me of the first days of 1942.

It has all the signs of shitty netcode, and I only join servers with ping < 70.

The concepts are all in place though, and I can definitely see the potential in this game. Once it recieves some polish, I'll get more excited about it.
unlimited sprint was included because a developer said that a soldier should be able to run at least a mile without stopping. its equalized by the fact you can't fire your weapon while sprinting and the speed also depends on which weapon you're holding at the time.

lead your target. if you need practice, go play quake 3 on 56k like i used to do. but then again, it may end up getting taken out of the final game.

Yeah, they can run a mile. In QW, you're running all the time. Sprinting a mile is a totally different issue, really.
playing as a Strogg is growing on me. i love using the repair drone. but it would be nice if GDF had something similar since being able to repair something and going off to defend what you're repairing at the same time is a big advantage.

Well the GDF gets faster repair... I haven't really checked the speed differences. Do you know if the drone repairs at the same rate as your standard repair?
I'm having a hard time getting into this game because of the choppy movements. It makes aiming extremely frustrating.

I've done all the framerate tweaks and I got a solid 50-60 fps, yet the enemies twitch around the screen in these sort of half-animations. It's annoying. In fact, it reminds me of the first days of 1942.

It has all the signs of shitty netcode, and I only join servers with ping < 70.

The concepts are all in place though, and I can definitely see the potential in this game. Once it recieves some polish, I'll get more excited about it.

The quake engine has the best netcode hands down. I used to play competively with 300ping over dialup and it doesn't feel like 300 ping. Have you tried some of the older cvars and creating a autoexec.cfg?

seta r_useSMP 1
seta image_useCache 1
seta image_cacheMegs 256
seta image_cacheMinK 3072
seta com_unlock_timingmethod 2
seta com_unlockFPS 1
seta com_unlock_maxfps 90
seta com_showfps 1
seta r_displayRefresh 60
Have you tried some of the older cvars and creating a autoexec.cfg?

Yeah, I created an autoexec with the following:

seta com_unlock_timingmethod 2
seta com_unlockFPS 1
seta com_unlock_maxfps 90
seta com_showfps 1

... which I got from the sticky on their beta forum. And again, I don't really have a problem with the framerates. Even with good framerates though the animations and movements aren't very smooth.

I have a friend that plays a lot, and he thinks it's fine on his machine (which is slower than mine). I don't know if we're just not seeing the same thing, or if he's not as sensitive to the problem as I am.

I don't know. I'm trying hard to like this game.... it's just way too rough for me in it's current state. I'll keep trying to tweak it though.
it runs pretty well for me at 1680x1050. The only really noticable dips are when all kinds of crazy shit is going on, buts thats to be expected I guess. The game looks pretty good with the cvars.

the game is really starting to grow on me. its just so damn fun that you can do so much different shit. If my team is getting crapped on, I just lay back with Field Ops and drop some hammer or rocket fire. My favorite though is just putting some HE charges on a husky and hooking up a jihad run. that or just circling the EMP base to piss off the strogg.

add me to your list, i am:

is it possible that cheats have been made for this beta? I know it sounds a bit stupid, but I was on a server earlier with one guy ranked as a rookie who would just sweep past you and kill you in a wink every fucking time, even though, having tested it myself at point blank on people's heads, it takes about half a magazine to kill someone. I wouldn't put it past people.

Still, it wouldn't be half as much of an issue if there was a stamina bar, because at least then you'd be able to hit him back, eh? But still, it was clear from the outset that it was a clever design feature, because people can constantly sprint their tits off and leap about like an epileptic for a whole mile. I mean, who can't?

As I said, the issues aren't with the beta bugginess, it's with the fucking mongoloid design approaches. Final judgement for the demo, wha'? Anyone fancy my account?
Well the GDF gets faster repair... I haven't really checked the speed differences. Do you know if the drone repairs at the same rate as your standard repair?

it seems like it does. and you are right about the GDF getting faster repair now that i think about it.

as far as the running thing, who knows. this is supposed to be some time in the future so maybe humans can just run faster and farther. i can see the strogg being able to run that far though. besides, if you know how to lead your target, sprinting isn't much of a problem. and if you can, use the sight on your gun as much as possible. it even makes the shotty more accurate lol.
is it possible that cheats have been made for this beta? I know it sounds a bit stupid, but I was on a server earlier with one guy ranked as a rookie who would just sweep past you and kill you in a wink every fucking time, even though, having tested it myself at point blank on people's heads, it takes about half a magazine to kill someone. I wouldn't put it past people.
A google search turned up a few. It doesn't surprise me at all that they're in development. I mean, it does use the same engine as Doom 3 so anything developed for that or Quake 4 should be relatively easy to translate over. The only real hurdle is getting around punkbuster and that's been compromised for some time now. It really only catches the stupid ones. It's a sad commentary on gaming today, but those are the breaks. Sucks you ran into one of the little fuckers though.
yeah its possible there are cheats. it doesn't help that one of the bugs in the game is that it doesn't remember enabling punkbuster. you have to check the box everytime so i just don't bother with it anymore.
I've also had a funky bug when I enable the filters in the browser. If I go into a brand new game the total number of servers is listed but there's no listings in the browser. I need to go into the filter, change a setting, then the servers are listed. Strangeness.
there is also a bug with refreshing the server list...i can't even join a game after clicking it so i have to click Get New List everytime.
Just wanted to say I think they absolutely nailed bunny hopping in this game. It is the perfect speed.

Anyone else's mouse really laggy in the menu?
is it possible that cheats have been made for this beta? I know it sounds a bit stupid, but I was on a server earlier with one guy ranked as a rookie who would just sweep past you and kill you in a wink every fucking time, even though, having tested it myself at point blank on people's heads, it takes about half a magazine to kill someone. I wouldn't put it past people.

Still, it wouldn't be half as much of an issue if there was a stamina bar, because at least then you'd be able to hit him back, eh? But still, it was clear from the outset that it was a clever design feature, because people can constantly sprint their tits off and leap about like an epileptic for a whole mile. I mean, who can't?

As I said, the issues aren't with the beta bugginess, it's with the fucking mongoloid design approaches. Final judgement for the demo, wha'? Anyone fancy my account?

ROFL Weren't you the guy that defended the 2142 beta till the cow's came home ? Don't judge it on the beta etc...
Here is a tip for ppl using the BETA

claim spawn-hosts if you are strogg