Enemy Territory Quake Wars Beta

Need a key to make an account for QW beta. Which are gone.

They'll let you DL the client, but you can't play without the key so....wouldn't bother.

And.....BF2142 demo really sucks compared to the full game. Which I believe is on sale for 20 bucks or so now. Demo has zero unlocks, and unlocks are where that game gets good. Demo was very un-fun...wouldn't have bought full version if I had not been in the beta and had some of the unlocks to know what a difference they make.

so then you have stat whores instead of those who help your team out. thats what i hate about the unlock system. ET has unlocks but they only last for the round/campaign. much better IMO
so then you have stat whores instead of those who help your team out. thats what i hate about the unlock system. ET has unlocks but they only last for the round/campaign. much better IMO

Well, if you play titan mode in 2142 on defense in particular. It's lots of points and you're helping the team out. Defending high contested point..same thing.

In Quake Wars, I can hop in a hog and drive around the map smashing constructs and end up with highest XP. Guy can sit on the hill camping strogg base in a tank..highest XP. Or you got the GDF guys who park things on top of the building next to Strogg base and repair it to stat whore.

I think the whole XP system in Quake Wars needs to be improved for people who do primary objectives since right now you get a lot more for doing side objectives because you get those PLUS the primary objective XP. And since it only lasts the match (which I think is 3 rounds right now) people want those high xps to get the unlocks to give them an advantage.

Hell they got stat whores in 2142 that won't stick around to lose a round. Quake Wars will have em too if they record that in the persistent stats. Think you're just trading one type of whore problem for another.

Oh and the voice commands in QW need some sort of spam filter on em, it's getting old having to mute people so you can actually hear in-game sounds.
How much RAM and CPU does this thing like? Will I be able to run it decently at, say 1280x1024, on my Athlon 3200, 1GB PC 3200 and 7900GS?
fwiw, I can't get my key to work that I got from Fileplanet. Anyone else have the same issue?
Barely playing anymore, the lag hasn't improved at all for me and I get tired of having people bunny hop around headshotting me in a second or two when I have trouble just hitting them in the weird laggy feeling I get. Plus yeah, the map is old by now. It's 2142's demo map all over again.
I have cutdown. as opose to 1h a night (all I can except weekends) now maybe 2h a week.
Romour has it that beta2 (ie lots-o-fix's and replacement map [big-ass map!!!]) will be out when QuakeCon starts, so a bit longer peeps!!!
They need to give out more keys again if they are going to take so long with the beta :)
they certainly shot themselves in the foot with the limited keys and bots. what is teh point of having bots if you can't play a game with them? just makes no sense. there is not nearly enough people playing now to test the game effectively. oh well, they missed the boat anyways with crysis and ut3 around the corner.
haven't played the beta in two weeks. That said I'm not handing out my key to anyone else. I'm just giving u something to base this opinion on.

Everytime I connect all i see are 100+ servers filled with bots. Then there are 6 to 8 servers where there are actual clan play testing going on 6v6 which were the original beta test clans that got the first invite.

Then you have the pubic play servers which are in total of 4 servers on the US side and 4 on the UK side. The 4 on the US side are always filled up 24/24 or 23/24 so playing with a buddy is impossible.
The 4 on the UK side don't track US stats so you are reverted back to a conscipt or private if you have played a little bit on the UK side. Removing all of your upgrades you have worked so valiantly to achieve.

Yes this beta needs a new map, but they also need to drop the bots on half of the servers entirely. I'm sure there are multiple instances of servers running on each physical server, so all the bots are doing is slowing down what would be a quality server.
Upgrades in the game are not persistant. All you lose is your stats. Has no effect on the gameplay.
haven't played the beta in two weeks. That said I'm not handing out my key to anyone else. I'm just giving u something to base this opinion on.

Everytime I connect all i see are 100+ servers filled with bots. Then there are 6 to 8 servers where there are actual clan play testing going on 6v6 which were the original beta test clans that got the first invite.

Then you have the pubic play servers which are in total of 4 servers on the US side and 4 on the UK side. The 4 on the US side are always filled up 24/24 or 23/24 so playing with a buddy is impossible.
The 4 on the UK side don't track US stats so you are reverted back to a conscipt or private if you have played a little bit on the UK side. Removing all of your upgrades you have worked so valiantly to achieve.

Yes this beta needs a new map, but they also need to drop the bots on half of the servers entirely. I'm sure there are multiple instances of servers running on each physical server, so all the bots are doing is slowing down what would be a quality server.

the bots leave when the server starts to fill up. i'm just gonna guess ppl are getting bored with that one map maybe? i got into the WIC beta so thats where i've been. lol but hopefully there is another map coming. i think someone had posted that there was going to be another map.
Got an email from Best Buy on my Pre order

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars-Windows

Status: Pre-order release date is 10/01/2007.

guess its back to the drawing board for them.
No it's like Quake w/ BF2 inspired roles and weapons.

It's actually pretty fun, though I must admit I haven't played for a couple weeks. Spending all my time playing Insurgency.
Got an email from Best Buy on my Pre order

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars-Windows

Status: Pre-order release date is 10/01/2007.

guess its back to the drawing board for them.
It doesn't really surprise me if the release date has indeed been pushed back that far. The game still needs quite a bit of work. Even with the update, weapon fire still feels really "off". I can't really quantify it, but after having played numerous other shooters, the bullets just flat out don't go where I aim in etqw. Even other games with weapon spread (cs, cs:s, bf2, etc) don't feel this odd; at least I can't kill people when I aim at them in those. The beta of etqw still feels like a crapshoot. Two people get into combat and bunny hop like idiots spraying until one of them dies. They've ironed out some issues, but it still feels pretty unfinished at the moment.
The game still needs quite a bit of work. Even with the update, weapon fire still feels really "off". I can't really quantify it, but after having played numerous other shooters, the bullets just flat out don't go where I aim in etqw. Even other games with weapon spread (cs, cs:s, bf2, etc) don't feel this odd; at least I can't kill people when I aim at them in those. The beta of etqw still feels like a crapshoot. Two people get into combat and bunny hop like idiots spraying until one of them dies. They've ironed out some issues, but it still feels pretty unfinished at the moment.

My thoughts 'zactly.
Glad they pushed back the date. The company really listens to people unlike other companies we have known in the past. At least they are trying to use suggestions people suggestions in their forums. I think it will be a pretty good game though at launch. :)
Splash Damage announced the details of beta 2 yesterday, here is the summary. I know alot testers have been bored and not playing(myself included). This change list is amazing, I just wish we could hurry with its release. Sometime after QuakeCon07 is the timeframe.


Balancing, Refinements and Bugs

The whole team has worked on thousands of bug fixes, refinements, and balancing improvements in this build that couldn't be applied as a simple patch to Beta 1. This covers most weapons, items, tools, vehicles, deployables, and the user interface, including fixes for uncapped frame-rates, improved server administration functions, interaction with objectives, better weapon spread modifiers, vehicle firing rates, better sniper scopes, more consistency between weapons and their UI components, better fire support, improved deployables, and smaller tweaks like time-stamping for messages from friends, and tweaked special effects.

Improved Bots

id Software's John Dean is making great progress with the Bot code, and our Level Designers have added full support to Valley - You can now play through the map while off-line against Bots, co-operatively with friends, against friends each using Bots, or simply flood the empty slots on a server with them. Even at this early stage, they are the most advanced implementation of multiplayer combat AI that I've ever seen. They understand player level tactics and priorities, and team-level strategy. Sure, there are some bugs (else it wouldn't be a Beta!) but I'm positive you'll be impressed by them.

Improved Prediction and Player Physics

Our Physics Programmer Tristan 'Fearog' Williams has developed the new Anti-Lag feature, so we're finally nearing the point where the goal of 'what you shoot is what you hit' will be realized, despite a player perhaps being on a higher latency connection. There are improvements to the collision system, player knock-back, player speed, hitting targets that are jumping, interacting with the world while going prone – it's a big list.

Improved Vehicle Physics and Controls

Tristan has been working hard on this stuff too, with the Husky Quad Bike, Armadillo Truck, and Trojan Amphibious Personnel Carrier in particular feeling much more dynamic (as a test of this, power-sliding now works properly). It's easier to aim as a Gunner when in vehicles now too.

Improved Interface

You'll see masses of refinements across the whole User Interface, but our primary focus has been on accessibility. Gordon "digibob" Biggans' work on the Mission System makes seeing, choosing, and accepting missions much slicker, while class-specific mini-map markers and damaged vehicle indicators make finding the team-mate or vehicle that you need a lot easier. Jared "jRAD" Hefty has been overhauling the Server Browser too, with more detailed information on servers (such as which map of a campaign it's on, and whether the server is in warm-up, the time left, etc), while 'friends filters' list only those servers with buddies or clan mates on them. You can now tweak many more options in the Game Settings Menu, including much more control over graphics settings, and even a color picker to make customizing your alias and clan tag much easier.

Improved Audio

Lots of attention has been given to the GDF handheld weapons in particular, but improvements across the board have been made based on your feedback.

Improved Game Performance

Beta 2 comes with a slew of performance optimisations and tweaks. There are also several new menu options allowing you to tweak the visuals of the game even further. Compared to Beta 1, we've seen performance increase as much as 30% - we're keen to get all the feedback we can in this area, so please keep your performance reports coming.


The latest PunkBuster revision is included with Beta 2 and should alleviate any remaining problems people are having. The PunkBuster folks have also revised their manual updater and it works correctly now across all versions of Windows, should you ever have to use it.

Unranked Server Support

Beta 2 will include everything you need to put up your own unranked ETQW multiplayer server. There's been a lot of demand for this and we're eager to get the server out there for you to test and play around with. It's worth noting that the unranked server code offers a wide variety of tweakable options; for example, you'll be able to turn ETQW into a fast and frantic game, or a slower, more tactical experience, depending on your preference.

Well hey that's a nice list. Hopefully the demo will be out soon after Beta 2 is tweaked.
Hopefully it'll provide a huge improvement in game play over Beta 1 or this game will be dead right out of the launch gate. Just look at the people still playing the current beta.. oh wait, there aren't any. :p
Hopefully it'll provide a huge improvement in game play over Beta 1 or this game will be dead right out of the launch gate. Just look at the people still playing the current beta.. oh wait, there aren't any. :p
Well said. I gave the first beta a lot of leeway. I want the game to be amazing and the potential is there, but there's virtually no one playing the game any more. If they don't fix it with this iteration, I think they're in for a surprise come release. It's not going to kill it, but all the bad PR from the beta testers is definitely not helping to bolster public confidence. Hopefully a new map will revitalize interest and the tweaks and fixes will get some of the glaring issues with the game off the table.
cool. i'll admit i haven't been playing it at all really. been playing the WIC beta lol
So is this new beta build available now? Will is be/is it a completely new client download, or an update to the previous?
The last update automatically downloaded when you started the game so I'd assume beta 2 would do the same thing.
Its a whole new download, otherwise the update would be 400 megs+.
If you have a key now you will be in Beta2, there will be no new keys.
It will be released the week after QuakeCon07.
They already missed the boat on this game. It should have been done a year ago and now it's too late and still buggy as hell. Really sucks. I was hoping for so much more.
If you don't have a key, go to Qcon, they will be giving out keys to all BYOC people at Qcon. I've already got one, but am going to Quakecon and looking forward to playing Beta2 at Qcon. I will post my impressions after I play it. I'm excited, sounds like Qcon will once again be playing almost entirely one game like the good old days of Q1-Q3 when that was all anyone played at the LAN there.
Didn't realize bunny hopping was carried over into ET:QW :confused: Tried last night, doesn't seem to be possible. I haven't bunny hopped in a game since Q2 or Kingpin
if anyone has an extra key, pming me would be greatly appreciated, havent tried the game yet, and its something i've been waiting for, i'd rather try it myself than go with what people are saying.
If you don't have a key, go to Qcon, they will be giving out keys to all BYOC people at Qcon. I've already got one, but am going to Quakecon and looking forward to playing Beta2 at Qcon. I will post my impressions after I play it. I'm excited, sounds like Qcon will once again be playing almost entirely one game like the good old days of Q1-Q3 when that was all anyone played at the LAN there.

You wont have the public beta 2. what you have is a specific build built just for QuakeCon. The public beta 2 only has one map and more fixes than the QuakeCon build. You are under a different NDA for the QC build,also. I'm not sure that client will be compatible with the public beta 2 client next week when its released.

This is information from the community manager at the official forums regarding the QuakeCon build.