Enough with the Crysis threads!

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Regular Daddy

Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2007
There must be like 30 different threads on this game. It's an awesome game, wonderful. It doesn't need a new thread for every little aspect about it though.
It's the same with every super hyped game, get used to it.

(PS. This thread happens with all of them as well...)
OP if this really bothers you than you might better plan a vacation around the second week of November :D
It's like Bioshock all over again, except unlike Bioshock, I think we will see these threads for a long long time.
it is a bit annoying, all i see is crysis this, crysis that and even some annoying threads like 'enough with the crysis threads'
Crysis is like the halo 3 for the pc. People will talk about it like a legend for years to come ;)
Crysis is like the halo 3 for the pc. People will talk about it like a legend for years to come ;)

Hardly comparable.

Halo 3 = Halo 2

Crysis = Not Far Cry/2

Yes, it has a jungle, but so does Pitfall. Crysis is, unlike Halo 3, pushing the envelope for gaming, at least in the graphics department. The gameplay is interesting, it's tactical, but then again theres a nano suit in which you can punch down huts.

At least Crysis is something a little bit refreshing, where Halo 3 is more comparable to a high resolution version of Halo 2 with a moronic hammer.
So do i. Even though the graphics in this game are really good, the gameplay is really nothing to talk home about. It's ok, but nothing really stellar....standard FPS and really not THAT innovative.
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