Entire Cities Dead on Some World of Warcraft Realms

With MMOs, you play so long that you tend not to notice the graphics much. If your box has a hard time during raids, you would turn the detail down anyway. As has been said, gameplay > graphics. Clearly tons of people still enjoy the game.
My wife plays and was in the middle of all this when it was happening. I was laughing personally, she wasn't. This is pretty similar to a stunt some of us pulled in UO years ago, except we didn't have to hack back then to do it. Still resulted in hundreds dead piled around the bank in town. Anything that results in mass death of everything is funny, so long as it is rare.:D
The graphics really don't look that bad. The majority of the people who play the game still aren't "hardcore" PC enthusiasts and builders, and therefore a lot of the videos you see are people recording the game on crappy computers relative to what people on this forum are like to own. That's all.
After reading the headline all I could think of was the South Park episode Make Love Not Warcraft.
I remember back in WoW vanilla there was a trick where warlocks could release their infernals, which would cause a big AoE. Somebody did it in the AH in IronForge and it killed like 200 people.... magically, all the lag stopped :D
It's the same engine they've been using since launch in 2004. Can't think of many other engines that have lasted that long, maybe the Quake 3 engine?[/quote[

Yeah, but even back in 2004 it looked pretty bad for a 2004 title. I still remember trying it out very late in the beta and almost being nauseated by the low quality graphics.... And I have been a videogamer since the days of the Odyssey 200.
People still play WOW :p..it was fugly in beta and its still fugly.

Yes I know it was designed so pretty much anf PC/laptop made since 2000 can run it.

Seeing the youtube clips...Blizzard won't have a hard time finding some of those who used the hack. :D
It's the same engine they've been using since launch in 2004. Can't think of many other engines that have lasted that long, maybe the Quake 3 engine?[/quote[

Yeah, but even back in 2004 it looked pretty bad for a 2004 title. I still remember trying it out very late in the beta and almost being nauseated by the low quality graphics.... And I have been a videogamer since the days of the Odyssey 200.
The graphics were pretty much on par for 2004 title, particularly an MMO... what are you talking about?
honestly, the only thing they really need to upgrade graphically are

vanilla wow character models. it'd be amazing how much just that one change will improve the game.

other than that, game looks great - still- unless you are looking for things to complain about graphically.

my wife and i are almost 89 now (tonite or tomorrow most likely, level 90 by weekend)
What surprised me most about the video was that people still pay money to play WoW.
I still can't believe how many people still play WoW. Two of my coworkers are still die-hards.
damn man i though some small cities had some kind of pact and everyone played wow and they all left at same time.

mah this isn't that good news, WoW is not that epic anymore.
I like good graphics as much as the next guy, but come on. WoW has a really unified art style that is kind of cartoony but looks fine. If some of you guys are made physically sick by WoW, I can't imagine what kind of reaction something like minecraft must get. Sometimes gameplay wins out and people just don't care what it looks like (although I never played past beta, I always kind of liked the WoW look).