Entire R520 XT Card Pictured

peacetilence said:
Yeah, you have to also factor in ATI cards are usually really poor overclockers as well, at least from my experience. Even if they do get it faster than a 7800GTX I bet an nvidia card could overclock higher.

Dumbest thing I've heard all day. Makes me doubt you've owned a single ATi card.
Mister E said:
Dumbest thing I've heard all day. Makes me doubt you've owned a single ATi card.

9500 pro, if I overclocked it 10mhz my screen would turn into confetti.Actually the card would just overheat running @ stock and turn into confetti after playing an intensive game like Far Cry after a while Nvidia cards have a built in registry code to unlock a program for relatively safe overclocking. Both my 6800GT and 7800GTX overclock way higher than I could ever anticipate. How is what I've said dumb? I'm just going by experience. There are many other reasons why I don't like ATI cards though to be honest.
You've owned one card and you base the overclockability of all ATi cards on that one experience? Yeah ok.
Mister E said:
You've owned one card and you base the overclockability of all ATi cards on that one experience? Yeah ok.

Yeah, most people pass judgement on things they've had a bad experience with.
^ Wow just Wow. One card does not entitle you to say that ATi Cards suck at OCing.
If I own a 6800GT that cant work up past 10mhz does that mean Nvidia Sucks at OCing?
No it means my one card does. ATI Cards are notourius for OCing.
i want to know how much this thing is going to cost im bettings 700+ on the highest one and down from there
I expected a pecking order mentality on here. The cards using a 3+ year old modified PCB design with a massive copper HS blower and really high clock speeds. It's going to generate a lot of heat off the bat and I doubt it will be able to overclock well. My 9500 pro had the same problem of generating too much heat for it's own good. I apologize if I've judged all ATi cards from my one negative experience but after going to Nvidia and really liking the other side it's really hard for me to say anything positive about ATi cards. To me it's more than just raw speed and FPS. I like the total nvidia package more than ATI but that's for another thread.
peacetilence said:
I expected a pecking order mentality on here. The cards using a 3+ year old modified PCB design with a massive copper HS blower and really high clock speeds. It's going to generate a lot of heat off the bat and I doubt it will be able to overclock well. My 9500 pro had the same problem of generating too much heat for it's own good. I apologize if I've judged all ATi cards from my one negative experience but after going to Nvidia and really liking the other side it's really hard for me to say anything positive about ATi cards. To me it's more than just raw speed and FPS. I like the total nvidia package more than ATI but that's for another thread.

first time i'v ever heard of the PCB being called "modified 3 year old design".. as opposed to what Nvidia does?

few things to note, if thats an XT and thats only 512 version, its using 512mb GDDR ram chips as there are none on the back..

size appears actually very close to the GTX PCB design on this particuliar version

it also says its using a 512mb internal memory-bus, i think its interesting to note that they problably setup two possibly independant 256-bus to allow for this. though thats a guess.

also the crossfire version is 256, so its senseless to buy the 512 version as it would treat itself as such 256.
I wonder why the X1800 XT has 512mbs while the X-Fire version only has 256mbs. :confused:

Isn't that kind of a waste?
Does any one else notice the very front part of the pci-e connection missing in the 1st picture, but being there in the 2nd?

Maybe I'm not getting something here...
TruthInRuin said:
Does any one else notice the very front part of the pci-e connection missing in the 1st picture, but being there in the 2nd?

Maybe I'm not getting something here...

no you're right, its not the same card front/back wise anyway. possible its 2 different PCB designs.
Oh, I thought ATi just retooled and modified the original 9800 pro pcb for the last few years. I don't really know anything about this new card. I'm sure most people here don't but the high clock speeds and added pipes kind of imply it's the same pcb design as old just with the aformentioned added. The 6800 series was an entirely different design over the old nvidia cards. I don't really want to get into a flame war about this though. I'm just relaying my 2 cents and personal experience as if they mean anything.
peacetilence said:
Oh, I thought ATi just retooled and modified the original 9800 pro pcb for the last few years. I don't really know anything about this new card. I'm sure most people here don't but the high clock speeds and added pipes kind of imply it's the same pcb design as old just with the aformentioned added. The 6800 series was an entirely different design over the old nvidia cards. I don't really want to get into a flame war about this though. I'm just relaying my 2 cents and personal experience as if they mean anything.

wft... Could ya please stop pulling stuff out of your ass. That PCB looks to be longer than anything I've seen ATI release before. They may have optomized the layout (where the memory chips and other components sit) for latency and thermal reasons so it looks similar but how could you possibly expect that ATI would use the same PCB for different cores???

And besides,... THE 9800pro DOESN'T COME IN PCIe... how could they use the same pcb?????
TheTMan said:
wft... Could ya please stop pulling stuff out of your ass. That PCB looks to be longer than anything I've seen ATI release before. They may have optomized the layout (where the memory chips and other components sit) for latency and thermal reasons so it looks similar but how could you possibly expect that ATI would use the same PCB for different cores???

And besides,... THE 9800pro DOESN'T COME IN PCIe... how could they use the same pcb?????

hes just lacking general knowledge we take for granted, dont see the need to be harsh to him honostly.
peacetilence said:
Yeah, you have to also factor in ATI cards are usually really poor overclockers as well, at least from my experience. Even if they do get it faster than a 7800GTX I bet an nvidia card could overclock higher.
On my X850, I've gone from 520 to 600mhz on the core with NO artifacts and at stock voltage, and 520 to 600mhz on the RAM also with no artifacting at stock voltages. I plan on sending mine in to ViperJohn to get it voltmodded soon, and after that, 700+ mhz would not be unreachable.
peacetilence said:
Oh, I thought ATi just retooled and modified the original 9800 pro pcb for the last few years. I don't really know anything about this new card. I'm sure most people here don't but the high clock speeds and added pipes kind of imply it's the same pcb design as old just with the aformentioned added. The 6800 series was an entirely different design over the old nvidia cards. I don't really want to get into a flame war about this though. I'm just relaying my 2 cents and personal experience as if they mean anything.
It's not even close to the old pcb design :\
For what it's worth, i've had a 9800pro that clocked at 424 (44mhz over stock), a 9600 pro that clocked at 550 (150mhz over stock) and a 9500pro that clocked at 395mhz (120mhz over stock).
So yeah, I'd say your poor overclocking on your 9500pro was just bad luck. Especially considering the GPU on a 9500 was meant to run stock at 326 on the 9700 PCB anyway.
CrimandEvil said:
I wonder why the X1800 XT has 512mbs while the X-Fire version only has 256mbs. :confused:

Isn't that kind of a waste?
I think they will all be Crossfire compatible regardless of what it says there. It's basically the same card except with beefed up memory. I think it is fair to say that the 256MB version is the 7800GTX counterpart.
X1800 XT

650MHz core clock, the core looks like it can facilitate up to 32pipelines but do to (expected) yield problems under high pipe amounts on the new process it looks like it will be under 24 although this is possible as well, so (16) is problably what we'll see. The board is equiped with 1.26ns samsung GDDR3 rated for 1600MHz, however the memory speed will be 1400MHz stock, and it will carry a 512 internal memory bus. Dual link DVI, Vivo, 400MHz RAMDAC. Also mentions something about ATI installing a Crossfire Composite Engine at least on this version, so there is no need to differentiate between master and slave.

As you can see its almost exactly the same length as the GTX and dwarfs the X850.




rough google translation and more pics:

*scratches head*

Anyone else notice something odd here?

I mean, this is the first high end ATI card I've seen ever - EVER - that did not have ram chips on the back of it, too. I mean, as far back as the very first Radeon 64 DDR VIVO...there were 4 ram chips on the front, and 4 on the back.

This card doesn't even have PADS for ram chips on the back!

Holy completely-redesigned-PCB, Batman!
Shifra said:
650MHz core clock, the core looks like it can facilitate up to 32pipelines but do to yield problems the pipeline number can still vary between 16-24-32. The board is equiped with 1.26ns samsung GDDR3, and a 512 internal memory bus.


Can that REALLY mean what it says?!

And I'll take mine with the VGA Silencer installed, thanks! :cool:
dderidex said:
*scratches head*

Anyone else notice something odd here?

I mean, this is the first high end ATI card I've seen ever - EVER - that did not have ram chips on the back of it, too. I mean, as far back as the very first Radeon 64 DDR VIVO...there were 4 ram chips on the front, and 4 on the back.

This card doesn't even have PADS for ram chips on the back!

Holy completely-redesigned-PCB, Batman!

It makes sense... if you put all the memory on one side, you can integrate a memory cooler into the GPU cooler without having to have a twosided design.
lithium726 said:
external is still 256bit
Yeah, but still! That's 89.6 GB/s internal bandwidth!! Holy crap! What would you DO with that much bandwidth?!?!

The GeForce 7800GTX only has 38.4 GB/s internal.

(Amusing thought for the moment....with exactly twice the *internal* memory bandwidth as the actual bus width to the memory....wouldn't 2x SSAA be 'free'? Literally? As in, built into the hardware and always on?)
Shifra said:
no you're right, its not the same card front/back wise anyway. possible its 2 different PCB designs.

no it's the same card .. on the front picture i accidentially cut too much ofthe connector away when i was removing the background
Yeah...the one linked from the front page totally looked like a shop job.
Shifra said:
The board is equiped with 1.26ns samsung GDDR3 rated for 1600MHz, however the memory speed will be 1400MHz stock, and it will carry a 512 internal memory bus.
It's strange to see the memory speed underclocked from it's rated speed. The 1.667ns stuff used on the 7800GTX was specced for 1.2GHz but we often saw it overclocked to 1.30/1.35GHz speeds. Looking at the overclocks achieved with the 1.667ns memory I would have expected the 1.26ns stuff to reach as high as 1.8GHz. I can only assume that power or thermal issues prevent running these chips as high as you might expect. Maybe these 2.0V 512Mbit chips use quite a bit of juice? I can't wait to see what crazy-ass overclockers can do with those memory chips! :)

The local memory system is the most exciting thing about R520 for me. The possibility of running a 512-bit interface is great news. I'm not sure we'll see that primo 512Mbit 1.26ns memory used in a 512-bit memory interface configuration because such a card would have 1024MB onboard and be kidney-sellingly expensive (and possibly push the power and thermal levels too high for the card). More likely they'd use the good old 256Mbit 1.667ns stuff in a 512MB 512-bit config.

I like what I see so far, let's just hope ATi can deliver on availability and pricing too. Speaking of availability, I'm guessing it's still gonna be 6-8 weeks before any of us get to buy one of these suckers. :(
hmm that 512 bit internal is just a play of words, all modern GPU's have 512 bit internally.

Matrox Parhelia 512 started all that for the most part
W1zzard said:
no it's the same card .. on the front picture i accidentially cut too much ofthe connector away when i was removing the background

I just have one thing to say ...



Edit: btw, notice how the X900 picture has an aluminum bottom/copper top cooler. That, my little friends is what we call "Most efficient for pulling AND dissipating heat off the core" ;)
dderidex said:
*scratches head*

Anyone else notice something odd here

Holy completely-redesigned-PCB, Batman!

first ime I've seen an upsidedown core :D
I am glad it is full size. It just makes tinkering and cooling easier.

Besides, nothing looks better in a big ass case than a big ass video card.
like someone else said, i think the same thing is happening with the R520 as with the 7800GTX with pics leaking a couple of weeks before its annoucement. hopefully we'll get all info we've been patiently wait for soon.
i wanna know what the white connector on top is for... perhaps a different, internal version of crossfire?
That would be pretty cool (I don't like how that huge DVI cable thing looks) but it might be like the yellow connector on some of ATI's cards. The yellow connector is for vivo ports mounted on the front of a case.