Et tu, Twitter?


For Whom The Bell Trolls
Dec 29, 2005
With Twitter's recent decision to launch proprietary BlackBerry and iPhone apps, third party developers everywhere are screaming out as if they were betrayed. Twitter co-founded Evan Williams explained that this was a strategic decision intended to fuel growth.

"the real problem is that somehow Twitter had convinced the world they were going to 'let a thousand flowers bloom'--as if they were a nonprofit out to save the world, or that they would invent some fantastic new business model that didn't encroach on third-party developers."
hehe... tons of twats world round now will have to pay for an app to twit. And you know what, they fucking will pay!
Uh, "Tweetie" (the iphone app Twitter purchased) used to cost $2.99. Twitter has made it FREE.

Yes, this is disastrous!

Thousands of "developers" praying that new users randomly select their "Twitter App" from the App Store, since there was no official one, now have to find a non-predatory source of App Store income.

Someone think of the children!

PS: I can't believe this story was even written, let alone linked to on this site. Terrible journalism.