Eve Online Help. New Player. Guides? anything?


May 20, 2006
I just been kinda feeling like i want something to play kind of like UO.. Almost bout to even just reboot up UO, but i read online closet modern style game of UO sandbox is Eve Online.

So I'm trying a 21 day trial haven't had much time to play, im still going through the Turtorial but hell i can already tell the game is very complex and some what confusing for a newcomer.. Is there any great web sites, forums, videos anything to help out new players to Eve kind of get started and going..

I just quit cold turkey yesterday lol. I was on it like crack, was getting nothing done in the real world. Anyway, at the moment your best friends will be your NPC corp chat and the Rookie help chat channel. They are both in your chat window (can't be closed).

Don't mine. Please.

Get good at blitzing L4 security missions. Most of your income will come from converting LP points to isk. lpstock.ru is a well kept secret among blitzers. At the moment, just this is probably information overload. You will be able to make 100-120M per hour after a lot of practice. I had a 5.5B Machariel that I ran missions in. You will not get to this point overnight, it will take a while.
Here are a few links I found with a quick search.

General guides.


Guide for when you do missions. So you know what you will be up against.

If they are still around check out EVE University. They are a corp for new players. Never joined them when I played so can't speak what they offer. I did it the old fashion way, play the game, and learn as I go lol.

Another tip is look for a corp that is open and friendly to new players. I sure most are, but some might offer more then others.
You can't really do anything in. the trial period if you stick it out a bit you could always join eve university which is a corp for noobs they have classes and training fleets. I personaly never when that way but my friend did and he said he learned a lot.
Don't mine. Please.

Get good at blitzing L4 security missions. Most of your income will come from converting LP points to isk. lpstock.ru is a well kept secret among blitzers. At the moment, just this is probably information overload. You will be able to make 100-120M per hour after a lot of practice. I had a 5.5B Machariel that I ran missions in. You will not get to this point overnight, it will take a while.

Dude i have no clue what you just said not one word.. Im Completely a NOOB to this game. I have maybe 45mins logged into it... please make this as basic as possible im a MMO from more traditional games like WoW, Gw2, etc.. no clue bout this shiz.
hearing you guys talk about it , i may decide to not even bother trying to get into it, sounds like its way to f'n complicated and the amount of time id have to invest just to grasp a damn understanding on how to the play game.... i just wanted to have fun like UO in space.. = \
Good paths for beginner/newbie to follow? Mining? something?

EVE Online is very player driven and its really what you want to make out of it. It's also very unforgiving for new players and solo players. Its not for the impatient either. It takes time to learn the game play mechanics and its impossible to master all professions in a reasonable amount of time. My recommendation is to start training up some skills and maybe do some missions but try to find a noob friendly corp that is willing to take you under their wing and show you the basics. I would show you around but I quit years ago due to time and burnout.

So in short it depends on what your play style is. I knew folks that just loved to mine rocks all day and chat about anything that comes up. Also expect multiple cultures and different personalities. I was in a corp that was a mix of miners, crafters, market manipulators, mission runners and some PVP. I briefly had two accounts that I used to mine and mission run with. After six months of training my battleship, I could mission run and rake in tons of ISK after salvaging. I also played the market in Jita and made tons of ISK just by buying and selling. You can make ISK very easily if you take the time to learn how and what to do.

So some quick tips:

  1. Make friends but be cautious. Some people just in real life are scammers.
  2. Experiment with different ships and factions but try to avoid rerolling after putting it tons of training time.
  3. Expect some downtime.
  4. Read some of the stories on the website. EVE Online has a rich story and helps get you immersed in the universe.
  5. Don't overspend on a shiny new ship and modules without a nice ISK "cushion" that covers at least 1.5 times the cost of the new ship plus modules and add more if you have implants. Had a corp mate that would Rambo into fights, get blown up and then beg for ISK.
  6. Don't beg for ISK.
i need a newbie path to take for like making money, having fun and not needing a PHD in like Advanced Sciences.. Ive already started training a bunch of mining crap cuz i figured it was newbie friendly. i havent actually mined yet though.
i need a newbie path to take for like making money, having fun and not needing a PHD in like Advanced Sciences.. Ive already started training a bunch of mining crap cuz i figured it was newbie friendly. i havent actually mined yet though.

Look for a corp that can help. If I still played I would mail you some isk to get you started but my account expired sometime ago :(

Like I said it takes time. At a minimum it takes 3 months to make a decent amount of ISK. Don't waste time on any profession if you don't plan on doing it.
Look for a corp that can help. If I still played I would mail you some isk to get you started but my account expired sometime ago :(

Like I said it takes time. At a minimum it takes 3 months to make a decent amount of ISK. Don't waste time on any profession if you don't plan on doing it.

But how do I make ISK? And What do I do with the ISK i make? Why is everyone obsessed with ISK? I was figure of mining to like make money and do something? What should I be doing? I dont even know where to begin.. im going to finish the tutorials for the shiz of it and after that No Idea...
No no no don't do mining. start dooing security missions. its more fun and you way more money.
Do the tutorial missions?
It's been a while but iirc that eases you into most things like combat, missions, trade etc and it rewards with you with ships, ISK & equipment.
But how do I make ISK? And What do I do with the ISK i make? Why is everyone obsessed with ISK? I was figure of mining to like make money and do something? What should I be doing? I dont even know where to begin.. im going to finish the tutorials for the shiz of it and after that No Idea...

Start with missions. Mining takes a very long time to become profitable and the more expensive ores are in dangerous low security areas.
good god man, have you even Googled anything yet? There's a billionty six articles, blogs, guides, calculators, and apps out there. The earlier sugestion of 'get clanned' is best. I suggest EVE University if they still exist, skilled at educating noobs.
What skills do I need to train in order to do Security Missions or become better?

Sorry Bro, most stuff is blocked here at work and I figure i go right to the source the Hard forum gaming folks.. :D

See i already learned something dont do mining, so stop training mining and find out and do security missions :)
Ok the question you have ask your self is what kind of ship do i want to fly. Pick a ship you want to fly then train it. look at the ships perks and build around that.

for instance i like drones so i go gallente which tend to specialize in drones,blasters and armor(verses shield taking). so i would need to train for those.

just remember that different factions do different damage. so when you talked a mission look up the faction your fighting and find out what dmg they do. then pop in some resistance boosters of those kinds. this makes missions 10 times easier.

also i assume you have a start phone? if so get eve aura it will let you look stuff up and research ships to your hearts content.
im a gallente... not sure about the start phone?? =/ alright ill give it a whirl, thanks for all the tips everyone
A lot of coffee, donuts and an entire free weekend to get through the tutorial because the second you step away you'll forget whatever it was you were supposed to be doing get lost and quit. You're gonna do that when you get out of the tutorial anyway so install another game right away so you'll have something to take your mind off how much time you wasted in EVE.
Don't let the learning curve turn you off. Its actually a really fun game once out put a little time into it. and pvp is probably the most exciting/challenging i have ever experienced in an mmo. some find eve a bit overwhelming and rage quit without giving it a chance. but if you give it some time it pays off

funny picture, im working my way through the tutorials still, im slowly grasping it and to be honest what ive experienced so far is actually fun, we'll see how long it lasts...
I find myself playing like mad for a month or 2 then moving on to other games. then going back and playing like crazy all over again.
If you need an ISK bump to help get you started or just want to ask questions hit me up in game:


Currently I am mining (I know), but I also play the market and run L4 Missions occasionally. I usually go to the Ars Forums for my Eve thread fix, but the Arsian motto is to give the newbies starting ISK :)
LOVE EVE. Its a badass game. But of course, thats my opinion. Very time consuming game, but, not really on purpose like other MMO's (coughwowcough)( :) ).

To me, I liked the game EVE "because" it was complex. VERY COMPLEX!!!! But, Im also a science buff too, esp. space. The visuals are just stunning. If you havent done so yet, take your ship and stroll around a star...ANY star (though the purple/blue ones are my favorite). Take a good look at it. Sometimes, they are actually blinding to look at (duh). Its fantastic to see though.

When I played (havent played in a long while due to my job/family etc etc.), I didnt do much of PvP. I was just never really into that sort of stuff. But...and in all honesty (back me up guys), DO NOT DO PVP WITH A SHIP YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO LOOSE!!!!!!! Think of your ship in PVP like playing the stock market/gambling. If you cant afford to loose it, DONT!!!!

I mostly explored and, well, heh, did my version of running stock back and forth.

Something that I LOVED to do was find new worm holes. Mannn, that was great!!!! I even made ISK off of doing it, I got really good too. I could Isolate an object in space in less than 10 seconds. What I really like about this aspect is that you cant just launch a probe in space and get results. Thats boring. Anyone can do that. But, tracking down an object thru Tri-Angulation (sorry, I suk at spelling) was FANTASTIC!!!

When you found something........."YOU" found something. YOU did that work, you "accomplished" a feat that isnt done automatically. You had to use your brain. To me, that was very rewarding. And then....there was always the thought....."should I enter?" I have been on the receiving end of a worm hole collasping on me after I went thru. Yeap, took me nearly 4 hours to get back to null space cause I had to avoid the Pirates. Which in turn, just added to my experience. It added that "THRILL"...That sense of loss that could happen. Ya know, there is a word for that, its called an Adventure.

To me.....This is what made EVE Online a GREAT!!!! GAME!!!!!

Oh yeah...and that picture a few posts above......TOTALLY CORRECT!!!!! 100%
I'm still playing and enjoying it. I havent had a ton of time to play yet but yeah i can tell its time consuming and slow moving.. but its peaceful to me. I finished all the tutorials and im working my way through the Sisters Epic Arc story now.

My character name is Kalib Villegas
LOVE EVE. Its a badass game.....Something that I LOVED to do was find new worm holes. Mannn, that was great!!!! I even made ISK off of doing it, I got really good too. I could Isolate an object in space in less than 10 seconds. What I really like about this aspect is that you cant just launch a probe in space and get results. Thats boring. Anyone can do that. But, tracking down an object thru Tri-Angulation (sorry, I suk at spelling) was FANTASTIC!!! :)

ya, Wormholes were great. I made a billion ISK solo-dualboxing. After a few months the corps moved in and it was just too dangerous solo.
Stopped playing for a year, but I remembered blasting through security missions the lazy way.


Fly in a straight line, poop missiles and keep the shields up. Easy as pie.