Even Celebrities Get Crappy Service At Best Buy

What a dumb broad! Best Buy won't sell her ipods so she goes to another fuckn bestbuy. Looks like her brains match her talent...
Truth of the story is if she really wanted to get iPods for all sorts of orphans she could have much more easily had one of her assistants order them online. She wanted some sort of press from this, so she went into a public place (probably paparazzi somewhere), or she'd tweet about how she just bought 20 ipods for orphans... instead she sends a message that she got denied buying ipods for orphans, all the while knowing all the press junkets are going to run with the story.
man i got to check if best buy in my town is still around, i thought they went bankrupt last year, read carefully it was blockbuster. they both have yellow and black logo right!?!
that sales supervisor had to be either militantly gay or something because if kelly clarkson asked me for anything, money, a kidney, my gaming rig. I'd give it to her.
That sounds fake! Why would you be in best buy? Was the internet broken, were you returning something for a friend? :p

I go to Best Buy once a week for new movies, since the price is comparable to online and I get it that day. Also, I'm a member of their reward zone, so it's like free money back to me, since I'm going to spend it anyway. I don't buy any real electronics there!

As for the paparazzi comment, I can honestly say that there was no one there. Heck, I didn't even recognize her. I just realized who it was after the comment, since I DID see her making off with a bunch of iPods. I guess she just didn't get all of the ones she wanted.
Sounds like Best Buy hired some actual fans of music who were simply trying to stop the spread of an audio ear virus (meaning Clarkson's music) to orphans.

Poor kids got it tough enough already, what Best Buy was doing was an act of kindness. :D
Its pretty bad when me, a 37 year old man, won't set foot in an electronics store. I'm pretty sure that I am just the kind of customer they would love to have and to be honest, I used to love going there. Oh how the might have fallen.