Even worth it to buy a low end ssd?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 8, 2005
i want to try ssd but since im a college student $$ is a problem. I see some low end cheapo ssd's on new egg but their rated speed a much less than the higher end ones and was wondering would it even make and difference to invest in one of those? if not whats the bare minimum i should buy to feel a difference.
Try the Kingston Boot Drive if it's still available. Should be anywhere between $90 and $140.

Fastest for the price and based on the Intel G2. The write throughput is low for continuous writes but is a leader in small writes, hence it is supposed to used as the file system/boot drive.
Here is the trick. If you are an engineering student, join a rich lab and convince them to buy you one! That's what I did.... :D
Kingston 40gb SSD is worth it....... around $100 and it is an intel drive.

other than that the highend OCZ or Intel drives are the only ones I would spend $$ on
The ratings on the drives are useless. USELESS. They are sequential transfer numbers, and do not reflect the small reads/writes that make up the bulk of daily use. Further, they are estimated, and best case numbers. Think of the estimated MPG on cars, but without the EPA keeping the manufacturers minimally honest.

Your decision should based on going with a reputable manufacturer. Who 1) make a good all-around product, and 2) have had a reputation of supporting their products. Right now that means the Intel products and the Indilinix-based drives (think OCZ.) Although, you might also consider some Samsung controller drives, if you are price sensitive.

I think my advice would be to reduce the size of the disks, not the quality of the manufacturer. OCZ has 30GB models, Kingston had a 40GB model, using an Intel controller.