ever had a dream about a videogame?


Apr 1, 2007
yes, i know i am a huge loser, and yes, this thread will probably fail miserably, but i'm starting it anyway! HOORAY FOR ME!

anyway the other night i had dream i was _in_ gears of war. i was in a very large, open area, taking cover up against this tiny slab of concrete, and there were boomers everywhere. probably 20 of them or something, and all i could hear was "BOOM" over and over again and shit exploding all around me. it was pretty intense. unfortunately that's all i remember.

i figure this must bump me up to a level 10 geek or something. :)
anyone else have dreams about games?
Well atleast im not the only weirdo here :p j/k I do the same thing with the old Doom series. Something about that game really got to me when I was younger and played it alot. Occasionally I'll have a dream about it where im in the game. Very rare though now, quite a bit near the time I was playing it, of course. I haven't dreamed about any others though.
LOL... back in my days of being in a MOH:AA clan my fiance said that I used to yell out in my sleep..SHIT!!!! SNIPER!!!!

Then again I probably surpass all of you.. some have heard this story before but most have not ...

For a week straight my buddies and I had been playing Starcraft online (after school from like 5pm to 2am)....
Well one days as I was walking out of my biokinesisology class I was going to my next class which was on the other side of the campus. It was fall and windy out and I was walking over this bridge not really paying attention to anything. All of a sudden a gust of wind came up right as I was hitting the other side of the bridge and a lone leaf skittered across my path. I stopped dead in my tracks, scared shitless because the first thing that came to mind was "OH SHIT!! UH LURKER!!!!" I called my buddies that night and told them the story. Was great for a good laugh and they still tease me today, stopping me in the middle of something and saying "OH SHIT A LURKER!!!!"

Now that is dorkness x100!:D
Red Faction and more recently TimeShift.

Red Faction was pretty clear as EOS messages were pooping up and yelling at me.

TimeShift was set in an area like Resistance shipyard + Timeshift enemies, and I had a crossbow from Timeshift as well, didn't use any powers. Oh and it had a booster from UT3 in it as well, and an objective screen that looked like the checklist when you start a boat/heli/tank in Crysis.

Oh and a free for all battle that had Bio-guns, Helghast, Mario, some other video game characters and had me eventually turing into some weird angel power thing in 3rd person and fighting a friend I haven't talked to in 5 years, with glowing swords.

Dreams are fun.
I had a dream I was in a bank that was getting robbed by mario and luigi.
hehe well i'm here to join the great dork club for men :p. I remember when i first started playing, back in the SNES days. I had a dream I was Mario and I was just going through the game I actually felt scared cause i was like shit i don't want to die. back then since i just started playing i wasn't too good so i died a lot i was afraid of running out of lives and being game over for me :p. I guess when i started playing counterstrike, the original. I had several dreams i can't remember the name of the stage anymore, it's the one where the terrorist territory & the anti were divided by a hallway and an under path. I just kept dreaming of rushing into that hallway. Lol I also had several dreams of being master chief and putting the smackdown on some covenant. I guess when you spend several hours concentrated on a game it's bound to affect your subconscious.
I've had some messed up DOD SOURCE based dreams. Don't tell the wife... :)
When the Burning Crusade expansion came out I kept seeing the WoW minimap in my dreams.
Lately I have been playing a lot of Call of duty 4.

One day, about two days after call of duty was released, I had a little cold so I called in sick to work. I must have played about 6 hours straight, and I had only a few red bull to drink, which btw, is a very strange, although not pleasant, feeling when you are sick, I stopped playing around 7PM and I go sit on the toilet, while I was sitting there I started to fall asleep, and I had a flashback of sorts. I was running down the main street on the "district" map and gunning down other players, this flashback was very intense, so intense it kind of scared me, and these flashbacks to the game would happen whenever I closed my eyes that night. When I finally fell asleep that night, I had very vivid dreams of the container ship level in single player campaign. I think all of this was cause by a combination of the following: my cold, the high level of caffeine, the hours of staring at the TV, and my tiredness.
I had a dream I was a dragoon in Starcraft, except the dream doesn't take place in starcraft but somewhere else. I can't remember what it was about but I still remember it to this day because I think it's the only dream about video game I had.
Oh many times:p it usually happens when I played certain game for long periods of time. my recent one involved the 2_fort map in TF2 where me and some sniper were shooting each other's heads off;)
Everytime I get a new game, I have dreams about it.

The most interesting ones were when I got the new Tomb Raider....:p
Spring 05', when I was getting in with a hardcore WoW raiding guild (Blood Legion, Illidan), I played like 8 hours each night. My dreams were littered with glimpses of a sea of character names in dark Red approaching from the distance. For a moment, sheer panic, until the dream shifted directions away from WoW.
After a week of playing Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, 4, and Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4 I started dreaming the most f'd up dreams you can imagine... Melting walls, bloody sinks... ZOMBIES!!!

Of course this was last week so I'm still dreaming the dreams... I love breaks from school... go University down times!
I had this messed up dream I was a spy from TF2, got past a well built sentry and an engineer (didn't zap it cause there was tons of them), go behind about 6 snipers and a heavy who had just spawned and backstabbed them all...and they all my friend's names :confused:

really f'up
I dreamt I was Nomad in Crysis right after playing it the first night. I once had a very weird daydream last year after playing Oblivion. I was driving to work last spring and noticed the tall wild grass in the median of the highway and couldn't help but think how much it reminded me of Oblivion. I then started thinking of all the expoloring I had done and how similar other areas near me were to the game. I had to snap out of it otherwise I could have gotten into an accident.
When i was playing WOW i had an awesome dream about Molten core (before you mock me hear me out).

It was a sitcom like set-up where the main villain (Ragnaros) kept trying to hurt the main characters (i guess the human players) because he was jealous of their love. He was a real clumsy kind of guy with a whiny kinda voice, and all the enemies in Molten Core were his roommates that lived with him in a big apartment. He would send his roommates out to harm the main people but they would always get around it because his henchmen would screw it up in some really stupid way. At the end of the dream Ragnaros was on the phone with his mother complaining about how he can never win.

This was all shown in a cell shaded like animation scene. Sometimes i love my brain :)
When portal came out, i played it ALOT.

and had many portal involved dreams (with puzzles even)
sometimes after playing many starcraft or warcraft games i would have these crazy dreams about them... Usually means i get lousy sleep since I would be thinking intensively during sleeping instead of relaxing
Back when Age of Empires 2 was new, I used to dream I was an emperor in those times, building my empire from an omniscient point in the sky nearly every night for a month straight. I kept wondering how the enemy armies would be able to hurt me anyway...

I sometimes dreamt about Mario Kart 64 and trying to pull off the wall-jump over the middle of that track where it would shave off some 30-plus seconds.

When I played Everquest, I would have CONSTANT dreams about being a merchant trying to sell my goods to other people... yeah, not very exciting haha!

I sometimes dreamt about Counter-Strike, even as recently as Source. While not as extreme as calling out "OH SHIT!!! SNIPER!!!!" in my sleep ;) I did wake up terrified sometimes :p.

I never dreamt about Starcraft that I can recall, even though I played it as much as humanly possible for years.

Most recently, the MMO I played for the last 6 years (Dark Age of Camelot) made me dream about protecting the realm's ("side"/land) Relics as a master Minstrel (my favorite toon), and I would always see myself from a third-person perspective in the dreams. I'd wake up and be startled that I was inside my body again... :eek:.

When i was playing WOW i had an awesome dream about Molten core (before you mock me hear me out).


This was all shown in a cell shaded like animation scene. Sometimes i love my brain :)

Haha, that's one cool dream :D!

While not exactly videogame related completely, I also often have lucid dreams... which inevitably turn into videogame-like settings due to my active imagination :p.
I've dreamed about video games a lot actually.

It used to happen all the time when my best bud and my brother used to sit around and play perfect dark all night until the sun came up... I'd pass out eventually and have dreams that I was still playing.

Unreal tournament has done that a lot with me too after pulling some all nighters.

The most recent game to have that effect on me is CoD4. I've had several dreams I was playing it, and even one dream where I was really in a war creeping around with an M4. :rolleyes:
all the time.

when i was playing asherons call i had a nightmare i was being chased by tuskers woke my GF she never let that one down. (not my GF anymore)
I have them when I sleep right after playing a long video game session.

The ones I hate are about zombie mod for CS Source. When I have zombie mod dreams, I'm always the human who can never run fast enough to dodge the zombies.

Actually, I hate any dream where I'm running but I can't run fast enough as if I was weighted down by some really heavy.

Damn zombies....
Recently me and a couple buddies pulled an all nighter playing the original Super Smash Bros ALL night, when I eventually went to sleep I dream't about it, haha.

I've also had a few Counter-Strike dreams, which are pretty cool.

Aswell as a completely unrelated Power Rangers dream, which was sweet.
I've had far too many dreams based in or around video games than what would be considered "normal"....:p
Well atleast im not the only weirdo here :p j/k I do the same thing with the old Doom series. Something about that game really got to me when I was younger and played it alot. Occasionally I'll have a dream about it where im in the game. Very rare though now, quite a bit near the time I was playing it, of course. I haven't dreamed about any others though.

Yeaaaaa....... DOOM dreams! Those were the best. My buddy and I would co-op when the wives went to bed and we would crawl into bed just before dawn. During the day we both worked around a construction site with 55 gallon drums. We would come around the corner and both flinch and duck when we saw the barrels! Awesome.....
Had a dream related to Quake 3 before it was released. I think it was probably some time after I saw some of the earlier videos with the wicked-looking sky and all, so my dream was about a floating platform with eight (maybe ten) very large columns in two rows, separated by a few feet, all just sitting ominously in that eerie sky. There was no ground -- just this floating platform with the columns. I don't think there was much else to it. I guess it was my mind's own machination of some sort of Stone Henge type deal.

I was eventually going to make that map, but the sky shader was too limited to be able to do it. *shrugs*
Somone said they woke up yelling "O SHIT SNIPER"

Well i played company o heroes for a while, my brother told me in my sleep I yelled "HERES COME MAH TIGER ITS OVER!!!"
Somone said they woke up yelling "O SHIT SNIPER"

Well i played company o heroes for a while, my brother told me in my sleep I yelled "HERES COME MAH TIGER ITS OVER!!!"

Actually it was me that said that.... and it was my fiance telling me that I was yelling it in my sleep..waking her up!:D