Ever just quit a game out of extreme boredom?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
Man I've been working so hard on my backlog. I finally got around to playing Titan Quest which I'd heard really good things about, but god this game is boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that have played it I'm halfway through or so in egypt. I just finished The Adventures of Van Helsing recently(sequels almost out btw) Loved it and wanted another Diablo "clone". I figured I'd clear Titan Quest out of the backlog but I have some major complaints about this game.

The story sold me on there being god fights and titans and such. I've fought one cyclops and one medusa out of my 15-20 hours. The enemies while very occasionally interesting get extremely repetitive. You fight the same enemies over and over for what seems like forever. It would be ok if you fought hordes of enemies but you never do. The game for some reason only ever has enemies in little pockets of five or so. Go kill 5 guys, walk over to the left. kill 5 guys again etc etc.

The loot drops dont make any sense. I get crap on bosses and like some random guy in the woods will drop an incredibly rare weapon, but thats very rare you mainly just get bombarded by garbage and money. Money you can't spend on anything because all the shops suck.

Lastly the story and NCP's are just mindnumbingly dull. I'm halfway through and not a single thing of interest has happened and not one NPC has made me laugh or remotely care.

I just had to put in my two cents. For once I think I'm just gonna drop this dude in the fuck it category unless someone can tell me why I shouldn't. I have a high tolerance for crap games. I really liked necrovision and I thought Alpha Prime was fucking hilariously bad. I actually finally beat Hard Reset last week and despite having an incomprehensible plot I still liked it, but I have a really low tolerance for repetitive grindy nonsense I guess :(. How you guys can do this in MMO's in beyond me.
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Yes, I have quit a few games out of boredom.
Rust, BF4, Rift, GW2, Bioshock

I played each enough that I got my monies worth, but I got bored and just stopped playing them.
Quite a few games. I think the older I get the more boring games seem to me. Some games were so boring I went to sleep while playing--dead serious and never returned.
To each his own, I guess. TQ is one of my favorite games, especially co-op multiplayer.

Love the atmosphere, love the gameplay for the most part, and I think the graphics are gorgeous even by today's standards.

What the hell is an NCP? :D
I felt the same way about Titan Quest. I don't know how many hours I put in, but I put it down out of sheer boredom.

Walking Dead, Bastion, Dungeon Siege 3, Just Cause 2, Witcher, Titan Quest, and Diablo 3 are the ones that comes to mind right now.

I'd say FF7 as well, but after the 7th (estimate) time I finally got past the whole beginning area, and actually finished it (similar to Witcher 2) so... I dunno if that counts.

Grim Dawn... Sort of... I might just not be into it. I did like it, but I don't feel motivated to play it.

The Bioshock games... Infinite is a definite, I just got bored and quit.
To each his own, I guess. TQ is one of my favorite games, especially co-op multiplayer.

Love the atmosphere, love the gameplay for the most part, and I think the graphics are gorgeous even by today's standards.

What the hell is an NCP? :D

sorry Node Combining Plan. Work leak I meant NPC.


Walking Dead, Bastion, Dungeon Siege 3, Just Cause 2, Witcher, Titan Quest, and Diablo 3 are the ones that comes to mind right now.

I'd say FF7 as well, but after the 7th (estimate) time I finally got past the whole beginning area, and actually finished it (similar to Witcher 2) so... I dunno if that counts.

Grim Dawn... Sort of... I might just not be into it. I did like it, but I don't feel motivated to play it.

The Bioshock games... Infinite is a definite, I just got bored and quit.

Bioshock 1 if you're interested in mysteries does eventually pick up, Bioshock 2 is just garbage cash in. Infinite I managed to slog through and had an interesting ending but yeah they really fell apart on that one.

FF7 was cool when I was a teen I could never get through it today though the story is pretty decent as games go.

Walking Dead is tricky. I won't lie getting attached to the characters is the point of the game and they life and death choices don't get interesting until episode 3. After that it's pretty hard to put down. The ending is amazing....ly depressing. A serious tear jerker.
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sorry Node Combining Plan. Work leak I meant NPC.

Bioshock 1 if you're interested in mysteries does eventually pick up, Bioshock 2 is just garbage cash in. Infinite I managed to slog through and had an interesting ending but yeah they really fell apart on that one.

FF7 was cool when I was a teen I could never get through it today though the story is pretty decent as games go.

Walking Dead is tricky. I won't lie getting attached to the characters is the point of the game and they life and death choices don't get interesting until episode 3. After that it's pretty hard to put down. The ending is amazing....ly depressing. A serious tear jerker.

Ha, I had beaten Bioshock Inf. not long ago, not too bad. Hope to play and finish BS1 and 2 someday.

As soon as I was reading the OP I immediately thought of Walking dead or better yet, anything Telltale games. I own Walking Dead Season 1 and was bored playing Ep.1. Put it down and didn't go back.

Gonna get some hate now. I get bored playing GTA games and Mafia II. Yet I love the Saints Row 3 and 4. Gotta play SR2 still.
Far Cry Three, Walking Dead, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness and others I cannot think of right now. Love adventure games but since Full Throttle, The Curse of Monkey Island and Grim Fandango they lost the magic.

Gonna get some hate now. I get bored playing GTA games and Mafia II. Yet I love the Saints Row 3 and 4. Gotta play SR2 still.

I get bored with most GTA story lines, I usually cheat to get past them so I can enjoy the sandbox city and detail work that went into it. Thats where those games have been fun to me. Aspects of some of the stories have been intriguing but overall ... meh.
Titan Quest and Torchlight. Apparently I can't get into Diablo clones. Which is interesting since I enjoyed Diablo 2, played it multiple times.
Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot held my interest more then any games out there..
from the mechanics and atmosphere alone. I was fired from my job in 1997 and played Ulitma Online for 3 years straight after.
Mass Effect, Guild Wars 2, Far Cry 3 & Torchlight 2.

Just couldnt get into them.
I will run through my list of stinkers...

Area 51 (2005): repetitive gameplay, weird and sometimes cliche story
Pariah (2005): repetitive gameplay, story line made zero sense.
Punisher (2005): The torture scenes were the only interesting things to do. Boring repetitive gameplay inbetween.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2006): Just pathetic. From the graphical anomalies to horrible controls. Terrible console port that was one of the first bullshit titles Ubisoft put out with their 24/7/365 must be online and call Ubisoft every second of the game DRM and will pause the game if it loses connection. Derp...lets put the health bar and super high tech stealth meter on the back of a prisoner in 3rd person view and completely ruin the already lace panty thin plausibility and immersiveness...derp.
Gears of War (2006): to be fair I almost finished this one, really good right story until the end but somewhat boring gameplay. Then something came along and I had no desire to play it anymore. The real allure was the multiplayer, but since I owned the PC version (didn't own an Xbox), the multiplayer was non-existent while in the height of BF2's popularity.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (2006): gameplay style not for everyone. I found losing teammates and inability to heal made the game damn near impossible.
Far Cry 2 (2008): repetitive and boring. unending NPC's.
Turok (2008 version not the N64 version): just shitty in general
Mercenaries 2 (2008): repetitive
Just Cause 2 (2010): repetitive
Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011): Amazing story, insanely repetitive PVE gameplay. After I got to Hoth around level 30ish, I had enough. Each "dungeon" area was the same, 3-4 enemies in a group, walk down a hall the same 3-4 enemies in a group. Turn the corner go down a hall...what do ya know, an open area...but every 50 feet or so, the same 3-4 enemies in a group. And the space combat? Fuck me was that horrendous, reminded me of the old Rebel Assault rails shooter from 1993. Sure the game has gone through drastic changes since then including the Galactic Starfighter expansion, but I'm just not sure its enough to lure me back due to the fiasco's that happened during the first 6 months after release.
yes the new horrible killer instinct that was shoved into my face at a microsoft store display and my extreme curiosity to play crap games like rise of the robots and shaq fu ballz 3d.

not only is it horrible playing it gets boring after 5 minutes and that is how long it takes to see everything in the game since it has zero content to keep it interesting bad fighting games from the 90s have more content that is more interesting because it is at least hilarious to watch this game not that lucky it's just bad and not funny.

if this game did not lock up while playing many times in the short 40 minutes i was then again on other people when i could play decent xbone games i would have died of being bored.

the game has its own built in anti dull system like the wii it tells you to take a brake by locking up every 20 minutes or so then locks up again on booting. oh and it will erase your save file at random this is to keep people from playing this snooze fest too long and losing their minds.

I got more entertainment seeing people at the store mocking it for looking like a xbox 360 game and looking like a bad low budget street fighter 4 clone t than a KI game than playing the thing.
I quit Titan Quest as well. And Torchlight, Torchlight 2, Diablo 3, and many MMO over the years. I never played Diablo or Diablo 2 all the way through every difficulty either. I think a lot of games like these cater to the worker ant mindset to keep your reward system fueled, and some of us just don't deal with that particular dopamine response in the same way.

Another phenomenon I've personally noticed is a lot of games grant you brilliant content and level design only to crap all over the game with something tedious or having a higher difficulty than the rest of the game, defeating the re-playability of the title. It instills dread in me after finishing one of those difficult situations to do it again if you were to lose your "save game" or on the next play through.

I thought Skyrim was pretty fun for a time, but if I have to see one more freaking draugr I would likely just turn off my monitor and go mumble to myself in a corner in a catatonic state. It's not like any of it was difficult, it was just repetitive tedium for tediums sake.

I can't however seem to get enough of Civilization IV, and I continue to revisit Minecraft about twice a year to fill the "entertainment void" I thought I was missing. Only a day or two later for it to sink in the reasons I stopped playing the game to begin with. Excuse me while I go chop rush some settlers... :mad:
I never finished Bioshock Infinite because the combat was a fucking snore fest. It was about 0.02 percent as exciting as it looked. I barely finished the others because of the same shit, the combat was just not fun to me. In the first game I just ended up wrenching through most encounters later because enemies were comical bullet sponges, and in the second I just ice drilled everything.

I loved the plot twists but the game felt like a slog.
Far Cry 2 and Alan Wake.

Recently I played through Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, FML it was boring! After the first Amnesia I had high hopes but this sequel failed to create the same tense atmosphere.

Star Wars the Old Republic, good lord what a grind! I guess that`s most MMORPGs but sweet jesus the time needed to finish that game.
Diablo III, Lineage II, World of Tanks. There's way more than this of course, but that's what I can think off right off the bat.
Usually if I quit a game cold turkey, it's fairly early on.
Once I make it to the halfway point I'll probably rush ahead blindly while skipping the extra stuff.
Bioshock 2, I made it about halfway through the game but just lost interest.

Oh, and Lord of the Rings for the SNES. If anybody remembers that game, it was incredibly boring. I don't remember it being overly difficult, but I borequit the game because I couldn't figure out how to get through the first cavern/dungeon system and my gaming session would end with a massive headache.
I can't stand to not finish a game, even cheap freebies... I'm very careful with my game selection

Most recently Rage and Assassin's Creed 3... only got 5 hours into each before calling it quits... but they were free with a video card or promo so not too disappointed.

Other games:
- Dungeon Keeper thanks to GOG.com I picked this up for free and got maybe half-way through but got too difficult (I mean, horrible frame-rate, jarring graphics, etc... just not worth the struggle)
- Anachronox recently tried picking it up, it's pretty interesting but kinda slow
- GTA: Vice City 50% in, I still have no care for the story/character/gameplay - but I LOVED GTA3
- Kingdom Hearts cannot get past the annoying characters, horrid camera/fighting and lame story
- Xenogears I'm close to finishing disc 1, but damn it's repetitive gameplay-wise and all characters and stories are just so... flat... I'm still holding out on it though, maybe had I played it on release it woulda been more exciting?
- Xenoblade Chronicles got it as a present, still in the shiny shrink-wrap... just reading the back gets me bored as hell, and I hate MMO style gameplay... maybe I'll keep it un-opened and sell it for butt-loads in 10-20 years?
Man I've been working so hard on my backlog. I finally got around to playing Titan Quest which I'd heard really good things about, but god this game is boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that have played it I'm halfway through or so in egypt. I just finished The Adventures of Van Helsing recently(sequels almost out btw) Loved it and wanted another Diablo "clone". I figured I'd clear Titan Quest out of the backlog but I have some major complaints about this game.

The story sold me on there being god fights and titans and such. I've fought one cyclops and one medusa out of my 15-20 hours. The enemies while very occasionally interesting get extremely repetitive. You fight the same enemies over and over for what seems like forever. It would be ok if you fought hordes of enemies but you never do. The game for some reason only ever has enemies in little pockets of five or so. Go kill 5 guys, walk over to the left. kill 5 guys again etc etc.

The loot drops dont make any sense. I get crap on bosses and like some random guy in the woods will drop an incredibly rare weapon, but thats very rare you mainly just get bombarded by garbage and money. Money you can't spend on anything because all the shops suck.

Lastly the story and NCP's are just mindnumbingly dull. I'm halfway through and not a single thing of interest has happened and not one NPC has made me laugh or remotely care.

I just had to put in my two cents. For once I think I'm just gonna drop this dude in the fuck it category unless someone can tell me why I shouldn't. I have a high tolerance for crap games. I really liked necrovision and I thought Alpha Prime was fucking hilariously bad. I actually finally beat Hard Reset last week and despite having an incomprehensible plot I still liked it, but I have a really low tolerance for repetitive grindy nonsense I guess :(. How you guys can do this in MMO's in beyond me.
I hope you're playing Immortal Throne, not the base game.

I thought it was pretty boring, too, because of the low enemy density. There certainly isn't anything like elite packs in Diablo. Thankfully there are mods you can run since it's not always online.

The RNG algorithm that the game tries to use is actually broken, as it doesn't act as intended. There is a patch and a program that applies a fix for it. But just like Diablo III, Epic (Blue) and Legendary (Purple) pieces can drop from any mob in the game. The only difference is there are pieces that will only drop in certain areas and acts. Unlike Diablo III, you are free to go back to areas in previously completed acts if you want to farm for certain equipment at a later point. This includes fighting any and all act bosses. Rare, Elite, and Boss mobs each have a progressively higher chance of dropping Epic and Legendary equipment. Act bosses drop treasure orbs that have a 6-15% chance of dropping these pieces of equipment IIRC.

Shops also have RNG applied. You can sometimes find great upgrades if you learn how to farm the merchants.

First and foremost, grab the unofficial patch 1.17a. After that I would recommend TQ Defiler to apply useful game alts, such as the RNG fix. Then there is a mod called Xmax that applies a multiplier to the mob density, so you can have like 3 times the mobs and bosses.

I highly recommend a TC mod called Underlord. It rebalances almost everything in the game, including increasing the rate at which rare and elite mobs spawn. It also adds a new class of item while adding some more items for the increase in character level.

The atmosphere of the game is really compelling in my opinion. If there were no story and it was just the atmosphere you had to go by I would be totally fine with that. Another point I really like about the game is the multitude of possible toon builds that are viable. There also isn't much you need to crunch when it comes to numbers. The game provides you with everything you need to know about what is going on behind the scenes with your character. There are no fuzzy areas about the data: it's pretty much WYSIWYG.

Shops also have RNG applied. You can sometimes find great upgrades if you learn how to farm the merchants.

All the above information and mods can be found from the great community on the Titan Quest Forums.
I quit every game out of extreme boredom. In fact, it has gotten so bad that I quit before they announce a game. :D
Bioshock 1 if you're interested in mysteries does eventually pick up, Bioshock 2 is just garbage cash in. Infinite I managed to slog through and had an interesting ending but yeah they really fell apart on that one.

I was actually pretty disappointed in Bioshock 1's plot/ending. Just finished it not too long ago actually (in prep for the Infinite DLC) and the plot really seemed quite cliche as far as sci-fi goes. I hadn't heard any spoilers beforehand either, so it's not like it was anything I already knew was going to happen.
"Remember Me"

Luckily I got it free on PSN+, but I got a few hours in and just stopped playing because it didn't DO anything interesting. The story's background was awesome, but the main character was boring and uninteresting. The combat was repetitive and too quicktimey.

Most of all, I got bored with all the wasted potential in the universe it presented.
"Remember Me"

Luckily I got it free on PSN+, but I got a few hours in and just stopped playing because it didn't DO anything interesting. The story's background was awesome, but the main character was boring and uninteresting. The combat was repetitive and too quicktimey.

Most of all, I got bored with all the wasted potential in the universe it presented.
The best part of that game was when you had to alter someone's memory. All the action in between was bland and repetitive, from the environment to the combat. Nilin could have been an interesting protagonist, but I think they wasted too many opportunities to flesh out her character in favor of a cinematic moment that fell flat on its face. I think this is another case of a game not having enough design and/or development time due to a limited budget because I really think the core concept is strong.
OP, I actually keep a category in my library called "Sucky" so I can hide/remember not to play these games that I try and don't keep my interest.

Personally, I hate that everyone complains that a game is "only" 10 hours long. On most of these story-driven games, there is not 30 hours worth of story and the gameplay gets repetitive around 5. I wish more games would be a solid 5-10 hours (or whatever it takes to get the story done) and just cost $30 instead of $60. I only buy them once they get to $5 anyway so I dont care how long it is, I just want an engaging story and fun gameplay. Portal 1 for instance was about 2 hours but it was hilarious, completely new, and a lot of fun to play. Spent $10 or $15 on that I think and loved it.

Some that I hated:
FarCry 2
Mass Effect
GTA4 (only played like 2 hours though, need to try again someday)
any Diablo clone
Seem like it would be easier to list the games you finished. I have hundreds of games (I'm old) and have only finished a few handfuls.
Skyrim had me quitting from boredom every single time I tried to play it.
I can't stand to not finish a game, even cheap freebies... I'm very careful with my game selection

Most recently Rage and Assassin's Creed 3... only got 5 hours into each before calling it quits... but they were free with a video card or promo so not too disappointed.

Other games:
- Dungeon Keeper thanks to GOG.com I picked this up for free and got maybe half-way through but got too difficult (I mean, horrible frame-rate, jarring graphics, etc... just not worth the struggle)
- Anachronox recently tried picking it up, it's pretty interesting but kinda slow
- GTA: Vice City 50% in, I still have no care for the story/character/gameplay - but I LOVED GTA3
- Kingdom Hearts cannot get past the annoying characters, horrid camera/fighting and lame story
- Xenogears I'm close to finishing disc 1, but damn it's repetitive gameplay-wise and all characters and stories are just so... flat... I'm still holding out on it though, maybe had I played it on release it woulda been more exciting?
- Xenoblade Chronicles got it as a present, still in the shiny shrink-wrap... just reading the back gets me bored as hell, and I hate MMO style gameplay... maybe I'll keep it un-opened and sell it for butt-loads in 10-20 years?

Xenogears is really verbose writing wise, but it's pretty spectacular... until the second disc. It took me nearly 40 fucking hours to finish the first disc.

I've read that's the point when it was wanted out the door, so they literally just dump gigantic amounts of plot on you in text form. You get to read about all the shit you were going to do instead of doing it and it sucks. Also the plot very rapidly goes off the rails into crazy town, which probably would of been better if you got eased into it rather than getting entire screens full of text spewed into your lap for hours with brief intermissions.

Also I forgot to mention Far Cry 2/3. They're monotonous as fuck and the stories are retarded. Far Cry 1 is comparatively like playing a decent B-action movie.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some but only three games stick out in my mind that were so boring I stopped playing and never started again.

Bioshock 1- I tend to find shooters a bit repetitive and I just couldn't get into the story, the atmosphere was interesting at first but it didn't hold my interest.

FF7- I enjoyed some of the early FF games and it got good reviews but I hated it, I tried to push through thinking that it would get better but it just got worse.

Ghostbusters- The game had a ton of potential but the gameplay mechanics were terrible and the missions were too separate and disjointed considering the linear nature of the game.
skyrim, remember me, alan wake, witcher 2.

edit: hah, now this thread got me tripping on memory lane, theres quite a few more, i didnt thought it was that much.. well, those were the last ones :p
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GTA, FF series, Mount and Blade, The Witcher, and the new starcraft.
Xenogears is really verbose writing wise, but it's pretty spectacular... until the second disc. It took me nearly 40 fucking hours to finish the first disc.

I've read that's the point when it was wanted out the door, so they literally just dump gigantic amounts of plot on you in text form. You get to read about all the shit you were going to do instead of doing it and it sucks. Also the plot very rapidly goes off the rails into crazy town, which probably would of been better if you got eased into it rather than getting entire screens full of text spewed into your lap for hours with brief intermissions.

I thought it was due to budget issues. It came out when FF8 and they had to cut back on the budget. No real answers anywhere though, all were just rumors.

Oddly enough, loved both those games. But felt both of them got the shaft from Square.
World of Tanks, Team Fortress 2, WarThunder,Minecraft,Diablo 3, World of Warcraft. Only game holding me really is BL2. Shame really.. I love games like WarThunder. I know there is more but I cannot think of them.
OP, I actually keep a category in my library called "Sucky" so I can hide/remember not to play these games that I try and don't keep my interest.

Personally, I hate that everyone complains that a game is "only" 10 hours long. On most of these story-driven games, there is not 30 hours worth of story and the gameplay gets repetitive around 5. I wish more games would be a solid 5-10 hours (or whatever it takes to get the story done) and just cost $30 instead of $60. I only buy them once they get to $5 anyway so I dont care how long it is, I just want an engaging story and fun gameplay. Portal 1 for instance was about 2 hours but it was hilarious, completely new, and a lot of fun to play. Spent $10 or $15 on that I think and loved it.

Some that I hated:
FarCry 2
Mass Effect
GTA4 (only played like 2 hours though, need to try again someday)
any Diablo clone

Its a lot easier to get through a broken FPS or other shorter titles I think. Its a shame when a good game is so log and repetitive it becomes unplayable. games with leveling are pretty bad about it.

Not to sound like a nostalgic foggy but FFVI(FF3 in the US) did a really good job just of being a game first and giving you the option of playing outside the box leveling and unlocking characters, stories and stuff that's actually useful or interesting. It's honestly the only RPG that felt that pure to me. I recall the first time around finishing it on lv25 or so and that's out of 100 I think.