Everquest II.


Oct 1, 2001
This game is surprisingly good. From what I've played and read this game has changed 10 fold, and for the good. I'm only a lvl 12 Swashbuckler, but so far so good. If anyone else plays leave a post.
i did try the trial of isle and found it entertaining... i just dont have time for an mmo right now...

Yea there is a new trial. You can play the Fae which are the little fairy's.
Didn't like it past level 24. It was Group or die. No solo play whatsoever. Which is why i love WOW so much.

Of course this was 1 1/2 years ago.
I really liked EQ2 about 1 to 2 years ago. Had a warlock up to level 48 and once the game basically became raid party stuff I got bored quickly. I'll never understand what people find so enthralling with raids...

I don't have the time for MMO's but if I did I'd probably check out EQ2 again.
It's changed, loads more soloable stuff these days, I don't think it'd even be too hard to solo all the way up to 70, but don't quote me on that :)
dano said:
It's changed, loads more soloable stuff these days, I don't think it'd even be too hard to solo all the way up to 70, but don't quote me on that :)

Yea, people can hit 70 in 2-3 weeks solo. Made it more like wow, sole wise
EQ2 is completely different now.

It's a shame they stumbled out of the gate, and folks who havent played in over a year continue to bash the game.

I played WoW to a lvl 60 paladin and EQ2 to a lvl 70 Brig.
WoW was more fun to level 1-60, but there was nothing for after 60 unless you liked PvP or to raid the 1 main raid dungeon. EQ2 is not bad lvl 1-70 now that you can solo, and after 70 there is still a lot to do/raid. Also the crafting system is very extensive.

WoW is Disney with a bazillion b.net kiddies, and EQ2 is EQ1 done right, with a more mature crowd. I fired up WoW yesterday to check it out, since I had Burning Crusades expansion on pre-order but to go from EQ2 graphics to WoW graphics is hard. They say you will get use to the cartoonish WoW graphics, and it was a master stroke in wide hardware compatibility going for cartoonish, but I don't have hardware issues.
I played EQ2 when it came out for 6 months and got to level 50, did all the major raids, etc. I also picked up wow about 3 months ago, although I haven't gotten to raiding yet, I found EQ2, way back during launch period, to be more fun then levels 1-50ish in WOW. I've heard a lot of good things about it since then and I'm thinking about switching back if my account is still intact. I don't know what it is about it, but I just can't get into WOW very much, which I suppose is a good thing (don't waste as much time playing it).
I played EQ2 from release all the way up until the beginning of December, 2006. At that point I had:

70 Wizard
70 Assassin
70 Inquisitor
70 Defiler

With the advent of the new expansion and a few of the previous Live Updates, I lost interest. This is coming from someone who was a native to raiding guilds having completed all raid content up through the release of Echoes of Faydwer.

Now... I really liked the game, but the game underwent so many overhauls in my time playing, that I couldnt take the changes anymore. The introduction of the new class specific AA trees really confounded me, especially on my Assassin. I couldnt pick skills that mattered much in my build. The beginning of adornments really killed me and many people in the game. The need for lvl 70 adornments in raiding became really apparent due to SOE overhauling how damage is dealt and received.

The adornment issue pretty much ended it for me. I didnt feel like taking my main toon, 70 Assassin, from a fully fabled out top damage dealer in my guild to being low man on the totem pole again. Or have my top end rare fabled gear outdone by standard drop Treasured and Legendary gear in Echoes of Faydwer dungeon zones. It just didnt seem right.

So after all that time in the game, I quit. Ended up donating 2 of my toons to my guild, and kept the other 2 under wraps in case I ever wanted to play again. For now though, SOEs constant, continuing changes make it really hard to settle in, especially for some of us that were there from the beginning.
SOEs constant, continuing changes make it really hard to settle in

that's a very interesting comment. i would have never looked at it like that.

im a WoW player, and thought there have been changes here and there to class balance, the core gameplay has stayed the same. i guess i should really appreciate what i have in the game.
that's a very interesting comment. i would have never looked at it like that.

im a WoW player, and thought there have been changes here and there to class balance, the core gameplay has stayed the same. i guess i should really appreciate what i have in the game.

Well... there was a complete combat overhaul when the first expansion, Desert of Flames, was released. Many classes had to rethink themselves from the ground up, which can have big repurcussions on your gameplay, especially if you're in a raid styled guild. Over time we were able to rethink our play and adapt, but combat changes emerged in Kingdom of Sky as well, and then as I said... they were in for Echoes of Faydwer.

I will admit that I am kind of sorry that I left. The game is excellent, and i've played just about everything out there in terms of MMOs. Drawback for me is that it is handled by SOE. Coming previously from SWG where SOE complete dropped the ball with a combat revamp and then the NGE, it took a big decision to go to EQ2. I realize that the designers for EQ2 and SWG are not the same house team, but the same style is pretty evident. Sweeping changes without much thought as to what will be affected. I beta'd Kingdom of Sky and Echoes of Faydwer and in that time through the beta forums released information on a HUGE ammount of bugs and issues, but in typical SOE fashion, it isnt really listened to.

Here's a good one for ya... in the expansion, Echoes of Faydwer, the devs released new crafting classes for use in making new items such as adornments (armor attachments for stat improvements). What you have to do with this, is destroy an item to get the base component needed to make your adornments. This is done in WoW with Enchanting (yeah... i've had a maxed enchanter), and basically follows the same principles. The problems is, this completely killed the broker (auction house for WoW people) listings for any lower lvl people. You could no longer go to the broker to buy equipment to help out since it was being bought up and destroyed for grinding. The new crafting class also decidedly takes a great deal of coin to sustain unless you're wanting to work up another character from lvl 1 all the way up to around lvl 60 in order to be able to loot chests for these destroyable items (any mobs 11 levels or more under your current lvl will "grey out" and will not drop chest loot).

For someone just starting the game, without previous knowledge of what has gone on, however, is a different story. With the original game content plus Echoes of Faydwer content, you have a HUGE ammount of space to roam about in to lvl your character or follow quests. I'd reccommend it to a newbie. But for me... its pretty well dead.
Does EQ2 have housing, mounts, and water/under water content?

I'm beta testing VG right now and I haven't really decided if i like it or not. I'm basically looking for an MMO to keep my busy until AoC or WAR come out. I'm thinking either VG or EQ2 will do. Let me know what you think :)
EQ2 has instanced housing which you can fill it with a large variety of items, there are player mounts though I'm not sure if theyre just for travelling or if you are able to fight in the saddle and such ;)
Does EQ2 have housing, mounts, and water/under water content?

I'm beta testing VG right now and I haven't really decided if i like it or not. I'm basically looking for an MMO to keep my busy until AoC or WAR come out. I'm thinking either VG or EQ2 will do. Let me know what you think :)

Yup, housing is there, mounts as well, there is some underwater content, not a lot though.
Hmmm, I might have to give the free trial a go... I will try and compare what it's like to playing Vanguard. Not sure if i want to invest time into a new game like VG when i'm going to jump ship to AoC or WAR in a few months anway. At least EQ2 seems (from what you guys are saying) to have gotten past it's 'rough days.' Probably more polished and such...

Thanks for the info :D
I'd just like to comment on the trial.. Unless its changed a bunch since last year of 05 (When I first tried it), the trial really doesnt show you much at all. It gets you in the door, but thats it. Depending on the class, the 'game' doesnt start until 20-30ish, basically because thats when you have every skill you'll get, and from then on they're just upgrades. The trial really turned me off, but I ended up trying the game anyways because a few friends from DAoC went there and it wasnt that bad for the 3 months I played. Stuff happened and I had to give it up and I ended up coming back this past december. It was like a whole new game with that one year break. I opened a new account rather than starting where I left off (didnt lose much.. 19 brig) and I've already got a level 32 Shadowknight, 30 Swashbuckler, and a 25 Necromancer. Note, this was all solo, starting from December 23rd, and I dont really have a ton of free time. EQ2 is solo friendly now imo, and aside from the stupid broker prices mentioned, its pretty newbie friendly as well, more so than before.

Again, just my take on things. I plan to stay with it for as long as it keeps me entertained. DAoC lasted me 4 or 5 years, WoW lasted me 2 months. Im hoping EQ2 will be my new Dark Age of Camelot.
I played EQ2 from release date to about 14 months after. I think quit for a couple months and came back, got to lvl70, and was bored. I was in a guild called Iniquity on Oasis server for the majority of my EQ2 play. I did all end-game raid content, including Chel'drak (with a different guild, however).

EQ2 was by far the best game I have ever played. Visuals, content, addicition. Truely amazing.

And for you WoW addicts, EQ2 takes 'thought', and personally, I don't think you could handle it :rolleyes:
I played EQ2 from release date to about 14 months after. I think quit for a couple months and came back, got to lvl70, and was bored. I was in a guild called Iniquity on Oasis server for the majority of my EQ2 play. I did all end-game raid content, including Chel'drak (with a different guild, however).

EQ2 was by far the best game I have ever played. Visuals, content, addicition. Truely amazing.

And for you WoW addicts, EQ2 takes 'thought', and personally, I don't think you could handle it :rolleyes:

yah I was in WoW beta after I quit EQ1, and therefore picked up WoW when it was released. Also the fact that WoW wasn't such a system hog compared to EQ2 made me choose WoW. So anyways, lvl'd to 60, joined the leading raid guild on horde, pvp'd close to the top and eventually quit, and I'm glad.

For some reason I bought EQ2 one day. I was told by everyone it is a much different game then when it was first released. My experience with EQ2 was excellent. Not only were the players more mature and stable, the game actually required some thought, and some effort when compared to WoW... Also, with a decent system, the game is visually more superior to WoW, and this adds to the atmosphere and gameplay.

I had to quit my assassin at lvl 48 because like every other MMO I've played, my job took over my time, and with long periods between being able to game on my PC, I eventually cancelled. I would agree that it takes more skill and effort to learn and suceed in EQ2 over WoW, but it depends on what degree of challenge and gameplay you are looking for. I'd say that EQ2 would be perfect for the bored WoW raid guilds looking for an actual challenge and more end game diversity.
Again, just my take on things. I plan to stay with it for as long as it keeps me entertained. DAoC lasted me 4 or 5 years, WoW lasted me 2 months. Im hoping EQ2 will be my new Dark Age of Camelot.

How can someone even think of using the words Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest 2 in the same breath?

EQ2's devs couldn't design a decent game if the instructions were printed on the insides of their eyelids. The last few months of beta and the initial launch were laughable and I recently popped back to see if the game had been finished yet with the Feydwer expansion. It was clear that sudden, sweeping changes and a complete lack of art and design direction are still the order of the day.

Stay well away!
How can someone even think of using the words Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest 2 in the same breath?

Erm, because he's hoping it will last him as long? Did you choose to ignore the context or just not read it properly?
i like it a lot more than wow but the game is demanding with the time you put into so i stopped playing.
Erm, because he's hoping it will last him as long? Did you choose to ignore the context or just not read it properly?

I understood the context. It's the same context as someone who hoped their Skoda would be their new Ferrari and equally preposterous.
I think Finkus is just annoyed because the mass majority of DAOC players left because they kept making the game suck.. Give me a pre-ToA server, I'll come back. Catacombs was fine for a bit, but it to was dumb.. And I dont even wanna know how badly the newest expansion sucked.
It seems like the majority of MMOs end up going the wrong direction with expansions/changes, at least in my experience.
i've played eq2 for a couple years since before any expansions and it has changed a lot. As it is now, the lower level content is really really fun, The high level content is semi challenging but, I have mixed feelings since i played so long then quit (cause i started to hate the high end raid stuff.) I do think however for a casual player this game is really fun, i tried WoW also and had a really good time with it but i solo'd only. EQ has great group play but the solo content is just too weak, you can't get anything good, you can't level up fast enough etc. Also... EQ2 pvp is awesome, really very fun and lots of people play it.