Everyone under 18 post your setup

18 now but pretty much the same. This is what it was like pre birthday :p


This was wayyyy back in the day


Placeholder for posting when I get home and take pics.

FYI, I am 17 have a son that I take care of and do not live with my parents and still manage to find money to pay for everything I own. Although I did graduate out of High School at 16 and have had my own business for some time now plus a steady paycheck from a Web Design firm.
Placeholder for posting when I get home and take pics.

FYI, I am 17 have a son that I take care of and do not live with my parents and still manage to find money to pay for everything I own. Although I did graduate out of High School at 16 and have had my own business for some time now plus a steady paycheck from a Web Design firm.
So let me get this straight. All you kids traded in your childhood for some shiny electronics? Bad decision, imo - you got your whole life to bust your ass, but only one childhood.
So let me get this straight. All you kids traded in your childhood for some shiny electronics? Bad decision, imo - you got your whole life to bust your ass, but only one childhood.

Maybe thats how they wanted to spend their time? Hard work so they could have nice toys?
Are you sure you guys are under 18? Dual monitor setups and what not?

I still have a single monitor setup, a crappy logitech keyboard, a 7 year old Microsoft Blue Optical Mouse, and the same exact setup in my sig except the e8400 is a q9450 and the 8800 is 4870X2.

But still, all inside a a HP Palivion a1150y case and a hp vs17.

I would post a pic but I am so ashamed.

Im turned 16 on Oct 2nd, and getting my first real, working for someone else besides my family and/or neighbors, job tomorrow.
Nice to see you young guns working to get what you have. I can appreciate that a lot... My family was very poor when I was little and I learned the value of working to get things. I buy my toys for myself to these days. Don't forget to save some $$$$ though; I'm going to school without scholarships but pay my way through thanks to judicious investing and saving over the course of my life.

The tv i use it on


17 btw if it matters

been working for my mom since 14 @ $10 hour so im doing ok as a student.
everything you see has been paid for buy me (beside the 360)

and here is my new baby took me a while to get it.
Are you sure you guys are under 18? Dual monitor setups and what not?

I still have a single monitor setup, a crappy logitech keyboard, a 7 year old Microsoft Blue Optical Mouse, and the same exact setup in my sig except the e8400 is a q9450 and the 8800 is 4870X2.

But still, all inside a a HP Palivion a1150y case and a hp vs17.

I would post a pic but I am so ashamed.

Im turned 16 on Oct 2nd, and getting my first real, working for someone else besides my family and/or neighbors, job tomorrow.
I turned 16 on oct 5th. My setup is the 1st one
Are you sure you guys are under 18? Dual monitor setups and what not?

I still have a single monitor setup, a crappy logitech keyboard, a 7 year old Microsoft Blue Optical Mouse, and the same exact setup in my sig except the e8400 is a q9450 and the 8800 is 4870X2.

But still, all inside a a HP Palivion a1150y case and a hp vs17.

I would post a pic but I am so ashamed.

Im turned 16 on Oct 2nd, and getting my first real, working for someone else besides my family and/or neighbors, job tomorrow.

Im only 17. My first PC was a gateway. i bought it. lol, and i had a keyboard, mouse. also got a 19in monitor. Also, over the summer, i worked a lot, bought my 600w PSU, 7600gt, another 2 hard drives.
Are you sure you guys are under 18? Dual monitor setups and what not?

I still have a single monitor setup, a crappy logitech keyboard, a 7 year old Microsoft Blue Optical Mouse, and the same exact setup in my sig except the e8400 is a q9450 and the 8800 is 4870X2.

But still, all inside a a HP Palivion a1150y case and a hp vs17.

I would post a pic but I am so ashamed.

Im turned 16 on Oct 2nd, and getting my first real, working for someone else besides my family and/or neighbors, job tomorrow.

Dont be ashamed, at your age we only had 1 computer and it was a pos. I went to school instead to your the computer labs. (this was 10 years ago fyi)
My desktop I worked off, and my notebook is for school really but I use it as my main computer because it just kicks ass.
Pretty easy when you're not paying rent, electricity, water, gas bills.......

Once I have a decent income, I will more likely be paying for our internet bill and maybe pitch in for the power bill. My parents say I don't have to pay for anything, but they put a roof over my head, put food in my mouth and pay for the clothes on my back. The least I can do is help out a bit. I don't have to worry about money for college really because my grandpa has RESP's for my sister and I. And I write letters to him and he usually sends some spending money. My setup may look cheap, but we have like a 57" tv in the family room, parents have a 42" Plasma and theres a 52" tv downstairs, and I have a shitty 32"crt. But I'll shut up now. LOL. /endrant
Are you sure you guys are under 18? Dual monitor setups and what not?

I still have a single monitor setup, a crappy logitech keyboard, a 7 year old Microsoft Blue Optical Mouse, and the same exact setup in my sig except the e8400 is a q9450 and the 8800 is 4870X2.

But still, all inside a a HP Palivion a1150y case and a hp vs17.

I would post a pic but I am so ashamed.

Im turned 16 on Oct 2nd, and getting my first real, working for someone else besides my family and/or neighbors, job tomorrow.

Don't be ashamed, be proud of it. Some kids don't even have they're own computer. My first computer in the third grade which was like 2003-2004 My computer was a shitty 300mhz used emachines. Yes, 300mhz. Then my dad got a new computer, gave me his old one, 700mhz HP, Then I upgraded to a amd sempron emachines, then that died and I got the desktop in my sig.
Recently bought a new chair..jeep office chair thing is amazing!! i'm 16 btw and that door by my tv leads to the garage where my parents do cooking, guess it's the downfall of having good stuff. no privacy either..

Gdamn, it must be nice to have parents like yours. Wish my mom and dad woulda hooked me up with some of that sweet stuff.

But for the love of god, please refrain from lying about how you got your shit. Some of you may have paid for some of it, but there is no shame in telling the truth about being supported by your parents :). I dont know what it is with young people trying to justify something so trivial as who paid for their sweet gear. Guess its an illusion of adulthood.

Now that I think of it, I can recall some instances when I reacted in the same way. Keep playin dudes a gals
my parents didnt pay for anything. actually, they paid for 2 of my zalman 80mm fans. thats its.. literally. Both monitors i paid for, the rest of my rig. case, graphics card, psu, speakers. mouse, everything.
I know most of you guys saying that you have bought all your stuff is bullshit. In the state the economy is, I can hardly believe it.
I am 17 and i built my system with my own cash. I also have all three consoles(PS3, Wii, 360) but the PS3 is the only system i bought with my own money.

I have no camera tho.:(
I know most of you guys saying that you have bought all your stuff is bullshit. In the state the economy is, I can hardly believe it.

Some of us don't live in USA where minimum wage is what? $6? I was a baker for a year @ $9.20/h, and now over the summer I worked/still working as a computer technician for a local PC boutique store. Believe what you want :eek:
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Well actually i paid for most of that stuff myself and i got some of it as gifts. I got the 17 inch monitor about 3 years ago when my grandparents bought me some gateway pc, the keyboard and mouse were xmas presents 2 years ago, most of the watercooling i paid for other than the gpu block. but the pc parts speakers and stuff they were all paid for by me.

And today i just ordered a dell 30 inch witch i paid for and hopefully thats here soon.
I turned 16 in June, and this is an old setup, about a year and a half since it was like this







After new monitor. .



Comparing the sheer size of the 30 incher to a can of monster, bottle of coke and my iphone 3g.


^^^^ I lol when I saw the gameboy pocket...o man ive owned like 4 of them
Maximizing your web browser on a 30 incher is seriously retarded.
Its auctualy quite nice on this forum because the words go all the way across. And when people post super pics i dont gotta scroll. And why wouldn't i maximize it if its the only thing open other than an im window i have to click every 5 mins.