Everyone Welcome Tim Dinh our newest News Guy!!!

welcome tim!

you should haze him now. there needs to be some kind of welcoming [H] initiation...
joecartoon22 said:
welcome tim!

you should haze him now. there needs to be some kind of welcoming [H] initiation...

I've been through enough [H] initiations, thank you very much.
Tim, Welcome to [H]ardOCP. I am quite sure you will be diligent in your efforts to continue the tradition that Kyle and Steve have since it's creation. My hats off to you and I wish you well.

Steven Lee White
aka AceGoober
aka Scrap
aka Bones
aka...any other nick that comes to mind.
POOF! You are now officially Tim_D [H]NewsGuy.

Thats the best you can get other then Kyle putting the smack down on ya
Welcome and congratulations Tim! Great to see another addition to the [H]ard Team!
Welcome Tim_D. [H] keeps a very high standard. It's the best tech site on the web. Keep it that way. My father-in-law lives in Texas. I can send him your way at the drop of a hat. He's approaching 70 years old, he's very nice, wouldn't hurt a fly (unless you hurt one of his horses), and his last name is Lacy (scared yet?). I'm just hoping this thread makes you a little nervous so as to keep up the high standards. BTW, what are they paying you? Just curious, because Steve offered me $250,000/year. Of course I had to turn that down.

Good luck and have fun.
CrimandEvil said:
Hell I live in liberal Boulder Colorado and I've gone cow tipping, only when drunk though...man do I have some stories for you later. :D

I'm in Jersey and have friends that do that shit. Ohhh STORIES!

Wheres these girly pictures everyone supposed to send you? Pics! ;)
PKRipper1 said:
Welcome Tim_D. [H] keeps a very high standard. It's the best tech site on the web. Keep it that way. My father-in-law lives in Texas. I can send him your way at the drop of a hat. He's approaching 70 years old, he's very nice, wouldn't hurt a fly (unless you hurt one of his horses), and his last name is Lacy (scared yet?). I'm just hoping this thread makes you a little nervous so as to keep up the high standards. BTW, what are they paying you? Just curious, because Steve offered me $250,000/year. Of course I had to turn that down.

Good luck and have fun.

I have connections in Texas as well. So don't think that your petty threats can scare me. My grandparents live down the street from some of the biggest personal contributers to the Bush Campaign. Heck, GW Sr. even came to visit the place they're so important. I also have connections within law enforcement. You know the guy in the white hat that was leading Jack Ruby when he got shot? Yeah, I can get in touch with him too. :p
Tim_D said:
I have connections in Texas as well. So don't think that your petty threats can scare me. My grandparents live down the street from some of the biggest personal contributers to the Bush Campaign. Heck, GW Sr. even came to visit the place they're so important. I also have connections within law enforcement. You know the guy in the white hat that was leading Jack Ruby when he got shot? Yeah, I can get in touch with him too. :p

I have connections within the Koga Ninja Clan....
merlin704 said:
I have connections within the Koga Ninja Clan....

Ninjas, pfft. I can take out a score of ninjas with a toothpick and shaving cream. ;)
OK, OK, OK! I didn't really mean any of that. Just don't mention that J.R. word again. Sorry.
Ah, always great to see another addition the the family! I can see your style (from your news update earlier) will be great! Much better than Steve's anyway... :p

(Just kidding Steve!) :eek:

Welcome Tim!
While I want to welcome Tim wholeheartedly, I do want to express my disappointment that Kyle did not hire some hot chick like Asia Carerra.

Welcome aboard Tim!

Oh, and try not to trash Apple every chance you get like some other employees here! ;)
Pflugerville, Jesus H. Christ. :rolleyes:

Well I suppose it's better than Smithville where I once lived. :p :D
uclajd said:
While I want to welcome Tim wholeheartedly, I do want to express my disappointment that Kyle did not hire some hot chick like Asia Carerra.

Welcome aboard Tim!

Oh, and try not to trash Apple every chance you get like some other employees here! ;)

I won't. Actually, my first PC was a Macintosh Performa. :D
Tim_D said:
Send news. Don't spam me with it, or I might have to hurt some people. I'm from Texas, like Kyle, so I have access to lots of guns. :D

Sounds like just the man for the job! I'm an NRA life memeber, so I hear ya with the love 4 guns! :D
Dark Ember said:
Ah, always great to see another addition the the family! I can see your style (from your news update earlier) will be great! Much better than Steve's anyway... :p

(Just kidding Steve!) :eek:

Welcome Tim!

Actually the first real computer game I remember playing was on an Apple II C. Castle Wolfenstein baby....
Tim_D said:
Ninjas, pfft. I can take out a score of ninjas with a toothpick and shaving cream. ;)

Nice, a man that can take out scores of ninjas too. News will be nothing for ya. :)
Someone should make an [H] cape..., you know... like the one superman has.
welcome and enjoy your stay, I rely on [H] for my technews at 6 am pst, pssstt pr0n wouldn't be a bad thing to wake up to ;)
Tim_D said:
I won't. Actually, my first PC was a Macintosh Performa. :D
I just gutted one last night for a case mod! It's a Performa 637CD, I'm going to turn it into my living room HTPC/ iTunes server. :D

Can you come over and check my ram timings, I really want to see if I can squeeze a little more out of them.


ps - free beer (if you're old enough)