eVGA 6800GT Reviews


Dec 22, 2003
Would anyone be so kind as to post up links to benchmarks and reviews of the eVGA 6800GT?
I wish someone would invent a website that would enable you to search other websites for things you wanted to read about.
sweet Jesus people...

you act like the original poster came into your house and pointed a gun to your heads thus forcing you to reply in his thread.

when in all reality, you DONT have to post squat if you dont want to but I guess you do feel the need to express your aggrevation(s) anyways. :rolleyes:
ozziegn said:
sweet Jesus people...

you act like the original poster came into your house and pointed a gun to your heads thus forcing you to reply in his thread.

when in all reality, you DONT have to post squat if you dont want to but I guess you do feel the need to express your aggrevation(s) anyways. :rolleyes:

I answered his fucking question, and actually aided him. You on the otherhand, accomplished absolutely nothing.
I did accomplish something.

I pointed out (yet again) at how silly it is for people to piss and moan at someone in their own thread when (yet again) they dont have to reply at all.

so take your f-ing word somewhere else pal cuz it doesnt do jack for this boy.
ozziegn said:
I did accomplish something.

I pointed out (yet again) at how silly it is for people to piss and moan at someone in their own thread when (yet again) they dont have to reply at all.

so take your f-ing word somewhere else pal cuz it doesnt do jack for this boy.

The only one I see pissing and moaning is you. I helped the guy out, and just mentioned that he was lazy. You, on the other hand, have still helped the original poster out in no way. Take your thread crapping somewhere else please.
ha, looks like somebody (like me too) is looking for a cheap 6800gt. and eVGA is the only one we see for the cheapest. i'm glad this topic came up
Newegg has it sometimes for like $369 with a free copy of Far Cry.
It is a good card from a reputable company. I have one and it has worked as promised without any problems.