EVGA 9800GX2 for $285


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2005
That seems like one hell of a deal to me. I'd buy one except for the fact that it's an off week for me and I don't have a lot of spare cash.

Here is the link. Damn good deal.
Just keep in mind that the GX2 does not come with a 8 pin PCIE to 6 pin PCIE... thus most power supplies only come with 6pin PCIE's... The only power supply I own that has 4 8 pin PCIE's is my 1Kw Silverstone.

So beware before buying you may need to construct a work around for the 6pin/8pin deal if you have a good enough PSU...

Also you do need both the 8 pin PCI-E & the 6 pin PCI-E connector for the card to work.

I tried running one of mine with just two 6 pin PCI-E connectors and it failed to switch on.

Luck ............ :D
Exactly Tigerbiten I struggled with this last Sunday and ended up creating my own 8 pin to 6pin converter that used a seperate 12v rail for the two grounds that were missing. Its been running flawlessly ever since!

It even looks pretty because I shrink wrapped it.

You can get a converter for 6-pin to 8-pin PCIe for about $10 online if necessary.

Also, if you are (only) running 2 of these cards then the PCP&C 750 silencer has 2x6pin and 2x8pin and should have enough amp to run both.

I love my gx2 and I hope they are still under $300 when I'm ready to buy a second.


My stuff on Ebay needs to hurry up and sell. I have amsot enough cash to get one. And if the $$ comes from paypal the wiffy doesn't care ;)
Some power figures.

Eeyore with 5 gpu cores folding, 2x 9800GX2 + 1x 9800GTX, only pulled 600 watts.
Eeyore with 8 gpu cores folding, 4x 9800GX2, now pulls 900 watts.
So I recon that the 9800 gpu core pulls around 100 watts folding.

Luck ............ :D
Its about 90 watts per core. 8x90 =720 leaving about 175w for your CPU, etc...

When you think of that... 5k/90w = 55+PpDpW.

I just need to make a butt load of those dummy vga cables, I bought these 3inch cables where I could just insert the resistors, tape it up and it should run happily ever after. I want to do that on all my multi gpu setups, just for ease of recognition, they can be flaky if they are not attached to a screen. I've had them crap out mid way through a WU just because windows suddenly didn't want to extend the desk top.

Overall I hope a more robust multi gpu solution comes out. I'd like to see it all controlled via one console and for it to have options into duping it into making it active so we don't have to do a thing besides install the GPUs and run the client and walla... FOLD...
