EVGA Now a Haven to Scammers - Beware

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 5, 2003
I have no personal vested interest in this, as I didn't get scammed by this guy. However, all of us as gamers need to stick together and call out stupid shit like this:

Link - http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2158486

Long story short: a known and prover scammer who has robbed several people of hundreds of dollars is being enabled by EVGA forum administrators to continue scamming people. EVGA will not only refuse to ban him despite the copious proof of his theft, they delete the posts of those who point out he's a scammer.

I know there are some stand-up guys here at [H], particularly the editorial team, who won't stand for this weaselly bullshit. Hopefully we can get some traction.
Think it is a bit strong of comment to make about them being a "haven" to scammers.... I wouldn't be at all surprised if they do eventually ban the guy,

Um, evga? You got some splaining to do.

My bet is on evga dying off anyway. They have lost their best folks and are just......well they are not the evga of old anymore.
My bet is on evga dying off anyway. They have lost their best folks and are just......well they are not the evga of old anymore.


Seems their cards are still pretty awesome - and they are about to run a TF2 tourney as a contest with some decent prizes, too.

Seems kinda like the eVGA I remember?

Or are you referring to the forums, specifically?
Motherboards and the forums have gone away and to shit basically. The company itself is running on past momentum imo. Hope they get it back together soon.
Wow you are definitely on your own over there, the mods suck if they won't even ban him until these matters are resolved:

EVGAWEB_ShaneD: EVGA does not get involved in transactions for any reason or at any time.
I moved this to the TTT forum....Its better suited here than in video cards...
ShaneD basically told me if they ran into a lot of issues they would just close down the forum. And that he felt like they had nothing to do with what happens in the for sale/trade forum. I asked isn't it your forum? Then that makes it your problems as without your forum the transaction would not happen. But either way they don't care and it shows over there.

Everyone wants to spam rules all down a o.p. thread and have no thought of buying just want to spam rules. It is hard to make a forum work where you let everyone be a mod there for the community. I mean if they didn't care, why do they have rules are even mods there then.
ShaneD basically told me if they ran into a lot of issues they would just close down the forum. And that he felt like they had nothing to do with what happens in the for sale/trade forum. I asked isn't it your forum? Then that makes it your problems as without your forum the transaction would not happen. But either way they don't care and it shows over there.

Everyone wants to spam rules all down a o.p. thread and have no thought of buying just want to spam rules. It is hard to make a forum work where you let everyone be a mod there for the community. I mean if they didn't care, why do they have rules are even mods there then.

same rules apply here, FS section is just a place for us to base our transactions and have no 'backing' by [H]
same rules apply here, FS section is just a place for us to base our transactions and have no 'backing' by [H]

The point is they are involved in the transaction. As without their forum it would not have happened. Even though they may not wont to be involved they are. And then you are saying that [H] shouldn't ban people here, since they aren't involved also?
No they can ban people, but they aren't going all out such as Anandtech
We all know Anandtech doesn't play around with stuff like that. But i do like seeing forums ban people that are ripping people off. It shows they are listening and care about their forum and members there. Every forum will be different but just show the members you care a little bit about them.
Seems like repeatedly ripping people off and using a forum to do so would be abuse of said forum and abusive to said forums users. And I haven't met a forum yet that doesn't have some sort of abuse clause in it's rules somewhere. If they won't allow people to post calling the guy out, nor will they ban the guy for it....they should just close that section down..because they are acting in an opposing interest to all but the abusers.
its a tricky line to walk, from my sales exp here on [H] they are very strict on personal details and only allow communication between seller/buyers, like I said they are not here to baby transactions, and only provide the FS section to allow selling/buying between people. when things go wrong, [H] has no responsibility, and I dont blame them, things can get ugly fast.
this doesnt surprise me, I had the same issue when I called out a scammer here and AT two years ago, and even though he was banned from here and AT, I called him out on another forum with links and information so others would not get scammed, and the damn mods removed my posts and banned me from the forum instead. They basically said whats happens on other forums is not their business.
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