EVGA P55 655 initial boot problem


Dec 21, 2007
So I just built a system. Specs are;

Motherboard: EVGA P55 E655
CPU: Core i7-860
RAM: 8 GB G.Skill DDR3 1600
HDDs: 150 GB Raptor (OS/App) and 250 GB Caviar (Storage)
Video Card: EVGA 275 GTX
Sound Card: SoundBlaster XtremeMusic

So here's the problem, or rather annoyance. At initial boot everything will power up all good and dandy for a few seconds and then the computer will power down for a few seconds. After that it will power itself back up and boot just fine. The AMI BIOS gives one beep, pauses, and then gives four beeps. According the what I could find online that indicates a RAM error and then a timing error. So my first thought was to test each stick of RAM individually, nothing changed.

I made sure to do a CMOS clear. I made sure the BIOS was up to date. I tried booting with a minimal system. Restarting the computer doesn't cause this to happen. The system run fines after the fact. I have had a couple 10+ hour MW2 marathons without so much as a hiccup in performance.

So I guess my questions are as follows;

1. Am I correct in my analysis?
2. Is there anything else you guys think I should try?
3. Has anyone else had this problem?
4. Is this something that could cause degraded performance over timer? I mean if the system runs fine, I can live with it. Or I guess I could NOT be lazy and RMA the board. What would you do?

Damn, 12 system builds without a single problem. My streak has ended. Hehe.

Thanks in advance for any help/words of wisdom.
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Well jeez, I spend a good day searching for info on this, and you find an answer in 10 minutes. :p Thanks. I really don't like my hardware double booting like this, guess I have to start using sleep and hibernate.