eVGA system monitor question......


Mar 19, 2004
When viewing my system temps in the bios it seems that my cpu and mobo temps look normal, 33 and 28 but......my MCP temp is around 63...

Is that right??? I just installed this and have a well ventilated case and I'm not overclocking at all. I do have the latest bios installed.

Anyone else with this mobo experiencing this???
Did you installed the system fan? You need to turn the fan speed fairly high to get the temperature down. (It's loud! I know! It really bugs me too)
i'm not big on monitoring my temps, unless something goes on fire. i run with the vmch set at highest voltage (i installed the fan) and my case isnt known for great ventilation. i have zero problems.
No northbridge fan on and I couldn't touch the heatsink(s) while running without burning off my fingerprints.

Added the active northbridge fan and now they are only fairly warm to the touch. The fan is virtually silent in my setup too.
When I installed mine it was running at 194 F in the BIOS without the fan installed. In my opinion, the fan is not optional. It's necessary.
I've installed the fan and now my temp is around 33c which is way better but it's a bit noisy now. I still can't believe the temp was so high at stock bus speed without the fan.
I took apart my chipset cooling assembly and replaced the slopped on gunk they shipped it out with AS5, now it's running very cool. Idling around 33 and around 37-38 at load, down from around 60 idling in the BIOS!!
I took apart my chipset cooling assembly and replaced the slopped on gunk they shipped it out with AS5, now it's running very cool. Idling around 33 and around 37-38 at load, down from around 60 idling in the BIOS!!

Fan or no fan?
It's running with fan, and it's running cooler than it was earlier. With Prime95 running on both cores for about an hour now the MCP is at 34 C.