Evil Genius Union Signup

Ice Czar

Jul 8, 2001
simply list your perfered OS, hardware, and basic plan to acheive world domination

elective fields:
Deployed weapons of mass destruction
WMD under development
Defeated Superheros and Secret Agents
Fembot Pictures
Preferred OS: Whatever's on the device I'm currently using.
Home OS: Gentoo Linux 2.6.15-r1
Hardware: Athlon 64 3200, geforce 6800gt, 2 GB ram, 420GB hd space.

Basic plan to achieve world domination:
Mind control serum in starbucks, tim horton's, mcdonalds, and dunkin donuts coffee.
FreeBSD is nice.
I'm fond of the alpha systems, so taking over the world should involve a huge alphaserver somewhere, and one of the 8-CPU ones at my desk. (If nothing else I can drop it on people, and I won't need central heating in the command bunker.)

As for how:
1. Work myself up to a decent position in the norwegian foreign service.
2. Enlist as a peace negotiator.
3. Make big countries go to war by being creatively horrible at it.
4. <secret>
5. Lead a small force to conquer the leftovers.
OS: Ubuntu Dapper Drake with compiz + xgl
Hardware: Pentium D 820 (2x2.8ghz) overclocked to 2x3.73 ghz, 1gig DDR2-667 cas3
Plans to take of the world: Underway already. (H5N1 is my pride and joy)
os: Ubuntu breezy, windowsxp usage on both is around 70% linux 30% windows
hardware 3000+ amd64 with a 9800.
plans for wold domination:
I plan to drug everyone, and then lock them up in my basement. This is where the fun beggins. :confused: oops, that was my fantasy. :eek:
Suse Pro 9.3 w\ Dual 244's on a K8W

my initial plan was domination by employing my deathray
however development has been slowed by a lack of raw materials
(unobtainium is a very rare element and so secret its not even listed on the periodic table)
so my fall back position is to corrupt today's youth by abusing my power as an Admin and Newsposter for [H]ardOCP
primarilly with twsted use of the English language, poor grammer and mispelled words.
I will then lead them in overthrowing the various world governements and entice them into gather enough unobtainium to complete the deathray

my only deployed WMD is a pair of old socks with a time delay release planted in the local house of State Representatives

they where previously employed to terminate 002 of Her Majesties Secret Service
Gentoo Linux, vanilla-kernels, blackbox as WM
p4 560J @ 4.03ghz / 1gb Geil pc4300 / Abit IL8 / GF6200tc

Plan: Giant. Killer. Marshmallows. Think kinda like the stay-puffed marshmallow man. But with lasers.
Preferred OS: Slackware.

Hardware: miniature HAL9000, currently under construction.

Basic plan to acheive world domination: With the help of the world's most advanced artificial intelligence, I shall subtly create chaos across the globe, then convince the Earth's population to elect me as their perpetual leader via a slick media campaign. A key step towards this is secretly brainwashing the youth populace by raising educational standards so that proper spelling and grammar are highly regarded. Because of our diametrically opposed plans, Ice Czar and I are enemies.
simply list your perfered OS, hardware, and basic plan to acheive world domination

OS: Slackware 10.2 w/ 2.6 kernel

AMD Opteron 146 CABYE 0536 OC'd to 2.6 ghz
ASRock 939dual-sata II
2x512 + 2x256 Crucial Ballistix DDR500 2.5-2-2-5 2T
16x 147gb SCSI 15k
2x Plextor 716SA

Basic plan: Lasers.
Preferred OS: Debian based, or whatever is making headlines
Hardware: Linux runs on everything.

Plan for World Domination:
Step 1 Steal Underwear
Step 2 ?
Step 3 World Domination
Preferred O/S: Gentoo & Enlightenment
Spec: Athlon64 4000+ Clawhammer, 2GB PC3200, 2 x Geforce 6800 Ultras SLI, WD Raptor Striped RAID.
World Domination

I will acheive world domination one user at a time critisism and abuse turning all users into stupid, phsycotic morons with my uber admin skills, While I teach rocket science to goats to deliver an all out nuclear attack and train loyal army of monkeys to do the worlds work and to deliver 200 virgin girls to my fortress on the moon.

Goats, Monkeys and Virgin Girls mmmmm
Preferred OS: Ubuntu 5.10 - Breezy Badger (I love that name :D)
Hardware: Athlon XP1800+, 512 DDR2100, Via KM400a/237, onboard everything, SATA WD 250GB hard drive
Plans for domination: Make everyone use my software and charge licensing fees to use it. If someone crops up with a similar product, assimilate the company by purchasing them or forcing them out of business until my company is the only software entity in existence.
OS: SuSE Linux 9.2 & Ubuntu 5.10
Hardware: It's all old, read my sig for details.
Plan for WD: Taking over the minds of other evil genius union members via subliminal messaging.

[SIZE=-7]You will obey me![/SIZE]