Evo Eve


Jun 6, 2003
Twas the night before EVO and all through the hood
Steve Jobs was stressing - By AT&T he was just scrood
The data plan debacle, which with avaristic intent
Sent customers reeling, and scurrying to Sprint

When over at RadioShack the geeks were all a titter
Waiting for their EVO - contemplating their first EVO twitter
There by the box load, the case, and the pallet
The EVOs were as ubiquitous as Olive Garden's Caesar Salad

On June 4th to the mall I proceeded with great haste
To be united with MY EVO, and of some 4G get a taste
When at the mall entrance what did my eyes see
a multitude of formerly blue customers staring longingly at me

"Fear not, former ATT'ers, do not fret or be distraught -
For HTC has been busy and theShack has a lot!"
I may be first, but I won't be the last
*note to self: Have the broker buy me some Sprint stock FAST!!!

Reposted from Android Forums