EVOLT E-300 Digital SLR


Jan 6, 2005
does someone have this camara i am thinking of getting it here in the next few days i think that in this price range this is what i am looking for

any other options in the 500-600 dollar range?
really want a SLR
I was thinking of getting an E-500 which is similar to the E-300 and 330. I read a bunch of reviews and most said the Olympus E-500 & E-300 had more noise at ISO 800 and higher than competitors.

I ended up getting a Nikon D50 and couldn't be happier. Fast auto focus and really nice images at high ISOs. You can get one online in that price range, check Pricegrabber. Abe's of Maine has a 30 day return policy where others are only 7-15 days.
I have this camera and I really like it, but beware of buying it because you think it will be "cheap." The body might be on the low cost side, but the lenses are on the pricier side and the kit lens is just about junk... Well it might not be that bad ;) if you wanna buy one for pretty cheap! Also the noise level is a bit of an issue when you are shooting in low light, you can eliminate a good amount of it using difference layers in PS though.
I have the E-500 with the two lens kit ... and are very happy with it ... as a newbie with digital and SLR in general, my skills has not surpassed the capabilities of the kit lens yet.
The D50s' price has come down quite a bit so, as icehole has said it is a great option. I have the D50 as, well and, love it. Also on Abes of Maine, didnt have a problem with them when I got my camera last year, I have heard alot of complaints recently so, I stopped suggesting them. You might check their reseller ratings first. They may have got a clue in the last month and, got themselves right again. If they have they are hard to beat price wise.