Excel will not scroll or allow text entry until another sheet is selected


Jun 21, 2008
so i didn't believe this until a coworker reproduced it in front of me.

working in an excel workbook, saved locally, you can select cells but you cannot type in them. scrolling with the mouse does not work either. now if you grab the slider bar you can scroll but thats it. to fix the problem, he has to select a different sheet that is blank and then go back and try it. sometimes this fixes it on the first try, sometimes it does. he just clicks back and forth a few times until it starts working again.

any idea what would be causing this? i disabled hardware acceleration in hopes that would resolve the issue.
Copy the sheets to a new workbook and see if you can reproduce the problem there.
Sounds like you grouped the tabs together by mistake...all it takes is holding the control+shift and hitting page up or down instead of home or end when you are navigating a large spreadsheet.

If that's what it is, just right click the tabs and select ungroup.