Exchange 2007 Calendar Question


Jan 8, 2003
We're in the process of moving from a hosted exchange environment at work to an in-house exchange 2007 setup. One of the items I'm researching and can't seem to find a good answer on is shared calendars, not sharing a user calendar but more of just a calendar that a number or people access/view, etc. As an example we have a corporate events calendar, which doesn't correspond to any mailbox or user. Currently it resides in a public folder, since public folders go away after Exchange 2007 I'm looking to get out in front and configure it correctly the first time, but I don't know what the equivalent would be in Exch 2007. Has anyone done anything like this or have any ideas?
The intended setup for 2007 is Exchange + Outlook/Office 2007 + SharePoint 2007. SharePoint takes over the role of the shared calendars and/or public folders.

Another way you can do this is with a dummy public user. I have seen setups where each resource (room etc) had an Exchange account. Their calendars where then shared. You can give a single person access to modify the calendar, or customize the permissions any way you want.
we use sharepoint for all corporate calendars, for meeting rooms and resources they just have accounts setup...
That's what I thought, we've got the resources and address lists sorted out, I was just hoping there was another way since we don't have sharepoint and won't before this conversion is complete.

Thanks for the replies