Expensive, but intriguing capture device


Limp Gawd
May 17, 2005
While reading through slashdot, I noticed this:

Looks really interesting. I'd be willing to find a board with a 64 bit pci slot and build out a several disk raid 0 setup for a "landing zone" for capturing video in HD. The specs on the website claim that it's able to capture 1600x1200@60hz in 24 bit.

Let's take a peek at what that entails:

sampling at 60hz, you have 1920000 pixels to read from with a total sampling of 115200000 pixels per second.

1080i is 1920x1080@30hz so 62208000
1080p is double that, 124416000

So it looks like the card *should* be able to capture everything right off of a dvi port. My cable box has a DVI out on it... not copy protected that I'm aware of. Sadly, the product in question is only supported on windows and seems to be set up for the customer to develop their own solution.

If, by some stroke of luck, these people decided that this device needs to be able to run on a unix system, I can only imagine how much fun the mythtv team would have with it. I don't think that having to do all of the video compression on the fly is a very realistic goal, although it may be quite possible if the open mosix cluster support in mythtv works well (never tried it... yet). I can just see showing guests the server farm... "What's that?" "That? Oh, it's what processes my media for me."

If the software support picture isn't intimidating enough, at first blush from a US retailer listed on thier site, the card is about $2000 above my price range. Anything that costs more than the 169time mods to a satellite box is just too rich for my blood. *sigh* Now back to trying to tune directly off the cable. Haven't tried the b side yet....

nice, but $3,000? :eek:

I mean, depending on what you want to copy off your cable box, it gets to a point that it would make more sense for us to buy bluray or hd-dvd.