Explain HDCP Please


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2005
There is all this hype about hdcp, for gods sake will anyone explain what hell it is/does?

I am assuming HD stands for High Def and CP for Crappy Picture?

And how the hell is hdcp differes from my current 2405?
high definition content protection

it's basically encryption that's supposed to make it harder for you to rip stuff I guess
Short for high-bandwidth digital-content protection, a specification developed by Intel for protecting digital entertainment content that uses the DVI interface. HDCP encrypts the transmission of digital content between the video source, or transmitter -- such as a computer, DVD player or set-top box -- and the digital display, or receiver -- such as a monitor, television or projector. HDCP is not designed to prevent copying or recording of digital content but to protect the integrity of content as it is being transmitted.

Implementation of HDCP requires a license obtainable from the Digital Content Protection, LLC, which then issues a set of unique secret device keys to all authorized devices. During authentication, the receiver will only accept content once it demonstrates knowledge of the keys. Furthermore, to prevent eavesdropping and stealing of the data, the transmitter and receiver will generate a shared secret value that is consistently checked throughout the transmission. Once authentication is established, the transmitter encrypts the data and sends it to the receiver for decryption

c.o. webopedia
Such evil in the world must be stopped.
No one buy HD-DVD/Blu Ray movies. Once Holywood starts loosing BIG money, they will stop with all this crap :p
insanarchist said:
HDCP (in mathematical terms):

Let me revise that equation for you
DVI + HD + DRM - FREEDOM + New HDCP Monitor = HDCP Goodness
So it means hollywood and monitor makers are having buttsex :rolleyes:

awesome, but we, the bad guys, will always find a way around it ;)
Dr.Makavelli said:
So it means hollywood and monitor makers are having buttsex :rolleyes:

actually, it's also Microsoft because they are willing to go along and implent this into Vista...
does that mean i have to sell all my 4 xblack monitors and buy a hdcp one, (no idea what pc monitors are hdcp compliant....anyone?) so i can watch hi def movies through my pc?
insanarchist said:
So are the 2005fpw and 2405s hdcp compliant?!!! Is there a 20"+ monitor i can upgrade to atm that will do 1080p and is hdcp compliant?
Rash said:
So are the 2005fpw and 2405s hdcp compliant?!!! Is there a 20"+ monitor i can upgrade to atm that will do 1080p and is hdcp compliant?

The soon to be released 2007fpw and 2407fpw will be HDCP compliant. The 3007fpw is already available and is HDCP compliant. The Westinghouse in my sig is also HDCP compliant. All of the above except for 2007fpw will do 1080p.
morfinx said:
The soon to be released 2007fpw and 2407fpw will be HDCP compliant. The 3007fpw is already available and is HDCP compliant. The Westinghouse in my sig is also HDCP compliant. All of the above except for 2007fpw will do 1080p.
Cheers, i did start a thead about it, but you have already answered ! Excellent cheers
where is evidence of the 2007 an 2407? my googling only brings up discussions like this on forums about them.
So is it only HD content that will be blocked, or any video? For instance, Can I still watch a futurama movie file or current DVD or something like that with vista and my 2005FPW? Am I going to be able to hit up ebaums world?

and why wouldnt you be able to buy a little HDCP box or something to go between your monitor and computer? I guess that defeats the point, but someone will do it. how would the HDCP know?
HighwayAssassins said:
So is it only HD content that will be blocked, or any video? For instance, Can I still watch a futurama movie file or current DVD or something like that with vista and my 2005FPW? Am I going to be able to hit up ebaums world?

and why wouldnt you be able to buy a little HDCP box or something to go between your monitor and computer? I guess that defeats the point, but someone will do it. how would the HDCP know?

Yes it's just for HD content.

Well the HDCP box manufactuer would have to get a license first, which could prove difficult for the manufactuer knowing that that kinda device could be used to bypass HDCP protection. And licenses could also be revoked later, making ur existing HDCP devices stop working.
{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
actually, it's also Microsoft because they are willing to go along and implent this into Vista...
It was only a matter of time before some nitwit decided to blame it all on MS...
Bo_Bice said:
where is evidence of the 2007 an 2407? my googling only brings up discussions like this on forums about them.

Here's your evidence, I said they're coming in late Feb/March, just like I did with the 3007FPW being released in Dec. back in a thread from October.
morfinx said:
Yes it's just for HD content.

Well the HDCP box manufactuer would have to get a license first, which could prove difficult for the manufactuer knowing that that kinda device could be used to bypass HDCP protection. And licenses could also be revoked later, making ur existing HDCP devices stop working.
Well then it seems people are blowing this out of proportion...HD is not even a small concern of mine, and my new 2005FPW will certainly not be 'useless' as people have been saying.

It does suck though.
I just hope that Hollywood will start losing real money and be forced to revoke this HDCP crap but the next best thing is to have a software crack. Hardware cracks cost $ :(
insanarchist said:
Unfortunately, for those who didn't/won't RTFA, they have what amounts to a 'black list' of keys that can be disabled at a whim. Thus, while the device may work for awhile, it will eventually be 'caught' and 'neutered'.

Thats why I said "apparently".

With DVDDecrypter there where some DVDs that required a dummy block injected into the program so it could decrypt the DVD...

Nothing is perfect...Programmer vs Programmer
RevitXman said:
Thats why I said "apparently".

With DVDDecrypter there where some DVDs that required a dummy block injected into the program so it could decrypt the DVD...

Nothing is perfect...Programmer vs Programmer

nonono, I wasn't referring to yourself when I said "those who didn't RTFA". I was merely adding my response to the article without having to quote it. Sorry :p
{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
actually, it's also Microsoft because they are willing to go along and implent this into Vista...

Blaming MS for this is like blaming TV manufacturers for putting HDCP into their screens. The industry is going ahead with this. Blu-ray and HD-DVD will require HDCP to output at higher than 540p. Any manufacturer (or software maker) who attempts to buckle the trend and not have HDCP support is shooting themselves in the foot financially. It's not like HDCP is going to be required for all content, all this support does is allow users to play back both encrypted and unencrypted content, so who wouldn't want the choice available?

I think people are expecting that suddenly their computers will stop working if they try to install Vista without an HDCP compliant video card and monitor. This will only affect people who watch movies on their PC, nothing else. Even then, it will still work at slightly higher than DVD quality.

I have a feeling this won't be a big deal at all, and within a year, HDCP will be as easy to crack in software as DVD encryption was.

OK, TV shows that are imported through my tuner card will be HDTV by then right?

So any TV shows I record are not going to be viewable huh?
asmielia said:
I have a feeling this won't be a big deal at all, and within a year, HDCP will be as easy to crack in software as DVD encryption was.

I agree with you. Whatever the protection, there will eventually be a crack for it. And it seems the more attention drawn to it means faster cracking, and people will want this cracked fast. I bet it wont last a month.
Damn, we're going to have to start putting modchips in our TVs and Monitors now. :)
Everyone needs to relax. There will be cracks for it in no time.

As I get older I find myself not trying to stiff industries with cracks and illegal copies because I just am not into that stuff as much.

I don't find a problem with it though. Not giving money to a company to show that you are unhappy with them isn't enough anymore, they just go on a political rampage and try to sue anyone they can (RIAA).

I'm also sick of losing freedoms with MY stuff. stuff that I've boughten and paid for. Next thing I know I won't be able to put an aftermarket part on my car.

Crack/Hack the greedy corps. !
it's a viscious cycle.

HDCP is somewhat dumb too. It doesn't mean you can't watch the content it will just be displayed at a lower resolution on a non-DHCP display, but it will still be better resolution that DVD. I think that defeats the purpose since pirates don't want the whole resolution, they just want something good enough that can be the smallest size possible for fast transfer. Oh well...


btw, I am going to laugh so hard when people don't buy HD-DVD or BluRay since a lot of the expensive TV sets sold probably don't support DHCP. Just stick with DVD and call it a day. :D
Ultra Wide said:
It doesn't mean you can't watch the content it will just be displayed at a lower resolution on a non-DHCP display, but it will still be better resolution that DVD.
Yeah but people don't want a reduction in quality or resolution. It's an issue for us IQ wh0res. ;)

Not to mention that there are places on the internet where people trade movies in much higher resolution that some little 700meg DIVX file. I've downloaded moves in 1080i than were nearly 20 gig.