explorer.exe is being greedy


May 29, 2007
whenever i load an explorer window... its constantly pulling 50-90% cpu usage (this is totally unnoticable except in Task Manager)... these are just regular explorer windows, no searches, no big folders e.g. "My Computer" folder... what is explorer doing with all my cpu cycles?? as soon as i close all explorer windows it frees up the cpu.. all these windows a totally responsive... i really am whacked as to whats going on... notice that the memory usage is flatlined


if you see this graph.. the spike upwards isn't when i started encoding video its when i clicked on Computer in the start menu loading up an explorer.exe window ... and the sharp drop-off is when I closed that window... any ideas?
When you open Task Manager its normal that it will spike to ~90% but only for 1 second....

Are you running Sidebar or any other apps in background? What processes except explorer.exe are using CPU?

When you open Task Manager its normal that it will spike to ~90% but only for 1 second....

Are you running Sidebar or any other apps in background? What processes except explorer.exe are using CPU?

BRB... im pretty sure nothing but sidebar... i'll remove my ramdisk and reboot.. and the spike lasts until i close the window
ok.. i've run it with nothing else running besides Live Messenger and Sidebar

something else strange ive noticed.. is if i minimise the explorer window, my cpu cycles come back.. restore it from taskbar and its greedy again.. even if its behind another window and you cant see it it steals the cpu.


so heres some links with the info my computer is displaying when i open an explorer window.

thanks heaps.. i sure would like to get to the bottom of the :)

damnit ive just notice punkbuster in there... my gosh i click no to that everytime... it still finds its way in...
Do you have any media files in the folders opened with explorer? If so, maybe it is the media player trying to generate thumbnails for these files. That does show as an explorer.exe process. On Ultimate, dreamscene also shows as cpu usage for explorer.exe.
Do you have any media files in the folders opened with explorer? If so, maybe it is the media player trying to generate thumbnails for these files. That does show as an explorer.exe process. On Ultimate, dreamscene also shows as cpu usage for explorer.exe.

no media just the Computer folder
two hdd are displayed one 400GB one 2800GB
One DVD burner
4 x Virtual DVD device
My Web Sites on MSN (whatever that is)

i dont know what dreamscene is...i dont think ive ever used it
no media just the Computer folder
two hdd are displayed one 400GB one 2800GB
One DVD burner
4 x Virtual DVD device
My Web Sites on MSN (whatever that is)

i dont know what dreamscene is...i dont think ive ever used it

It could be scanning the contents of those drives. Do you get the green status bar going across at the top?

Dreamscene displays video as desktop wallpaper. Only for Ultimate users until Stardock releases Deskscapes 2, but that's another subject.
It could be scanning the contents of those drives. Do you get the green status bar going across at the top?

no.. no green bar... i'd remember that green bar of death... omg on the first release of vista i loaded it up... that green bar.. i would've killed entire nations over that endles green bar:p:p:p:p

and the results are the same... no matter what folder i am in...
no.. no green bar... i'd remember that green bar of death... omg on the first release of vista i loaded it up... that green bar.. i would've killed entire nations over that endles green bar:p:p:p:p

and the results are the same... no matter what folder i am in...

I see from your sig that you have SP1. Before SP1 I had problems with Quicktime causing explorer to hang for a long time with the endless green bar. Probably not the problem you are having, but I figure it won't hurt anything to mention it, just in case it helps.
I see from your sig that you have SP1. Before SP1 I had problems with Quicktime causing explorer to hang for a long time with the endless green bar. Probably not the problem you are having, but I figure it won't hurt anything to mention it, just in case it helps.

yeah the greenbar was pre-SP1 that problem is all gone... but i heard quicktime and shuddered (i had major problems getting that to work cas they want u to download with iTunes and then it wont install or uninstall nightmare anyways)...

i only installed it cas get this... .MOV is a MAC format right, but I downloaded some HD FarCry2 trailers showing day/night cycles and tree regeneration.. but they were in .MOV
FarCry2 will NEVER run on a mac... so why the .MOV format... do they get paid my apple?? weird

im gonna uninstall that quicktime anyways.. its not like i use it more than once 6 months..

anyways... bed time.. quarter past three in the morning is my signout time... ive got screaming kids and easter bunnies to deal with tomorrow... happy easter all :D