External Seagate drives Crippled?


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2008
Recently about a week ago I went to watch a movie on one of my seagate drives (backup plus hub 6TB) but it was hitching and locking up, however when I move said file over to anything WD it played just fine. The issue wasn't isolated to just that one seagate drive either. It was effecting any and all external seagate drives even a new one that i just bought. Using a read and write test I was getting about 7-22MB/s on the seagate reads but full speed on the writes. Prior to last week all these drives were hitting about 80MB/s. But when i go and put these same drives on my XB1X they run at full speed out pacing the internal drive.

So i am curious if the patch tuesday this month has crippled all my seagate drives.
Try another AC adapter (if you ar using just 1 among multiple drives), cable and USB port and see if the problem goes away.
all drives have their own adapter, among the drives tested 2 of them were the seagate slim drives, so they were USb powered. even moving them across other PCs the issue persists and i have plenty of USB ports to test, seems only using them on console aleves this issue
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