Extremely Offensive BenQ Ad

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
From the front page. I am interested in your thoughts on this subject. I have added a comparison photo of the WTC:

We know that companies think controversial ads are “cool”, “edgy” and all that but when did using an image of a smoldering building, that bears a striking resemblance to the World Trade Center, become “cool?” I find it flat out disgusting that anyone would use such an image to promote any product they are selling.



(*edit* added link to front page post 6:06pm)
Ya saw it on gizmodo.....or was it engadget? Anyways I think its just that the guy who came up with the ad is just that ignorant and picked any old cool looking background for the ad.
Just plain ignorance with a touch of imbecility imo.
While I don't find it disgusting, I do find it in poor taste and NOT cool. :mad:

Maybe they should have done some research on what the photo was before using it. :confused:
I didn't make the connection between the buiding and the trade centers. I had to read your text for that.

Anyways, I'll let the victims decide on what and what not offends them.
qkool said:
I didn't make the connection between the buiding and the trade centers. I had to read your text for that.

Anyways, I'll let the victims decide on what and what not offends them.

Lol you sicko..
I can't even tell that's the WTC... :(

But yeah, kind of "low" advertising.
I think its mighty low. ( I am to easy going to let something like this bother me) I just wonder how they would feel if an American company did something similar to this but with Nagasaki or Hiroshima in the background. (You know what I am getting at).
Doubtful that anyone but us Americans think anything of it.


BenQ is on my blacklist until further notice.
I think they should just replace that guy with one of Bush boogying to some tunes. At least then, it would be a realistic polticial statement!

I wouldn't have though "WTC" seeing it without the suggestion though. I guess that doesn't really strike me as anything but bad taste.. Takes a lot to get a rise out of me. :D
From Engadget:

So I guess the "hope" thing is supposed to make it okay. It doesn't bug me, but I can see how some people would be offended. Not a good idea for a marketing campaign.

I know I've seen a picture of the WTC ruins that was very similar to that one. I googled it but didn't want to wade through the multitude of results.

Here's one shot I found though, of one of the prominent standing walls:

[edit]Sorry about the hotlinks, fixed.
I first looked at the pic and didnt make the connection to the WTC even after looking at the second pic. So i would say its not offensive for your stated reaason, now if you want to make the Michael Jackson arguement I might be able to back you on that one.
FYI: The simplified Chinese(used in China) on the middle right hand side reads:
"Even if the world ends(destoried), I still belives in music"
Well I was going to say I didn't see much of a resemblance until I saw the comparison picture... now I'm not really sure.
mcravenufo said:
While I don't find it disgusting, I do find it in poor taste and NOT cool. :mad:

Maybe they should have done some research on what the photo was before using it. :confused:
I'm betting they knew exactly what it was...things that don't happen in your backyard can be "edgy" but still not have the same impact it would if it were closer to home.

edit- just noticed the very Cadillac like logo also :p
I'll let capitalism do it's thing, They won't sell as much.
I think tiuk's comparison made me sure that it is the WTC. And since it is written in simplified Chinese, I assume they are of that descent. I don't feel its right to support communist countries to begin with..
It only makes it ok if there is any actual correlation with the product too 9/11, such as a charity or that a percentage of every Benq product sold will goto such and such. Atleast something that is not as vague as "hope". Even so, using a powerful image like that with a brand name slapped over it is already inappropriate. Yes, music helps to heal but thats taking it a bit too far, IMO.
keefusm said:
I think tiuk's comparison made me sure that it is the WTC.

Yes, it did. Thanks to tiuk for the better comparison image.

I do not advise anyone search Google for images for World Trade Center pictures :(
Never owned any BenQ products and glad I haven't given them any of my money.

Fuck them!
keefusm said:
I think tiuk's comparison made me sure that it is the WTC. And since it is written in simplified Chinese, I assume they are of that descent. I don't feel its right to support communist countries to begin with..

That computer you typed this on... has plenty of parts in it that were manufactured in communist countries. Kinda broadens your perspective doesn't it?

I too hate communism... and curse every single US company that chooses to outsource to foreign countries. Although... if they stayed in the US... I am told we would pay more for the same products.

Damned if you do... Damned if you don't.

I'm still pissed off.
keefusm said:
I think tiuk's comparison made me sure that it is the WTC. And since it is written in simplified Chinese, I assume they are of that descent. I don't feel its right to support communist countries to begin with..

I don't think BenQ is Chinese it is Taiwanese if i am not mistaken. So by buying Taiwanese product we are not supporting commie.Or may be not. someone informed me that taiwan is actually governed by China. so i may be wrong.
It does kinda look like the WTC.

But I think offence isn't something that's very univerally quantifiable. I'm not offended. And yes it's likely to be viewed as distasteful in the US, but the website was .cn and the text on that screenshot looked like Chinese. And maybe they don't find it offensive because they werent attacked on 9/11.

All I'm saying is I don't think that we as Americans should take it personally. We're big enough to not throw a fit over someone looking for shock value.
The bottom of the building is reminiscent of the WTC; however, when I first looked at the image it also reminded me strongly of photos of Nagasaki after the atomic bomb in 1945. Maybe they took a few images and made a composite. Perhaps we should be asking why marketers think we venerate destruction. Are they correct? That would be sad.
orkan said:
That computer you typed this on... has plenty of parts in it that were manufactured in communist countries. Kinda broadens your perspective doesn't it?

My perspective has been pretty broad for awhile now. I think in this day and age its inevitable to purchase something that was manufactured overseas (especially in a not so desirable country) The sad part of this is(or not so sad part - if you are me :D), when they eventually catch on and realize that the poor chap that created this lost them an ass tons of revenue, he will probably find himself locked up in a cell eating fish heads and rice for the rest of his life.
There is a very good reason why they didn't use lets say...tiananmen square .Lets just leave it at that.
The moment I looked at it I thought WTC.....vote with your wallet people.
Doorbasher said:
It does kinda look like the WTC.

But I think offence isn't something that's very univerally quantifiable. I'm not offended. And yes it's likely to be viewed as distasteful in the US, but the website was .cn and the text on that screenshot looked like Chinese. And maybe they don't find it offensive because they werent attacked on 9/11.

All I'm saying is I don't think that we as Americans should take it personally. We're big enough to not throw a fit over someone looking for shock value.

I bet the family members of those killed that day... take it very personally... and have a RIGHT to do so. It's my duty as a fellow American to support them. Images of the WTC wreckage is no less powerful than the American flag being raised on Iwo Jima... and should be treated accordingly. You damned well better know what image you are portraying before you plaster it up on an ad.
You never know, they might have just done a Google search for something like "Destroyed building" or "Ruins" and the picture came up that they modified to fit their background.
jmackay said:
You never know, they might have just done a Google search for something like "Destroyed building" or "Ruins" and the picture came up that they modified to fit their background.

I'm sure you are correct. It was intended for a Chinese audience, who likely have only a vague notion of the whole WTC atrocity.
I don't think you could convince me that it's not the WTC. I no longer see any need for a BenQ product, but I'm sure their not worried about what U.S. citizens think anyway. This ad is for a different cultural group, but still in poor taste. Is the next ad going to show a destroyed red bus on a city street (London), or a destroyed train (Spain)?
I can't stand companies that promote these types of sensitive materials. From Sony advertising the white holding the black on a leash to a smoldering building in ruins from benq. Remember that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Look at abercrombie and fitch with their nude models. Sales went up. Definitely vote with your wallet.
Some posts in this thread are a shining example of how people think they should accomodate EVERYONE. Hold no fault, point no finger, place no blame... "can't we all just get along."

I thank God I was not alive during the '60's and early '70's. When you make a mistake you PAY FOR IT. Whether you knew it was wrong or not is usually pointless. You screw up... you PAY.

This hippie symbolism reflected by some peoples desire to place no blame makes me want to vomit. Same type of people that think "guns" kill people.
Yeah they could have chosen anything else for imagry than that. Much too close, that is in pretty bad taste
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