extremely sensitive to input lag


Nov 8, 2009
does anybody have first hand experiences with monitors that respond as fast or an unnoticable amount to a crt. Ive returned two monitors because they were to slow cause i thought oh 16 milliseconds thats nothing but after comparing them and even my current one to an old crt that doesnt even make black anymore it is just to noticable to me. This bothers me to no end. Is there a monitor that is a 24 inch 1920x1200 that has say less than 5 ms input lag. I do tons of gaming especially fast fps. i cant stand being handicapped by this anymore.
I guess TN monitors are the only thing for you to look at; other than that, you might want to stick to a good condition CRT and wait for new display technologies if you're as sensitive to input lag as you say you are.
does anybody have first hand experiences with monitors that respond as fast or an unnoticable amount to a crt. Ive returned two monitors because they were to slow cause i thought oh 16 milliseconds thats nothing but after comparing them and even my current one to an old crt that doesnt even make black anymore it is just to noticable to me. This bothers me to no end. Is there a monitor that is a 24 inch 1920x1200 that has say less than 5 ms input lag. I do tons of gaming especially fast fps. i cant stand being handicapped by this anymore.

anytime you put an LCD next to a CRT, you'll see the strengths and weaknesses of each in dramatic detail

honestly, if you've got as much of a problem as you do (personally I think its a bit in your head, but its your money and your choice), a CRT is really what you'd want (FW900's are nice...), and wait for something like SED or OLED which should have somewhat better response time

LCD wise, very few monitors will really get their overall response down to 1-3 ms, but a number of TN based displays shouldn't have a problem hitting 6-10ms or better, just avoid things with video scaling hardware, anything that does a lot of signal processing, and VA based panels, maybe try Acer, Asus, or Hannspree, afaik their lines are entirely comprised of fast TN panels (and that'd be your best bet for a quick responding LCD)

might also consider a PDP if you've got the cash/space for it
Hmm, those two monitors, what where they?

They can't both have had 16ms of input-lag on average (if it was different models which I presume), where did you find the information on their input-lag?
I actually suspect you have mixed up specified response time and input-lag.. :p






It's a gateway FHD2400.

Would be a fantastic monitor if it weren't for the god awful backlight bleeding. It's really distracting in a dark room, but if your computer's going to be in a bright room you might not notice it. For some reason it just looks better in a bright room. The screen's coating makes glare less distracting than it would be on a matte screen, and the colors seem to pop more in the presence of ambient light.

It's the only monitor i've used that's acceptable for gaming, other than my old vx922 which has that shitty ass 1280x1024 resolution.
this gateway is the picture even half decent besides the awful back light bleeding? and honestly i never even gave input lag a consideration before. When your talking about milliseconds it doesnt seem very important but like i said after using that crt just for a couple minutes showed me that it can be. The monitors that i had were a planar px2611 which was defective and currently a lol nec2490wuxi which is a beautiful picture and is perfect as far as screen uniformity and backlight bleed but input lag is even worse then the planar or my trashy dell tn. i guess i learned the hard way
I have one computer separate for fast paced FPS games and I use a CRT.

For most other things I use my computer w/ LCDs or laptops.

There are actually 120hz lcd monitors now. Not the exact same experience as CRTs because even with 120hz refresh, you've got the limitations of liquid crystal technology, but it's as close as we're going to get at this point.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824116402&Tpk=120hz monitor
pic makes me wish I'd grabbed an FHD2400 when I got my monitor, looks gorgeous

@ the OP:
a TN will have faster response time than a VA or IPS, I think you're complaining about something perceived over something actual, honest
Input lag and pixel response are different things... While pixel response is fix (depending on panel),

input lag on LCD usually have a varied range (for example, 0 to 20 ms or more, an average is quoted after certain number of frame captures) and depends on the electronics chips/processing on the monitor...
Even the fastest LCD will show motion blur when your eyes follow a moving object. Half as much on 120Hz panels (assuming the input being sent to it is also updating at 120 Hz), but still there.

Why are there so few LCDs with black frame insertion, and why are there none with real stroboscopic lighting (like an electronic flash)? That might really give a CRT a run for its money.