Eyefinity and poor vision question.


Jul 30, 2006
Can anyone running eyefinity tell me if it would be worth using 3 monitors in either configuration for eyefinity with the use of one eye? I just bought a large TV to use for my main display, while planning on getting a 5XXX series card, and then saw a deal in which I could buy two more 24" monitors to do eyefinity. Before cancelling my order, I realized that having no sight in my right eye might make 3 monitors pointless.

Can anyone try it out or estimate whether it would be completely useless without being able to see to my right?
Unless you are sitting at a fair distance back from the monitors.....don't purchase them.
I dont have Eyefinity but I closed one eye and looking around I can see a fair amount of the opposite display when sat about 70cm from the centre screen, using "landscape" mode.
You can test the theory by putting 2 or 3 displays together (position the 2 as centre screen and the opposite screen to your good eye).
With Eyefinity you dont need to see small specifics, its more peripheral or looking for the placement of a larger object, so dont worry if you find it hard to read on the peripheral screens for extended periods.
Portrait mode will allow you to sit much closer.
It would be worth it if you ran the monitors in portrait mode i would think.
Portrait mode might as well be a large TV for me. I don't have terrible vision in my working eye, but its not worth the extra resolution to have the bezels and roughly the same aspect ratio. Sitting 70cm away wouldn't work too well either for my good eye.

I guess I am going to stick with the TV purchase and keep my maximum resolution @ 1080p for the next few years. I guess I'll save on buying multiple video cards for right now too!:p
I am blind in my right eye and have been since birth, and because of this (in spite of having glasses) I have developed very good peripheral vision. I have also because of this developed a tilted head viewing angle, which is to say; close you right eye, turn you head and tilt a little to the right. This gives you a wider field of view and better peripheral range, though it may make you look a bit funny. :p

I am not yet fully decided, but I am very interested in Eyefinity. I am actually considering adding two 30" 2560x1600's to my current HP 30". It also helps that I have a deep corner desk that allows me to sit back from the screen, which would help with my fov to 3 screens. But yeah, it is a lot of cake and the returns may be dubious, especially for me... but hey, its way better than 3D!!! (one eye = 3D fail, sorry James, this is not the future of cinema /ot /rant)